Health and fitness

News, reviews and articles about health, fitness and sports products and accessories.

The Terra-Core Home Gym review – a versatile addition to your home gym!

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REVIEW – You may have seen this one on “Shark Tank” back in 2019. Designed to be an all-in-one gym tool the Terra-Core offers all kinds of possibilities in a tank-like build. Lots to cover here, with lots of pictures. To the review! What is it? It’s a multipurpose balance trainer that can be used […]

The Terra-Core Home Gym review – a versatile addition to your home gym! Read More

BluReeze M10 Pro Electric Toothbrush review

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REVIEW – I have been using a toothbrush from Cybersonic for many years, and it continues to serve me well. Cybersonic updates the models every few years, so I have not had much to complain about. However, I also have not been able to compare it to its competitors who I know would be striving

BluReeze M10 Pro Electric Toothbrush review Read More

British M Kombucha Shampoo review – Give your hair a teatox

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REVIEW – My hair has always been fine, but ever since my adventure with cancer 10 years ago, it’s been also been thin and it sheds a lot. This is most likely the lasting side effects of chemo and the fact that I was thrown into instant menopause with my first treatment. I’ve tried different

British M Kombucha Shampoo review – Give your hair a teatox Read More

UREVO Folding Treadmill review – too many problems

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REVIEW – Lately I’ve been making an effort to be a little healthier while around the home.  The first step was to add a sit-stand desk to my home office setup, which allows me to stand and stretch during meetings at work.  The second step is to add a treadmill, which will allow me to

UREVO Folding Treadmill review – too many problems Read More

YHE BP Doctor Pro Smartwatch review – it’s a blood pressure cuff on your wrist


REVIEW – According to the CDC, nearly half of adults in the United States (108 million) have hypertension or high blood pressure as of 2018. That’s defined as readings greater than 130/80 or on medication. If untreated this can lead to increased chances of heart disease or stroke and by itself is a primary or

YHE BP Doctor Pro Smartwatch review – it’s a blood pressure cuff on your wrist Read More

DNA Vibe Jazz Band Vibe review – Light therapy device

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REVIEW – Aches and pains, we all have them or will have them at some point in our lives. Whether these pains come as a result of epic workouts or from arthritis and other chronic medical conditions, finding a way to alleviate inflammation and pain without drugs can be a struggle. That’s where the DNA

DNA Vibe Jazz Band Vibe review – Light therapy device Read More

Flexispot Sit2Go 2-in-1 fitness chair review – Workout while working from home

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REVIEW – When I’m back at work I clock a couple of miles of walking a day, so although I spend a fair amount of time sitting, I didn’t worry about the whole “sitting is the new smoking” thing.  However, thanks to unlimited access to streaming services and remote working, I’m far more sedentary than

Flexispot Sit2Go 2-in-1 fitness chair review – Workout while working from home Read More

AutoBrush Pro review – This gadget brushes your teeth for you

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REVIEW – Your oral health is extremely important. Brushing and flossing your teeth is a habit that you should do at least twice a day. But it can be a habit that is easily skipped. What if there was a gadget that could brush your teeth for you? That’s what the AutoBrush Pro claims to

AutoBrush Pro review – This gadget brushes your teeth for you Read More

Oclean X Pro Elite smart electric toothbrush review

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REVIEW – The newly released Oclean X Pro Elite app-connected electric toothbrush is super quiet, has induction charging, a higher frequency motor, and has other enhancements compared to the Oclean X model that I reviewed in December 2019. Is it worth upgrading?  I have one to review. Read on to see what I think! What

Oclean X Pro Elite smart electric toothbrush review Read More

Olive Pro earbuds review – earbuds and hearing aids in one device

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REVIEW – If you’re a regular reader of The Gadgeteer and my reviews, you’ll know that I have been on a quest to find the perfect earbud.  I’ve tested several, but so far, none have had that ‘wow’ factor that ended my search.  The latest contestant is the Olive Pro from Olive Union.  These aren’t

Olive Pro earbuds review – earbuds and hearing aids in one device Read More

Solu N.O.W. Tone Therapy System review – Meditation made simple!

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REVIEW – I have never considered myself a person who is easily stressed out, but I know that I can have some anxiety in certain situations. I also know that I hold a lot of tension in my shoulders and neck. For these reasons, I thought that learning to meditate could help me. I’ve tried

Solu N.O.W. Tone Therapy System review – Meditation made simple! Read More

Function101 Heartsync for Apple Watch Review

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REVIEW – My indoor rower has a heart rate function, and I’ve been on the hunt for the “just right” bodyworn heart rate transmitter. I’ve tried chest straps and arm straps. But what if I could use something I was wearing already: my Apple Watch? This is where the Function101 Heartsync comes in. What is

Function101 Heartsync for Apple Watch Review Read More

Torras Coolify wearable air conditioner – when your regular AC isn’t enough

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REVIEW – There comes a time in a woman’s life when she thinks she might spontaneously combust for a period of 3-5 minutes, several times a day.  I can attest that it isn’t pleasant, and I really wish it involved burning a lot of calories, although I don’t think it does.  There is no apparent

Torras Coolify wearable air conditioner – when your regular AC isn’t enough Read More

solu enhances your meditation sessions with sound

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NEWS – The N.O.W. Mindfulness Tone Therapy System from solu is a pair of small USB rechargeable speakers that emit peaceful tones that will help calm your mind. These special tones are called New Origin Waveforms, or N.O.W. for short. The cool thing is that the tones don’t repeat over and over again so that

solu enhances your meditation sessions with sound Read More

i-Sens KetoSens blood ketone monitoring system review

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REVIEW – I’m a fan of the keto diet as it pertains to helping me keep my blood glucose levels in the non-diabetic range. I’m pre-diabetic continue to explore low carb meal replacement foods, blood glucose monitoring systems, and now blood ketone meters like the i-Sens KetoSens blood ketone monitoring system. Let’s take a closer

i-Sens KetoSens blood ketone monitoring system review Read More