Outdoor Gear

News, reviews and articles about outdoor gear and accessories.

Turn Your Favorite Gear Bag into a Solar Charger

voltaic solar charger

The Gadgeteer has told you about some laptop bags with built-in solar chargers.  Those are great, but what if you already have a bag you love?  The Fuse 4W Solar Charger from Voltaic can add solar charging capability to any bag.  Connect this pouch to your bag, and you’ll add two 2W solar panels and a 3,000mAh […]

Turn Your Favorite Gear Bag into a Solar Charger Read More

Swann Freestyle Wearable HD Video Camera – Heads Up

Swann Freestyle HD 1

While the GoPro Hero  has been the defacto go to wearable camera for extreme sport photographers, Swann has just released an alternative in their Freestyle HD. Specifications  include: Detachable LCD viewer 3 X Digital Zoom Waterproof up to 65′ 1080 HD Video at 30 fps 8 MP still in single-shot or rapid fire Wireless remote

Swann Freestyle Wearable HD Video Camera – Heads Up Read More

SureFire UB3T Invictus LED Flashlight Review

surefire invictus

Over the years, I have reviewed multiple very nice flashlights. The cream of that crop has always been the SureFire flashlights I have had the privilege to review. There is little argument that the folks at SureFire make extremely well made hardware. However, many comments in my SureFire reviews say they are too expensive and

SureFire UB3T Invictus LED Flashlight Review Read More

Bask Blade SaberTooth Ultraportable LED Utility Light

bask blade sabertooth

The SaberTooth Ultraportable LED Utility Light from Bask Blade looks like a small fluorescent light bulb, but it’s a portable LED light with a rechargeable battery inside.  It has a durable, shatterproof casing, and it’s weather resistant.  At 8.3″ X 1.2″ and weighing 4.8 ounces, it’s small enough to fit in a backpack, bag, or

Bask Blade SaberTooth Ultraportable LED Utility Light Read More

Skip the Gas with the OREGON PowerNow Battery Powered Chainsaw

oregon chainsaw

I live in the woods of Southern Indiana and often find that I need to trim low hanging limbs on the trees in my yard. I’ve resorted to using a saw before, but most of the time, we’ll wait till we have a lot of limbs to trim and will ask Jeanne’s brother to come

Skip the Gas with the OREGON PowerNow Battery Powered Chainsaw Read More

GORUCK ‘brings it’ with rugged, USA-made packs

goruck gr2

Had it with packs that can’t hold up to real, down-and-dirty use?  Have a look at GORUCK.  The name is a combination of “go” which implies movement and “ruck” (short for rucksack, a military word for backpack) which implies action, energy and purpose.  GORUCK’s products are designed by a former US Special Forces (AKA Green

GORUCK ‘brings it’ with rugged, USA-made packs Read More

Brinno GardenWatchCam Time Lapse Camera Review

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The Brinno GardenWatchCam is a weather resistant, time lapse camera that will help you capture cool video of activities that regular snapshot photography can’t easily do. Imagine capturing a flower blooming, a house being constructed, the autumn leaves changing colors. You can do that with the GardenWatchCam. Let’s take a look.

Brinno GardenWatchCam Time Lapse Camera Review Read More

Switch Vision – The World’s Only Magnetic Interchangeable Lens System

switch vision

No, I’m not referring to interchangeable camera lenses, I’m talking about the lenses in your sunglasses. Switch Vision is a sports performance sunglass company with a patented interchange lens system that uses high-energy magnets embedded in the lens and frame to enable users to quickly swap lenses and easily as light conditions and activities change.

Switch Vision – The World’s Only Magnetic Interchangeable Lens System Read More

You need a hand to use this hands-free flashlight


Last week I had a news post about the OnTip capacitive touch screen gloves and today I have another glove related post for you. The Mechanix Wear Glove Lights won’t help you use your smartphone when you’re outdoors, but they will keep your surroundings illuminated with the built in LED that provides light for 14hrs.

You need a hand to use this hands-free flashlight Read More

Husqvarna Automower – Lock up the dog first

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I love my Roomba  so why not the same for my lawn ? Husqvarna has a range of  three robotic lawn mowers covering from 1800-3000m2 capability. Just like the Roomba, they find their own way home when they’re low on battery to recharge. They have a timer/scheduler, are weatherproof  and include a theft alarm. There’s

Husqvarna Automower – Lock up the dog first Read More

VIVITAR Introduces an Underwater HD Pocket Video Camera


Cellphone cameras may be taking over for compact point and shoot cameras, but you’re not going to take your phone snorkeling for underwater shots and videos. That’s where the $59.99 VIVITAR 690 HD Pocket Video Camera comes in. It offers a waterproof design with a built-in microphone and speaker. Also included is software that allows

VIVITAR Introduces an Underwater HD Pocket Video Camera Read More

Easy to use compass that you’ll never break

magnet compass

This little compass will always show you which way is North. Just remove it from the included waterproof aluminum capsule, set it on a flat surface and it will swivel around to point North/South. A Red dot marks the North end of this powerful rare earth magnet that is pretty much unbreakable. Even better is

Easy to use compass that you’ll never break Read More