PocketToolX Piranha packs a lot into a keyring tool

pockettoolx piranha

I’m starting to become an ECD (Every Day Carry) enthusiast.  While tons of items fit into this category, one that caught my eye is the Piranha from PocketToolX, which specializes in what I call keychain multitools.  It’s a single-piece, stainless steel, multi-purpose pocket tool with a built-in neoprene bit holder that secures up to 1.5″ […]

PocketToolX Piranha packs a lot into a keyring tool Read More

Inchworm – A Ruler on your Keychain


The Inchworm is an EDC (Every Day Carry) tool from TEC Accessories that you keep on your keychain. It’s a 3 inch long 6Al-4V grade titanium rod of 3/16″ diameter with grooves cut at 1/8″, 1/2″ and 1 inch increments with a bead blasted matte finish surface. Having a small ruler always at your fingertips

Inchworm – A Ruler on your Keychain Read More