Health and fitness

News, reviews and articles about health, fitness and sports products and accessories.

InaTrap High-Tech Insect Trap Keeps Mosquitos From Ruining Your Cookout

acase inatrap

The InaTrap from Acase is a futuristic looking LED lamp that attracts those nasty blood sucking mosquitos and traps them without having to use harmful sprays, chemicals or even propane gas. A noiseless built-in fan produces a small amount of carbon dioxide to lure the mosquitos and then sucks them into the trap. It features an 8 hour […]

InaTrap High-Tech Insect Trap Keeps Mosquitos From Ruining Your Cookout Read More

BodyMedia FIT LINK Armband Review

bodymedia fitlink activitymanager2

The fitness/exercise equipment I typically use measures heart rate, speed, distance, cadence, etc. With this data, either the device, sync software, or website can approximate the calories burned during the periods of exertion. Measuring and tracking the data points is a great training tool but does not necessarily facilitate overall weight loss. The designers and

BodyMedia FIT LINK Armband Review Read More

Rinser Toothbrush has a Built in Water Fountain

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How do you rinse the toothpaste out of your mouth after you brush your teeth? Do you use a cup or your hand? The Rinser Toothbrush from Amron saves you a step by providing a special channel in the handle that creates a stream of water when you hold the toothbrush under the faucet. The

Rinser Toothbrush has a Built in Water Fountain Read More

Tracing your Ancestry is About the Past. ConnectMyDNA is Now.


This post brought to you by All opinions are 100% mine.I’m a big fan of the NBC TV show Who Do You Think You Are? and have been interested in tracing my family tree ever since a relative translated letters from my ancestors who came to the US from Germany in the early to

Tracing your Ancestry is About the Past. ConnectMyDNA is Now. Read More

Bay Alarm Medical Personal Alarm Response System Review

Bay Alarm Medical

A lot of people worry about getting help if something happens to them away from a phone. Maybe they are aging or becoming confused or forgetful. Perhaps they have limited mobility or a disability. Maybe they are concerned family members worried about their loved ones. One popular option is an emergency dialing system, like the

Bay Alarm Medical Personal Alarm Response System Review Read More

Sanofi iBGStar Blood Glucose Meter – FDA approved iPhone/iPod Accessory

Sanofi IBGStar

Sanofi has what’s probably the  first FDA-approved iPod/iPhone accessory with its iBGStar Blood Glucose Monitoring System. But to make best use of it, you’ll probably have to be a diabetic. 🙁  The compact iBGStar module plugs directly into the iPhone or iPod touch and can immediately displays results.  The iBGStar Diabetes Manager app  allows users

Sanofi iBGStar Blood Glucose Meter – FDA approved iPhone/iPod Accessory Read More

Craving a cheeseburger, but on a diet? No problem, just sniff your pen.


Are you day dreaming about a big slice of chocolate cake right now? Curb that craving by sniffing your pen. Say what? Sniffing the Diet Support Pen is supposed to curb your appetite and put you in a calm state of mind within 5 minutes of sniffage. The Diet Pen looks like an ordinary pen with a ballpoint

Craving a cheeseburger, but on a diet? No problem, just sniff your pen. Read More

Sun UV Protector App…When it’s Time to Come in out of the Sun

UV Sun app

Aratos Technologies wants to tell you when to come in out of the sun, and with the Sun UV Protector App for iPhones,  it won’t be hard to do. The UV factor in Las Vegas isn’t the same UV factor in Seattle.  And it’s hard to always know the right protection to use.  The Sun

Sun UV Protector App…When it’s Time to Come in out of the Sun Read More

Add a Handset to Your Smartphone with the Solo Travel

native union solo travel

I don’t find cellphones or smartphones especially comfortable to hold for my marathon phone calls with my friend Leah or my husband while he’s away on a business trip.  I purchased the iClooly Phonestand and use that wired handset when I’m making long calls.  The Solo Travel handset from Native Union would be great for

Add a Handset to Your Smartphone with the Solo Travel Read More

Get Ready for Baseball Season with the Pitch Velocity And Accuracy Umpire

pitch velocity baseball pitching trainer

This Pitch Velocity and Accuracy Umpire pitch-training device from Hammacher Schlemmer measures pitch velocity, calls balls and strikes, and simulates at bats.  The built-in sonic radar measures speed from 20-99 mph from 45′ or 60′ 6″ away (the Little League and Major League Baseball pitching distances).  It can also be used with fast-pitch softball at

Get Ready for Baseball Season with the Pitch Velocity And Accuracy Umpire Read More

Emily Rothschild USB Medical Locket

emily rothschild usb medical locket

My daughter should wear a medical ID, but she hates the chunky, ugly look of those bracelets and necklaces.  This pretty necklace from Emily Rothschild makes wearing your medical information a bit prettier.  The small gold-plated Medical Locket has a caduceus design on the outside to alert medical personal to look inside for the USB

Emily Rothschild USB Medical Locket Read More

CamelBak Groove Insulated 0.6L Filtration Bottle Review

CamelBak Groove Insulated

I’m a big believer in using refillable water bottles to stay hydrated, lose weight, be environmentally conscious, and so on, so we usually have half a dozen 32oz. wide-mouth bottles in the fridge. I’ve been thinking about upgrading my system though.  Our local water is a little hard (but still pretty tasty), but about once a month

CamelBak Groove Insulated 0.6L Filtration Bottle Review Read More

PEAR is another workout gadget that doesn’t want to be called a workout gadget


Fitbit, MOTOACTV, and Nike Fit are all gadgets that are designed to help you maximize your workouts. PEAR claims to be different and better, by offering real-time advice and motivation from an actual coach instead of a sexy recorded voice. The device is definitely a gadget because it runs on batteries, clips to your waist or arm

PEAR is another workout gadget that doesn’t want to be called a workout gadget Read More

Tervis Tumbler 24oz Water Bottle Review

tervis waterbottle 4

I have loved Tervis tumblers since discovering them during a vacation to Sanibel Island Florida one year. They have become my go to idea when I need to find a gift for someone and are pretty much all we drink from at my house. When the folks at Tervis contacted me to see if I might

Tervis Tumbler 24oz Water Bottle Review Read More

PhoneSoap Cleans Your Phone While It Charges

Ever use your phone in “unsavoury” places ?  Well even if you don’t, who knows what bacteria and germs live on your phone that you’ve picked up during the day? I mean we use them everyday, everywhere we go…and sometimes it really is everywhere. 🙂 PhoneSoap is a Kickstarter project to address this issue. Rather

PhoneSoap Cleans Your Phone While It Charges Read More