
Bring Harry Potter to your tabletop gaming nights!

harry potter ultimate trivial pursuit

NEWS – A new version of Trivial Pursuit based on the Harry Potter movies would be the perfect gift for any devoted Harry Potter fan.  The game has the traditional board, modified for the Potter world.  It comes complete with four custom House Mascot movers, 24 wedges, 300 cards with 1800 questions, and instructions.  It’s […]

Bring Harry Potter to your tabletop gaming nights! Read More

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Nintendo Switch Pro Controller and Special Edition Bundle Revealed

smash bros controller bundle

NEWS – Nintendo has unveiled a special edition pro controller and game for this year’s very hyped  Super Smash Bros Ultimate for the Nintendo Switch. This pro controller is painted black and white with the Smash Bros logo, which varies from the existing plain black Nintendo Switch pro controller. The special edition game also looks like

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Nintendo Switch Pro Controller and Special Edition Bundle Revealed Read More

CAMADE keeps your gaming mouse on a leash and that’s a good thing


NEWS – While a lot of us have moved away from using wired mice, gamers still prefer them for the speed advantages over their wireless counterparts. But one disadvantage to using a wired mouse is that pesky tail otherwise known as the cable. When you’re gaming, you don’t want to snag the cable on something

CAMADE keeps your gaming mouse on a leash and that’s a good thing Read More

Play a game of golf, baseball, or basketball on the back of your office door

dartboard games 2

In the mood for a game, but there’s no time for a trip to the links or the gym?  With these dartboards, you can play a game of baseball, basketball, or golf in your own office or game room.  Each of these games is hand-made by Jay Stoltz in his workshop in Roanoke, VA.  He uses cork,

Play a game of golf, baseball, or basketball on the back of your office door Read More

Celebrating the life and humor of Stephen Hawking – see the Quantum Chess showdown with Paul Rudd

quantum chess

Stephen Hawking, a renowned theoretical physicist, and well-known author passed away on March 14, 2018. He may have been one of the more famous and brilliant scientists of our time, but isn’t it wonderful to know that he had a fabulous sense of humor? It makes him a bit more human to the rest of us. I

Celebrating the life and humor of Stephen Hawking – see the Quantum Chess showdown with Paul Rudd Read More

The Oregon Trail Handheld Game brings you dysentery on-the-go

oregon trail handheld game

It’s an 80’s classroom nostalgia trip in a pocket-sized package! In this handheld version of the classic Oregon Trail, hunt for food, trade with settlers and ford dangerous rivers as you attempt the 19th-century trek from Missouri to Oregon’s lush Willamette Valley. This game was a treat to play in elementary school, though I think

The Oregon Trail Handheld Game brings you dysentery on-the-go Read More

Who cares about the SNES Classic mini, there’s going to be a C64 mini!


My second real computer (the first was a TI 99/4A) was a Commodore 64 and it was what started my obsession with BBSes and computers in general. I spent many hours typing in programs from magazines like Run and playing games like Pharaoh’s Curse, B.C.’s Quest for Tires, and others. I’m pretty excited to hear

Who cares about the SNES Classic mini, there’s going to be a C64 mini! Read More