Andy Jacobs

Catholic, husband, father, engineer. Purdue Boilermaker. Dad of pugs. Collector of Star Wars. Practicioner of fitness. Drinker of beers.

Lightsaber USB Lamp keeps the Dark Side at bay


Is your desk area strong with the Dark Side?  Ward it off with this USB lightsaber lamp.  Sitting patiently in its USB-powered charging base, it emits a soft blue glow.  Remove it at a moment’s notice for dueling agents of office evil.  Over 13 inches long including blade and hilt.  $25.99 from ThinkGeek, but a […]

Lightsaber USB Lamp keeps the Dark Side at bay Read More

College logo gear to fuel your March Madness

tribecaspirit iphonecase

Spring brought you a bit of the March Madness?  A fanatic of your favorite institution of higher learning?  Check out iPhone cases, laptops bags, USB flash drives and more from Tribeca Spirit.  Currently offering 57 NCAA teams, find your favorite and do some representin’ this spring, or any other time you want to show off

College logo gear to fuel your March Madness Read More

A loopy twist on laptop bags

loop messengerbag

Tired of the same old laptop bag styling?  Loop laptop bags may be just what you’re looking for.  Featuring curved shapes and zip-around flaps that allow you greater access to your stuff.  Available in briefcase, messenger, tote, and sleeve styles and the new Transit series, as well as several different color combos.  Prices vary by

A loopy twist on laptop bags Read More

Mighty Wallet May Actually BE Thinnest Ever

dynomighty mighty.wallet

Even before the legendary “Costanza wallet” became the subject of a Seinfeld episode, there are those of us who have been searching for the seemingly unobtainable “thinnest wallet ever.”  The Mighty Wallet from Dynomighty Design might actually be it.  Made from Tyvek (think express mail envelopes) consisting of thousands of plastic fibers, its shape comes

Mighty Wallet May Actually BE Thinnest Ever Read More

New Road-Warrior Gadgetry Holders from Skooba


Show of hands of road warriors among use who carry a lot of gadgetry.  That’s what I thought.  And that’s what Skooba Design thought too, so they’ve released some new gear-hauling goodies.  The Cable Stable DLX is like a mini-suitcase that can hold multiple gadgets (even a netbook) and accessories in near-limitless combinations. The SkoobaWrap

New Road-Warrior Gadgetry Holders from Skooba Read More

bioserie iPhone Cases Made From…Plants!


Looking for some iPhone protection, but want to keep it green?  Your search has ended.  The bioserie case for iPhone 3G/3GS  is made from plants.  Well…sort of.  For you science-types, 90%+ is made up of biodegradable, enviro-friendly, Ingeo™ biopolymer, derived from plants and renewable resources, not petrochemicals like virtually every other gadget you own.  Available

bioserie iPhone Cases Made From…Plants! Read More

Size yur Ear! iPhone App for YurBuds


Yurtopia, makers of Yurbuds—soft, rubber-tip earbud enhancers that slip over existing earbud-style headphones—has recently released the Size yur Ear! app for iPhone.  It allows users to snap iPhone photos of their ears, submit the photos and order a set of earbud covers that are custom-sized for their ears using patent-pending yurScan™ technology.  The earbud enhancers

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Read Large PDFs And More Using GoodReader App

gr icon 96

Although there seem to be many document reader-type apps available, Good.iWare‘s recently-released v2.6 of its GoodReader iPhone/iPod/iPad app may have a few new tricks up its electronic sleeve.  PDF Reflow gives true full-screen reading of large PDFs (1Gb+), plus search, hyperlink and zoom capabilities.  Also supports MS Office, iWork, hi-res images, audio and video and

Read Large PDFs And More Using GoodReader App Read More

YUBZ MAGNUM Bluetooth Speaker Review

yubz magnum01

A plethora of portable sound projection devices are available in a multitude of shapes and sizes.  Several have piqued my interest, but the Yubz MAGNUM is somewhat unique, mostly for its factor.  Because it looks like, well…a log.  Yep, just like the classic Ren & Stimpy commercial.  So how does this particular portable speaker system

YUBZ MAGNUM Bluetooth Speaker Review Read More

Lose the fork, Luke!

thinkgeek chopsabers

Fan of Star Wars and sushi?  This elegant utensil for a more civilized age may help add some fanboy/fangirl fun to your next galactic feast.  Two-pack Star Wars Chop Sabers…er…Sticks are plastic and feature highly-detailed, movie-accurate lightsaber hilts in three different blade colors–Jedi Luke Skywalker blue or Yoda green (Yoda’s is slightly shorter length) or

Lose the fork, Luke! Read More

Manta Ray helps reduce neck pain during squats

advancedfitness mantaraysquat

This may only be of interest to a small subset of you gadgetites out there, but I found it interesting nonetheless.  The Manta Ray from Advanced Fitness, Inc. is a patented device that can help alleviate neck pain when performing a squat exercise.  Made of molded polyurethane, it features a notch that grips the squat

Manta Ray helps reduce neck pain during squats Read More