Outdoor Gear

News, reviews and articles about outdoor gear and accessories.

Litheli 20V 13″ Cordless Lawn Mower with Brushless Motor review

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REVIEW – Over the past few months, I have tested a Chainsaw and Pole Saw manufactured by a company called Litheli. Their products are battery powered and the two that I tested worked great. I have since become a fan and now that it is Spring and the grass is growing again, I get to […]

Litheli 20V 13″ Cordless Lawn Mower with Brushless Motor review Read More

Trayvax Ration is a portable kitchen for outdoor camping and more

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NEWS – We’ve reviewed several Trayvax wallets over the years, but their latest product is quite a bit different in a good way. It’s the Trayvax Ration portable cooking kit which is designed to hold your cooking gear, utensils, and food in a rugged, built-to-last powder-coated steel box. The Ration features a dedicated compartment for

Trayvax Ration is a portable kitchen for outdoor camping and more Read More

RICOMAX metal detector review

REVIEW – RM RICOMAX Professional Metal Detector GC-1037 is very lightweight (2 pounds) and accurate, featuring an assortment of settings and controls. What is it?  A lightweight metal detector that comes with lots of extra goodies including over-the-ear headphones, a folding pickaxe/shovel with carrying case, plus a large case for the entire metal detector so

RICOMAX metal detector review Read More

Bird Buddy is a bird feeder with incredible super powers

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CROWDFUNDING NEWS – When my sister and I were kids, we would keep detailed notes on the birds that we would see from our bedroom windows. As an adult, I still enjoy watching and identify birds and this bird feeder is an awesome and fun tool for bird watchers. What is it? Bird Buddy is

Bird Buddy is a bird feeder with incredible super powers Read More

Greenbelly Meal 2go review – Meals for hikers made by hikers

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REVIEW – If you’re a regular here, you know that I have a thing for meal-replacement bars and drinks. The folks at Greenbelly saw one of my past reviews and emailed me to ask if I wanted to review their Meal 2go bars. Never turn down some free food, I said sure! Let’s check them

Greenbelly Meal 2go review – Meals for hikers made by hikers Read More

Scotts Gro 7 zone sprinkler controller review

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REVIEW – It is forecasted to be hotter and drier than normal through fall across the lower 48. This means that residents should water conservatively. The Scotts Gro 7 is a smart sprinkler controller that can precisely control the watering schedule and use local weather to water intelligently. Read on to see what I think!

Scotts Gro 7 zone sprinkler controller review Read More

Yardian Pro smart sprinkler controller review

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REVIEW – If you’re a regular reader of The Gadgeteer, and have suffered through some of my previous reviews, you’ll already know that I hate mundane tasks, like anything related to home maintenance. Watering the lawn falls into that category, so I was thrilled when I had the opportunity to review the Yardian smart sprinkler

Yardian Pro smart sprinkler controller review Read More

Digging in your garden just got a whole lot easier with the Rotoshovel!

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NEWS – Rotoshovel to the rescue! No more back-breaking arduous digging with a shovel in the backyard to plant your garden. This innovative digging tool was created by Rick Goren and is a cordless electric handheld shovel and auger in one. It uses a rechargeable 12-volt lithium-ion battery that will run for 1.5 hours and

Digging in your garden just got a whole lot easier with the Rotoshovel! Read More

This cooler will keep things cold for up to 10 days without ice!

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NEWS – QOOL Box is no ordinary cooler, my friends. This Germany engineered cooler will keep its contents at a constant temperature for up to 10 days without ice or power! How does it work? It uses special sealed vacuum insulation panels made of a Phase Change Material (PCM) that are installed in the walls,

This cooler will keep things cold for up to 10 days without ice! Read More

This simple tool sucks away the pain and itch of insect bites

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NEWS – No one likes bug bites. They hurt, itch, and are downright annoying. There are a lot of home remedies to relieve the pain and itching of insect bites. My grandmother even had one that involved chopped up onions. It worked, but oh, the smell! The Bug Bite Thing Suction Tool promises to provide

This simple tool sucks away the pain and itch of insect bites Read More