Personal Care

Keep your hands warm with this backup battery

rechargeable hand warmer

If your hands are always cold as ice, you need one of these rechargeable hand warmers.  (My daughter needs one; her hands are always as cold as ice.)  Its lithium-ion battery charges from USB power, and then it can provide you with up to 6 hours of heat (up to a maximum of 130oF) to […]

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The TANDA zap promises to zap your acne away in just one day

tanda zap 2

Eight years ago, The Gadgeteer reviewed the Zeno Acne Treatment device, and that review is still being read today.  Acne is a horrible thing that sits right there on your face, for everyone to see.  It can sap your confidence in your appearance, it can physically hurt, and it can leave scars.  People try all kinds

The TANDA zap promises to zap your acne away in just one day Read More

Beat the Winter Blahs with SEQINETIC Glasses

SEQINETIC light glasses

If you suffer from the winter blues or just the winter blahs, you may be interested in this Kickstarter project from SEQINETIC.  These new “sun” glasses were developed in Denmark, and they are designed give you a means of increasing your light exposure without having to sit in front of one of those special light

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Use this gadget to find your lost gadgets


I don’t want to say how often I misplace our TV remote.   Smartfinder 4-in-1 can help.  Attach one of four color-coded, adhesive-backed receivers to something, then hold down the correspondingly colored button on the RF transmitter to trigger an audible alarm on that receiver.  Also includes a suction hook to attach the transmitter to

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DailyCare ReadMyHeart 100 Handheld ECG

When it comes to your health, I’m a firm believer that it’s very important to be proactive. It’s a lesson that I learned due to the fact that my mother died at a young age (56) because she didn’t take her diabetes as seriously as she should have. As a kid, I remember numerous occasions finding her during a low sugar episode. During these scary times, I would have to mix sugar with orange juice and coax her to drink it. Not happy memories for sure… As a result, it was not hard for me to make drastic changes in my own life, when I learned almost 3 years ago that I was also a diabetic. I keep a close eye on my glucose levels using a inexpensive glucose monitor so that hopefully I will never require medication to control my disease. Besides health monitors for diabetes, there are home use devices for measuring blood pressure, cholesterol and today I’m going to tell you about The ReadMyHeart 100. This handheld device from DailyCare BioMedical can measure your heart’s electrical activity.

DailyCare ReadMyHeart 100 Handheld ECG Read More

Oral-B Triumph with SmartGuide ProfessionalCare 9910 Electric Toothbrush

I hate going to the dentist. I joke around and say that I’m still dealing with post traumatic stress from when I was a kid. It seemed like every time my sister and I went to the dentist, we had a cavity. The hygienist used to yell at us saying that if we didn’t open our mouthes wider, she’d have to start all over again. Yikes, I get goose bumps just thinking about it. These days you practically have to drag me to go to my annual cleanings. I usually make them biannual just because I don’t want to go. I must be doing something right though because I haven’t had a cavity since I was a teenager and my dentist never yells at me for waiting so long in between visits.

Oral-B Triumph with SmartGuide ProfessionalCare 9910 Electric Toothbrush Read More

Hivox SnoreStopper

Looking for a solution to stop the rattle-your-windows-snorer sleeping next to you? Do you need a Father’s Day gift that also rewards your Mom? Then, you might want to take a look at Hivox’ SnoreStopper. This innovative device is worn like a watch. When you start to snore, it produces a 5-second electronic impulse on your wrist, resulting in the snorer to reposition and stop snoring. The distributor claims that within 3 weeks, the SnoreStopper naturally coaches your body to snore less. To test this claim, Hivox graciously sent me a sample to review.

Hivox SnoreStopper Read More


We all know or remember seeing someone at one time or another that has worn a medical alert ID bracelet or necklace. I think I vaguely recall my Dad buying one for my Mom when she was first diagnosed with Diabetes. These days you don’t really see people wearing this method of medical identification. I don’t know if they are
just considered old fashioned or if the companies that make them have stopped promoting them. That’s why I was
intrigued when the folks at CWI Medical asked me if I would review the MedicTag.

MedicTag Read More

Verilux Rise & Shine Deluxe Natural Alarm Clock Bedside Lamp

Now here’s a great idea that gave me one of those “Why didn’t I think of that?” feelings when I first saw it. It’s the Rise & Shine Deluxe Natural Alarm Clock Bedside Lamp from Verilux. This company sells a variety of illumination products. I actually reviewed their HappyLite Mini Ultra earlier this month. The Rise & Shine combines a clock, radio and lamp all in one device.

Verilux Rise & Shine Deluxe Natural Alarm Clock Bedside Lamp Read More

Verilux HappyLite Mini Ultra

Light therapy devices seem to be gaining in popularity these days. Having just reviewed the Litebook Elite, I was happy to take a look at the Verilux HappyLite Ultra Mini – a similar product. Unlike the Litebook, the HappyLite is not really a travel device as it does not have a rechargeable battery. It is better suited to remaining plugged in and on your desk.

Verilux HappyLite Mini Ultra Read More

Litebook Elite

This time of year I always tend to feel a little blah. It’s not surprising due to the fact that the winter months here in Indiana can be cold (it is 13 degrees here today), damp (it’s snowing right now too) and gloomy. I get up and go to work while it’s still dark outside, then come home and sit in my basement office working on reviews all evening. That leaves pretty much no time to soak up any natural light. For some people, these winter doldrums can turn into S.A.D. (Seasonal Affective Disorder). While I don’t think I actually suffer with that particular problem, I didn’t turn down a review of the Litebook Elite when it was offered to me.

Litebook Elite Read More

emWave Personal Stress Reliever

Would you believe me if I told you that a plastic device the size of a deck of cards could improve your life? The folks at HeartMath claim that this is possible with their emWave personal stress reliever unit. The emWave is a hardware version of their emWavePC software product that uses a form of biofeedback to help you learn to breath and think your stress away. I don’t know about all of you, but I’m all for finding a way to alleviate some of my day to day stress.

emWave Personal Stress Reliever Read More

OHSO Marko Travel Toothbrush

This one is for all of you travelers out there. Start rejoicing, because I’m going to tell you about a gadget that will replace that soggy ziploc baggie that no self-respecting gadgeteer should be using. You know what I’m talking about, we all know that Blue and Yellow make Green, but do we really want to use a baggie to hold our toothbrush and toothpaste, when we can use something cool like the OHSO Marco Travel Toothbrush instead? I didn’t think so.

OHSO Marko Travel Toothbrush Read More

pzizz Personal Life Coaching System

Working 2 full time jobs (Cummins and The Gadgeteer) can sometimes take a toll on my sanity. There’s nothing that says stress, like spending an 8hr day supporting CAD users all over the world and then coming home and having to write about the latest gadget or gizmo to show up in my mailbox. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not complaining about playing with and writing about gadgets at all. It’s just a lot of work and like all of us, work can cause a real energy drain at times. That’s why any product that claims to help a person de-stress and recharge, is a product that I want to test.

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ionKids Child Monitor and Locator System

I recently purchased an ionKids Child
Locator System
. The system is meant to enable parents and
guardians to monitor and locate their children with ease, in the
manufacturer’s own words “to keep an ion what’s important”. I’m
extremely satisfied with my purchase and very impressed by how well
the system works.

ionKids Child Monitor and Locator System Read More


Are you one of those types of people that obsesses about your weight? Are you always counting calories and reading the nutritional content on the foods you eat, before you take a bite? I’ll admit that I share some of those traits. I don’t obsess about my weight, but I religiously check labels before buying food. I was diagnosed as being pre-diabetic over a year ago. As a result, I’m very conscience about the carb / sugar content in my food.

BioTrainer Read More

Datexx Pavio Portable Digital Theater

Just as portable digital music players did away with the need to tote a CD player and a stack of disks, portable digital video players aim to do the same with bulky portable DVD players and their accompanying media. Various generations of these portable digital video players have been trickling into the market over the

Datexx Pavio Portable Digital Theater Read More