
Posts about a variety of topics which are not news and are not reviews.

Julie’s gadget diary – I’ve been cheating on my MacBook with a Dell XPS 13 (part 2)

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Several weeks ago I posted the first part of this article where I talked about how I would be using a Dell XPS 13 laptop instead of my 13″ MacBook Pro with retina display and 13″ MacBook Air for a week. To remind folks, I only use Macs at home. There are no Windows PCs to be […]

Julie’s gadget diary – I’ve been cheating on my MacBook with a Dell XPS 13 (part 2) Read More

Use your smartphone to control Cree connected LED Bulbs #sponsored

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We live in a world where almost everything is connected and I love it. Whether it’s my Dropcam cameras, my Withings WiFi Body Scale,  or even being able to check the temperature of the chicken I have baking in the oven with iDevices thermometer, connected devices are convenient and fun to use. Today I want to

Use your smartphone to control Cree connected LED Bulbs #sponsored Read More

Julie’s gadget diary – I’ve been cheating on my MacBook with a Dell XPS 13 (part 1)


I’ve been a Mac fan for many years now, to the point where we’re an all Apple household with three MacBooks. Jeanne has a 2010 15″ MacBook Pro, while I have a 2014 13″ MacBook Pro with retina display and a 2011 13″ MacBook Air. The MBP has been my main workhorse for Gadgeteer reviews and Photoshop work, and the

Julie’s gadget diary – I’ve been cheating on my MacBook with a Dell XPS 13 (part 1) Read More

Going brighter and saving money with CREE bulbs #sponsored

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Every few months my power company Duke Energy sends me a letter that shows how my home’s energy usage compares to other houses in my area. It’s like getting a report card from the electric company and let’s just say that my grade point average hasn’t been too good for awhile now.  So in an

Going brighter and saving money with CREE bulbs #sponsored Read More

Julie’s gadget diary – January 2015 EDC update

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I can’t believe that it’s been almost 2 years since I posted my EDC setup. Time sure flies when you’re having fun reviewing gadgets! I recently decided that it’s time to downsize the gear that I carry with me everyday because my bag has been gaining weight for awhile now and I’m starting to really notice when I

Julie’s gadget diary – January 2015 EDC update Read More

InnerAge by InsideTracker wants to help you turn back your biological clock


For a lot of people, a new year means resolutions to start getting healthier. To do that you just need to eat better and be more active right? Of course doing those two things are very important, but what about potential issues going on inside your body that you don’t know about which could be effecting your health?

InnerAge by InsideTracker wants to help you turn back your biological clock Read More

The year in review – Favorite gadgets of the Gadgeteer team for 2014


A couple weeks ago I asked all the members of the Gadgeteer team to send me a list of their favorite products from this past year. Their lists didn’t need to be restricted to gadgets that they had personally reviewed in 2014, but could include any products that they have enjoyed using over the course

The year in review – Favorite gadgets of the Gadgeteer team for 2014 Read More

DIY Project: Dropcam Pro outdoor enclosure

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It is not that the Logitech Alert video surveillance system we use has become all that long in the tooth. It still works well enough. The fact is I want/need to expand my coverage and their outdoor cameras are difficult to get ahold of and surprisingly costly when you do. Julie and I have been discussing surveillance

DIY Project: Dropcam Pro outdoor enclosure Read More

Why I traded my Samsung Galaxy S4 for the iPhone 6 Plus: a history

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I have owned portable computing devices worn on the hip since I got my HP 200LX in 1994.  I remember going to Circuit City the day the first Palm Pilot was released to grab one. Afterwards I drove up to Woodstock to meet a friend and hike up Overlook Mountain in the Catskills after a

Why I traded my Samsung Galaxy S4 for the iPhone 6 Plus: a history Read More

Trip Report: 2014 Maker Faire New York

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Every year since 2011, my boyfriend and I enjoy going to Maker Faire in Queens, NY.  Maker Faire is a large family friendly, creative, tech-influenced event that is held in multiple cities around the US and globally.  We love to see the inventions and projects from hobbyists, hackers, and students. This year, I thought I would post a

Trip Report: 2014 Maker Faire New York Read More

Julie’s gadget diary – What features would your dream phone have?

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I received an email from Verizon telling me that the New Moto X smartphone and Moto Maker rolled out today. If you’re not familiar with Moto Maker, it’s a special customization service for the Moto X Android smartphone. You use it to choose from a thousand combinations for the back, front and trim colors of the

Julie’s gadget diary – What features would your dream phone have? Read More

Julie’s gadget diary – I have a new appreciation for screen protectors

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Unlike some people, I don’t coddle my smartphones. I almost never use a case and the same can be said for screen protection. I’ve been carrying my phone in the cargo pocket of my pants or my bag for years and have been lucky that I have not to have any mishaps involving drops. With Gorilla

Julie’s gadget diary – I have a new appreciation for screen protectors Read More

Reactions to Apple’s iPhone 6 and Watch announcements

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You really have to give Apple a lot of credit when it comes to putting on a new product announcement event. They are definitely the masters of hype and showmanship. Even though I say I don’t care about the iPhone anymore, I still get excited just like the rest of the planet to hear about

Reactions to Apple’s iPhone 6 and Watch announcements Read More

Julie’s gadget diary – How I set up handsfree media control in my MINI Cooper

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I love everything about my 2013 MINI Cooper except the stereo system which is pretty lame by most gadgeteer standards. When I ordered the car, I opted not to go full tech and buy the premium connected package because it was an expensive upgrade and the sales person at the dealership talked me out of it

Julie’s gadget diary – How I set up handsfree media control in my MINI Cooper Read More