ABT iJet iPod Accessories

I recently opened my mailbox to find a package from a company named ABT
(Advanced Bridging Technologies). Opening the box revealed 3 iPod accessories. One specifically for the Apple Nano and two for any iPod with a docking connector. I’ve had a chance to put each of these products through some good old gadgeteer testing and will share my experiences with you.

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Skullcandy Proletariat Noise Cancelling Headphones with LINK Technology

I should start this review with the statement that anybody who travels needs a set of noise reducing headphones. But the fact is that NR headphones shouldn’t just be used when sitting on a plane next to a frustrated parent who is holding a squalling baby. NR headphones are a great way to cut out any obnoxious background noise, they can make things quiet enough that the wearer can sleep, relax, or even work more productively in the noisiest environment.

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Power Support USA Kimono Case for the 5G iPOD Video

The Kimono Case by Power Support comes with clear instructions on
the back of the packaging that mainly describes the individuality
of the Kimono in the package along with some historical
information. This case can be used with the 30GB Video iPod (using
the included insert), or 60GB Video iPod.

Power Support USA Kimono Case for the 5G iPOD Video Read More

Read about Featured Gadgeteer – Kerry Woo

Name: Kerry Woo
Location: Nashville, TN

Greetings from Nashville, Tennessee where the weather is great and the people are friendly! I’m Kerry and yes, I am a gadgeteer. My friends think because of my Asian roots that it is my cultural duty to perpetuate the Asian stereotype with gadgets in hand, which I don’t deny… just visit Las Vegas during a Consumer Electronics Show. For me it is almost like having a Roots experience. I’ve graduated from anything with a power cord attached to wireless and battery powered gadgets.

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Sega Toys HomeStar Planetarium

When I was a kid, I remember my Dad having this large Yellow Celestron telescope. He was very proud of that telescope and had a special foot locker that he kept it in. The thing was that I think he only actually used the scope maybe once or twice. It was difficult to find a place where lights from houses and street lamps would not ruin his star gazing attempts. One of the times that he did go out, it was in the middle of Winter. So he came back home late at night about half frozen. Hmmmm… fun. NOT! That’s why I had to think of him, when Brando asked if I was interested in reviewing the Sega Toys HomeStar planetarium.

Sega Toys HomeStar Planetarium Read More

Tom Bihn Imago Bag and Accessories

The concept of Yin and Yang has been around for centuries. A simple
definition would be that “Yin and Yang” is a term used to describe
interdependent opposites, such as male and female, light and dark,
or hot and cold. The Tom Bihn Imago marks the first time I have
seen this principle of complimentary opposites used to describe a
messenger bag…well, one that didn’t have the well known black and
white symbol plastered to its front, anyway. And yet, there is a
very good reason for the company to have chosen Yin and Yang to
describe their new bags.

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Hydro-Industries ReelSmart Automatic Hose Reel

August in Southern Indiana can be both hot and humid. Temperatures around 100 degrees are not unusual for us. As a result,
it’s normal to see people watering their outdoor plants in the evenings, to keep them from frying to a crisp. I’ve been
known to shirk my watering duties due to the fact that I hate wrestling with the garden hose. Unwinding it usually isn’t
a big deal, but winding back onto the reel can sometimes be an exercise in frustration. Since I’m all for trying a product
that has been designed to ease my frustration level, I was happy to review the ReelSmart Automatic Hose Reel from Hydro-Industries.

Hydro-Industries ReelSmart Automatic Hose Reel Read More

Julie’s Gear Diary – 2006-08-18

Would you like some free real-time support for your hardware related questions? AskABlueShirt.com is the web site of Best Buy’s Blue Shirts – specialists in consumer electronics who provide knowledge on the latest trends, products and services to make the shopping experience fun and easy. The idea is, if you can’t make it to the

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