IK Multimedia iRig BlueTurn page turner review

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Turning pages and scrolling through documents on your computer or tablet isn’t easy when your hands are otherwise occupied. For example, a guitarist who reads sheet music can’t easily turn the page without stopping their playing. A way around this problem is to use a hands-free Bluetooth page turning device like the IK Multimedia iRig

IK Multimedia iRig BlueTurn page turner review Read More

Blockhead lets your MacBook or iPad power adapter hug the wall


Ten One Design, who are known for iPad accessories like their active styluses, have just announced an adapter for Apple MacBook and iPad chargers that allow the charger to lay flat against the wall. If you have ever used one of Apple’s wall chargers, you know that the power adapter sticks out from the outlet

Blockhead lets your MacBook or iPad power adapter hug the wall Read More

In the future, those with sleep apnea will be able to breathe easier at night with the Airing micro-CPAP device

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There are many people out there that struggle with sleep apnea. For those of you who are not familiar with it, “Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) is typically caused by a blockage of the airway when the soft tissue in the rear of the throat collapses during sleep” thus causing the person to temporarily stop breathing.

In the future, those with sleep apnea will be able to breathe easier at night with the Airing micro-CPAP device Read More

SOJITEK Universal Detachable Magnetic Charging Cable and USB Type-C adapter review

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I’ve been enjoying my Nexus 6P for a few months now, but I still miss the convenience of wireless charging. During the day it’s no big deal to plug in a cable, but at night I just set the phone next to me on the night stand so that I can easy pick it up

SOJITEK Universal Detachable Magnetic Charging Cable and USB Type-C adapter review Read More

Monitor your indoor air quality using Foobot


Have you ever heard that your indoor air is more polluted than your outdoor air, and then wondered just how polluted is it? Foobot is an indoor air quality monitoring device that will monitor the following airborne particles and gas counts of your indoor air: Fine airborne particles count (0.03 pm to 2.5 pm) Total

Monitor your indoor air quality using Foobot Read More

Viatek Night Stars, Chamberlain MyQ, WaterField Designs Spike wallet and more – Review update


Reading a new review is great for hearing initial impressions for a product, but finding out if that “new gadget smell” lasts several months, or years later helps you find out if it’s really worth investing in it. Today we check in with six reviews that Bill Kuch posted in the past two years to

Viatek Night Stars, Chamberlain MyQ, WaterField Designs Spike wallet and more – Review update Read More

Whoa, a 3-D printed steel bridge!

mx3d 3D printed steel bridge

3-D printing is certainly stirring the imaginations of people everywhere. A company located in Amsterdam, Holland called MX3D is using multi-axis industrial robot arms to eject molten steel to build a bridge across the Oudezijds Achterburgwal canal in Amsterdam by 2017. Yes, that’s right, a 3-D printed steel bridge. It is also notable that this

Whoa, a 3-D printed steel bridge! Read More

IK Multimedia iRig acoustic guitar microphone review

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I’ve been playing acoustic guitar for more than 40 years. Same guitar, but I’m hopefully a little better for the years of practice. A decade or so ago, I had my guitar retrofitted with an internal pickup, since I was playing regularly into a sound system. Recently, however, I’m more interested in getting that sound

IK Multimedia iRig acoustic guitar microphone review Read More

A charging cable for those on both sides of the phone wars

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“It is the middle ground between light and shadow, between science and superstition, and it lies between the pit of man’s fears and the summit of his knowledge.” It’s the worst part of the Twilight Zone, the part that even Rod Serling feared – it’s the need to carry an Android and iPhone. Maybe one device is

A charging cable for those on both sides of the phone wars Read More

One step back and two steps forward with the Edifier RAVE MP700

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The Gadgeteer has reported and reviewed some of Edifier’s speakers and come away impressed—as much as by their design as their sound. One look at the Luna Eclipse or Spinnaker speakers tells you all you need to know. Now Edifier has taken a step back—and forward—by releasing the retro-inspired RAVE MP700 portable Bluetooth speaker. This

One step back and two steps forward with the Edifier RAVE MP700 Read More

Case Logic LoDo Satchel, Trail cam, Fluance Fi70 speaker and more – Weekly roundup


Hello Gadgeteers! I hope everyone is having a nice weekend so far. To celebrate another seven days of gadget goodness, I have created a listing of everything that we’ve posted this week on The Gadgeteer. Click through to browse through the list to make sure that you haven’t missed anything this week.  SHARE ON TwitterFacebookPin

Case Logic LoDo Satchel, Trail cam, Fluance Fi70 speaker and more – Weekly roundup Read More