Outdoor Gear

News, reviews and articles about outdoor gear and accessories.

LitheLi 40V Cordless Brushless Snow Blower review

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REVIEW – Here we go again with another Litheli product test and review. This time around, I am checking out the LitheLi 40V Cordless Brushless Snowblower. Last winter I shoveled through at least 3 sizeable snowstorms, and I vowed that I would not do the same this year. In early October of this year, Litheli […]

LitheLi 40V Cordless Brushless Snow Blower review Read More

Denqir Mini Chainsaw review – a chainsaw so small it could be part of your EDC!


REVIEW – The Denqir Mini Chainsaw is made for limb pruning and small tree cutting when loppers aren’t powerful enough for the task. But it can cut wood up to about 3”-5” diameter, depending on which blade is attached. With two rechargeable batteries included in the kit you could cut a lot of wood before

Denqir Mini Chainsaw review – a chainsaw so small it could be part of your EDC! Read More

BIBURY Multi-tool Axe review – I bet your multi-tool can’t chop and hammer like this one!

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REVIEW – Thus far I have been very successful at remodeling my basement and one specific reason is that I am a guy who believes in having just about every relevant tool and a few that may not be relevant but can be invaluable when trying to do something slightly “irregular” or outside of the

BIBURY Multi-tool Axe review – I bet your multi-tool can’t chop and hammer like this one! Read More

This multi-tool will let you chop, slash, saw, and hammer

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NEWS – The Omniblade from Teryx is a 4-in-1 multi-tool for your outdoor adventures. It is made of hardened steel and has a paracord-wrapped handle on both ends. Grip it one way and you can use it as a saw or machete to slash your way through the underbrush on your next jungle expedition. Then

This multi-tool will let you chop, slash, saw, and hammer Read More

Adventure Mate 5-in-1 multi-tool review – Axe is sharp enough to shave with it!

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REVIEW – One thing I’m fond of is multi-tools. If I have a tool in my vehicle, backpack, or camping box, I always prefer that it have more than one function if possible. The Adventure Mate 5-in-1 multi-tool is just such a multi-purpose tool, but let’s see how it performs. What is it? The Adventure

Adventure Mate 5-in-1 multi-tool review – Axe is sharp enough to shave with it! Read More

This folding saw from Gerber is perfect tool for your next camping trip!

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NEWS – When backpack space is at a premium, the Gerber Freescape folding camp saw collapses flat without the need to remove parts. It features a 12 inch blade that is easily replaceable with any 12 inch blade on the market. That’s right, Gerber won’t make you buy some weird proprietary blade. Thanks Gerber. The

This folding saw from Gerber is perfect tool for your next camping trip! Read More

Venusop outdoor LED solar string lights review

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REVIEW – We’ve lived in our current home for over 20yrs and in that time, we’ve never put up Christmas lights. Why? Probably the main reason is that I don’t have outdoor power receptacles and have not wanted to run extension cords into the garage. Is there a solution? You bet there is. It’s Venusop

Venusop outdoor LED solar string lights review Read More

Ryobi 40 Volt Cordless Jet Fan Leaf Blower review – Your yard debris can be Gone With The Wind 


REVIEW: The Ryobi RY40407VNM 40 Volt Cordless Jet Fan Leaf Blower is a ‘uni-tasker’. It simply blows stuff from where it is, to where you want it to be. This is the first Ryobi tool I’ve handled and it has me thinking about other 40 volt Ryobi tools since they all use the same battery.

Ryobi 40 Volt Cordless Jet Fan Leaf Blower review – Your yard debris can be Gone With The Wind  Read More

The clever Amazing Rake Ergonomic 3-in-1 Garden Rake makes raking leaves easier!

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NEWS – Oh my gosh, I hate raking leaves, so much so, I don’t get to it most years. When I saw the Amazing Rake Ergonomic 3-in-1 Garden Rake, I thought, “Now there’s someone who hates it just as much as I do, but found a clever way to make it much less painful. Yay!”

The clever Amazing Rake Ergonomic 3-in-1 Garden Rake makes raking leaves easier! Read More

This is the craziest slingshot you’ve ever seen!

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NEWS – The Handbaige slingshot is unlike any slingshot I’ve ever seen. Instead of a Y-shaped handle with a rubber band that just shoots rocks, the Handbaige slingshot shoots rocks, arrows, and can even be used for fishing! That’s right, this slingshot has a built-in fishing reel. It also has a flashlight and a laser

This is the craziest slingshot you’ve ever seen! Read More

This lantern never needs to be charged and can heat your coffee!


NEWS – The UCO Candlelier is a lantern that doesn’t have LED or batteries. It’s old school and uses candles for both light and to heat small containers of liquid like a mini stove. It is made in the USA, features aluminum construction, with a carry handle, and is available in red, yellow, green, and

This lantern never needs to be charged and can heat your coffee! Read More

Winter is coming, so make it fun with these snow molds!

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NEWS – This past weekend, we had our first snowfall. Granted it only stuck around for about an hour before it melted, but it’s definitely starting to feel like winter here even though it won’t officially be winter for another month. When I was a kid, we would go out and make snowmen and snow angels.

Winter is coming, so make it fun with these snow molds! Read More

The Adventure Mate 5-in-1 multi-tool is back to make your outdoor adventures epic

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NEWS – In 2017 I first reported about the Adventure Mate 5-in-1 camping multi-tool and now it’s 2021 and they are back with an updated version. Made in the USA, version 2 of the Adventure Mate is an obvious step up from a swiss-army knife or Leatherman tool when it comes to multi-tools for outdoor

The Adventure Mate 5-in-1 multi-tool is back to make your outdoor adventures epic Read More

Here’s a multi-tool that you can use to build a shelter and the furniture for it!

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NEWS – Have you ever seen a tool like this one? Me neither which is why I thought it was interesting when I stumbled upon it during one of my recent multi-tool hunting surf sessions. This tool from Weyland is called a scotch eye auger drill. With this carbon steel tool, you can quickly drill

Here’s a multi-tool that you can use to build a shelter and the furniture for it! Read More