Outdoor Gear

News, reviews and articles about outdoor gear and accessories.

Rumpl blanket: light, packable, rugged and puffy!

rumpl blanket

What do you get when you cross a sleeping bag, a “puffy” style coat and a blanket? My best guess would be a Rumpl. Billed as “high performance blankets,” Rumpl uses technical materials designed for the outdoor industry to produce blankets for indoor OR outdoor use, making them great for snuggling up by a campfire or […]

Rumpl blanket: light, packable, rugged and puffy! Read More

WildKamera Wild-Vision Full HD 5.0 trail camera review

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If you want to capture images and video of wildlife, you need a camera that has been designed with weather resistance, motion detection and night vision. Trail cameras are designed specifically for this task. The WildKamera Wild-Vision Full HD 5.0 trail camera is my second trail camera review. Let’s see what critters it was able

WildKamera Wild-Vision Full HD 5.0 trail camera review Read More

This cap will let you keep a cool head even in the summer heat


Hot head? The Evaporative Cooling Cap will keep your noggin 20 degrees cooler than the surrounding air. How does it do that? The cap’s liner and brim are made of a special material that allows moisture to evaporate for hours after just a two minute “charging” in cold water. This cap looks like the perfect

This cap will let you keep a cool head even in the summer heat Read More

Steam clean (I mean murder) the weeds in your lawn with Dynasteam


If you have a yard, then you also have weeds in that yard. I think my yard has more weeds than grass. I live in the woods, so it’s inevitable because I don’t want to treat my lawn with weed killing chemicals because I have an indoor/outdoor cat and I feel like the less toxic

Steam clean (I mean murder) the weeds in your lawn with Dynasteam Read More

Columbia Sportswear turns clothing tags into survival tools

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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_imQEMMhw-o You know those tags on your new clothes that you immediately rip off and throw in the garbage as soon as you get home? You won’t want to do that when you buy gear from Columbia Sportswear. The outdoor gear manufacturer is turning the paper tags that traditionally include washing and garment care instructions

Columbia Sportswear turns clothing tags into survival tools Read More

EGO cuts the cord but not the power with new outdoor products

EGO Power 16

It’s always interesting when a new brand of lawn equipment comes out of nowhere and captures the imagination—and wallets—of consumers. Introduced in 2014, EGO has spent the last ten years researching and developing the Power+ platform, resulting in a line of cordless outdoor yard equipment with the power and performance of gas without the noise,

EGO cuts the cord but not the power with new outdoor products Read More

Squiddies Flip Reel is minimalist fishing without a bulky rod

squiddies flipreel

Fishing gear can be bulky and expensive. It’s not something that you can easy carry with you where ever you go, so spur of the moment fishing trips require advanced planning. The Squiddies Flip Reel is a hand line fishing reel that is portable and compact enough to fit in your backpack or glove box

Squiddies Flip Reel is minimalist fishing without a bulky rod Read More

Julie’s gadget diary – Geocaching adventures or lack thereof


If you’ve never heard of geocaching, it’s a high-tech game of hide and seek that is played with a smartphone or handheld GPS unit. It gets you outdoors in the fresh air and helps build your observation, puzzle solving and navigation skills to find caches. Caches are small containers that have been strategically hidden all

Julie’s gadget diary – Geocaching adventures or lack thereof Read More

This bandana will help you find the big dipper

colter star

Colter Co. loves their bandanas. We’ve told you about their fly fishing knots and survival knots bandanas and now this year they are back with two more 100% cotton 22″ x 22″ square handkerchiefs that have been made and printed in the USA. The Stargazer bandana is black and features glow a dark print of

This bandana will help you find the big dipper Read More

This metal detector folds up after you’re done searching for treasure


Every year when Jeanne and I go to Florida for vacation, we talk about taking along one of our metal detectors to hunt the beaches for “treasure”. So far we’ve never actually taken one with us because we’d have to dismantle it to put in our luggage. That wouldn’t be a huge hardship, but we’ve

This metal detector folds up after you’re done searching for treasure Read More

HoverSeat turns your 2-wheeled hoverboard into a 4-wheeled vehicle


Hoverboards are two-wheeled self-balancing electric scooters that you stand on to ride around like a minimalist version of the Segway. Two wheels are cool, but what if you would rather sit down but still get from point A to point B? Check out the HoverSeat from BoatsToGo. It’s an aluminum frame with two additional wheels

HoverSeat turns your 2-wheeled hoverboard into a 4-wheeled vehicle Read More

You’ll be prepared for the next rain storm with this scarf that has a built in hood


April showers bring May flowers and wet hair. Unless you’re sporting a buzz cut, you probably don’t like getting caught in the rain without an umbrella. The RainScarf is an alternative to bulky umbrellas and raincoats. This light weight 75″ long scarf is reversible with a soft polyester blend side for cool clear days and

You’ll be prepared for the next rain storm with this scarf that has a built in hood Read More

Spartan Harsey Folder 4.25″ S35VN Steel knife review

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I have had many pocket knives over the years, from the first one I received as a cub scout to various sized and shaped ones I have strategically place throughout my world today. I have them stashed in my cars, desks, tool bag, EDC gear, etc. They are a very useful tool to have around without

Spartan Harsey Folder 4.25″ S35VN Steel knife review Read More

DRYSUREs dry out your footwear faster than normal air drying


You’ve put in a full day of snowboarding or an extra long running session, and your footwear is quite damp. Instead of waiting perhaps days for the insides of your boots or shoes to dry, slip in a pair of DRYSUREs and your footwear will be dry by the next morning. Patent-pending DRYSUREs consist of an

DRYSUREs dry out your footwear faster than normal air drying Read More