Health and fitness

News, reviews and articles about health, fitness and sports products and accessories.

College logo gear to fuel your March Madness

tribecaspirit iphonecase

Spring brought you a bit of the March Madness?  A fanatic of your favorite institution of higher learning?  Check out iPhone cases, laptops bags, USB flash drives and more from Tribeca Spirit.  Currently offering 57 NCAA teams, find your favorite and do some representin’ this spring, or any other time you want to show off […]

College logo gear to fuel your March Madness Read More

“Aunt Flo’s” Next Visit? There’s an App for That

Pink Pad Days Predicter

Wouldn’t It Be Nice? To start with, I’m not a big cell phone fan.  In fact, I have a reproduction of a turn of the century candlestick phone…you  know.. the kind where you hold the earpiece to your ear but speak into a mouthpiece mounted on a slender structure? It works just fine for me. 

“Aunt Flo’s” Next Visit? There’s an App for That Read More

Pong Radiation-Reducing Case for iPhone

pong iphone case

Pong Research is offering a silicone case for iPhone 3G/3GS that they say has  “been verified by industry leading laboratory Cetecom to reduce SAR for the iPhone 3GS in the WCDMA 1900 by over 60%.”  The case includes a gold PCB module that is placed near the iPhone’s antenna to attract energy radiating from the

Pong Radiation-Reducing Case for iPhone Read More

Manta Ray helps reduce neck pain during squats

advancedfitness mantaraysquat

This may only be of interest to a small subset of you gadgetites out there, but I found it interesting nonetheless.  The Manta Ray from Advanced Fitness, Inc. is a patented device that can help alleviate neck pain when performing a squat exercise.  Made of molded polyurethane, it features a notch that grips the squat

Manta Ray helps reduce neck pain during squats Read More

“I’ve Fallen and I Can’t Get Up” Goes GSM and GPS

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Remember the “Help I’ve fallen and I can’t get up!” TV commercials from the 80’s? The advertised product was a personal emergency response system (PERS) for seniors that included a base station and a pendant that interfaced with an analog phone to dial out for help when the pendant’s button was pressed. MobileHelp is a

“I’ve Fallen and I Can’t Get Up” Goes GSM and GPS Read More

Omron Full Body Sensor Scale Review

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There are only 2 full days left before January 1st, 2010 and we all know what that means. It’s new year’s resolution time, the time of year when everyone makes promises to themselves to start working out, eating better and losing weight. For the past 5 years, I haven’t needed to make that resolution because

Omron Full Body Sensor Scale Review Read More

Battle of the bulge – Don’t fear the scale

Do you hate stepping on the scale each morning to check your weight? Anticipating your current poundage level can be a scary thing this time of year, with all the turkey, ham, mashed potatoes, homemade yeast rolls and pumpkin pie. Anyone would be terrified. To help alleviate that fear, we have the Quantum Scale which

Battle of the bulge – Don’t fear the scale Read More

Tanita BC-1000 monitors your booty remotely

The Tanita BC-1000 Radio Wireless Body Composition Monitor measures nine measurements such as body fat%, body water%, visceral fat rating, muscle mass, bone mass and more. It wirelessly transmits this data to your choice of display devices such as a personal computer, the Tanita remote display and select models of Garmin fitness watches.

Tanita BC-1000 monitors your booty remotely Read More

Keep your toothbrush clean ninja style – VIOlight HI-YA Zapi

Violight, the creators of the rockin’ toothbrush sanitizer, Zapi, are back at it again this year and have added a few new kooky personalities to their devices. All of the Violight sanitizers use UV B technology to zap away 99.999% of germs and bacteria—even H1N1! And now, without further ado, enter the ninja…

Keep your toothbrush clean ninja style – VIOlight HI-YA Zapi Read More

Stop slouching with the PostureTek t-shirt or bra


I have crummy posture, so this gadget / clothing product caught my attention when I saw it  in the latest Skymall catalog on my flight back from Fort Myers Florida this past week. The PostureTek Biofeedback Apparel System is available in a shirt or bra design. An adjustable controller is located in a hidden pocket

Stop slouching with the PostureTek t-shirt or bra Read More

WiFi Body Scale transmits your weight to your iPhone

wifi bodyscale

Would you like to know how many pounds last weekend’s binge of McDonald’s cheeseburgers, fries and chocolate chip cookies put on your badonka-donk? There’s an app for that! Actually, there’s a scale and an app for that. It’s the WiFi Body Scale from Withings and I want one. First of all, it’s a sleek (.9

WiFi Body Scale transmits your weight to your iPhone Read More

Omron HEM-711AC Blood Pressure Monitor Review

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With the government looking to take over your health care, you may want to take matters into your own hands.  While I haven’t come across the Acme Home Brain Surgery Kit yet, there are certainly things you can do at home to assess and monitor your health.  One of the easiest is blood pressure monitoring,

Omron HEM-711AC Blood Pressure Monitor Review Read More

Are you worried that your cellphone may be turning your brain into pudding?

cell radiation

You either worry about SAR or you don’t. SAR stands for Specific Absorption Rate, which is the unit of measurement for the amount of RF energy absorbed by the body when using a mobile phone. I don’t think about it very often, but once in awhile it crosses my mind that I probably should not

Are you worried that your cellphone may be turning your brain into pudding? Read More