dash cam

VanTop H610 10-inch 2.5k mirror dash camera  review

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REVIEW – We’ve all heard tales of the minor fender-bender that somehow becomes a major lawsuit. Several years ago, I decided to install dashcams in my vehicles as unbiased observers to highway shenanigans. I was interested to see how Vantop’s H610 10-inch mirror camera would perform. What is it? The VanTop H610 10-inch 2.5k mirror […]

VanTop H610 10-inch 2.5k mirror dash camera  review Read More

Thinkware U1000 4K dash cam review

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REVIEW – Thinkware has definitely upped it game recently. For years I’ve been saying they needed to go beyond HD video capture…and thankfully they’ve done just that. Earlier this year, Thinkware released the Q800 Pro that keeps the 800 series form factor but bumps the resolution from 1080p to 2K. That said, their most recent release

Thinkware U1000 4K dash cam review Read More

Garmin Speak Plus Dash Cam connects you to Alexa and gives you additional safety

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NEWS – Today’s new cars are coming equipped with more and more safety features and applications that work hand-in-hand with our cellphones. However, this doesn’t do much for those of us driving older model cars that did not come with now standard safety enhancements. Garmin has set out to help those of us who would

Garmin Speak Plus Dash Cam connects you to Alexa and gives you additional safety Read More

The new PureGear PureCam is a dash cam with every feature you’ll ever need

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NEWS – PureGear has announced a the PureCam Connected Car Security System 4G LTE Dual Lens Dash Cam at CES in Las Vegas Nevada. This new dash cam includes a variety of premium features that make it a powerful car accessory that you can use to record your travels and get you out of a

The new PureGear PureCam is a dash cam with every feature you’ll ever need Read More

Z-Edge T4 front and rear dash cam review

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REVIEW – Dash cams can be a great help in an accident. If the events are not being reported accurately, showing an actual film of an accident or incident does a lot to prevent someone from “remembering” things differently. Recently, I was sent the Z-Edge T4 touchscreen dash camera, and it includes a second, rear-facing

Z-Edge T4 front and rear dash cam review Read More