
Posts about a variety of topics which are not news and are not reviews.

Saddleback Leather bag giveaway!


Gadgeteers, today is your lucky day to enter our contest to win your choice of one of three gorgeous leather bags from Saddleback Leather Company. We’ve been featuring bags from Saddleback for almost 7 years because their quality and workmanship is unsurpassed. They don’t offer a 100 year guarantee against defects in materials and workmanship

Saddleback Leather bag giveaway! Read More

Julie’s gadget diary – Is Gmail sucking the life out of your Android smartphone?

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This is a quick tip for all my fellow Android users. Have you noticed that your Android smartphone is always warm to the touch or that your battery life has taken a nose dive? When I was using the Samsung Galaxy S3 as my primary phone, it would often feel warm even when I had

Julie’s gadget diary – Is Gmail sucking the life out of your Android smartphone? Read More

Julie’s gadget diary – high tech solution for a low tech problem

grandfather clock

A few weeks ago our 25 year old grandfather clock stopped running. We tried restarting it multiple times by swinging the pendulum and it would run for 30 minutes or longer, but would then stop at some point. We had a clock doctor come to the house to clean the clock 7 years ago and

Julie’s gadget diary – high tech solution for a low tech problem Read More

My weekend projects, or finding time to fix the little things

My weekend project 1

Every once in a while I will get the time or motivation to work on some nagging project that I have been wanting to do for a while. Most of these projects are minor or really inconsequential, but they still bug me. So this weekend’s project was to fix my separating Apple iPad 2 cable

My weekend projects, or finding time to fix the little things Read More

Will 3D printing turn the average Joe into a digital luthier?

printed guitar

For years I dreamed about building my own guitar, which more recently turned into a dream to build my own ukulele. I even dabbled in the craft by putting together a mini electric guitar from a kit that I purchased from Stewart McDonald. Unfortunately it turned out to be a wall hanger and not a playable instrument.

Will 3D printing turn the average Joe into a digital luthier? Read More

Putting you in the driver’s seat: the NAIAS Ford Blogger Experience

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Last week I was lucky enough to attend the North American International Auto Show (NAIAS) as part of the NAIAS Blogger Experience with Ford. Now, you may wonder what an auto show has to do with The Gadgeteer, but if you look at how much our electronics have been integrated into our vehicles, it doesn’t

Putting you in the driver’s seat: the NAIAS Ford Blogger Experience Read More

AMC movie theater calls “federal agents” to arrest a Google Glass user

google glass

A long time Gadgeteer reader contacted me today through Google Hangouts to tell me that he had a story that he thought I’d be interested in reading. He then forwarded me a long email with a story from a very good friend of his. It was such a surprising story that I asked if I

AMC movie theater calls “federal agents” to arrest a Google Glass user Read More

The Year in Review – Favorite gadgets of The Gadgeteer team for 2013 part 5

2013 favegear

It’s now my turn to share my favorite gadgets of 2013. Looking back on all my reviews from this year, I thought it would be tough to choose just a few favorites, but when it comes right down to it, there are only a handful of products that I’m still using regularly since the reviews

The Year in Review – Favorite gadgets of The Gadgeteer team for 2013 part 5 Read More