Gear Diary

Gear diary entries from the-gadgeteer v2

Starting a New Journal – Which Format Do you Use, Digital or Analog?

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It’s the beginning of a new year, which for a lot of people, means that it is time to start a new journal or diary. I’ve been wrestling with the decision of whether to stay traditional and keep my journal in a Moleskine, Rhodia or similar notebook, or go digital and use a diary app

Starting a New Journal – Which Format Do you Use, Digital or Analog? Read More

Barnes and Noble is making me grumpy


I pre-ordered the Nook ebook reader within a day or so after they were officially announced on October 20th. For over a month now, the expected ship date on my order status page has been 11/30th. That’s today in case you haven’t checked the calendar πŸ™‚ All day I’ve been keeping an eye on that

Barnes and Noble is making me grumpy Read More

Apple Magic mouse is not so magical for me

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I’m extremely happy with my new 27β€³ iMac (quad-core i7) because is fast and quiet. I wasn’t sure how well I would adjust to the wireless keyboard and the new magic mouse. I’m so accustomed to a full sized keyboard and Logitech MX Revolution mouse, that both felt really awkward to use at first. I

Apple Magic mouse is not so magical for me Read More

My 27″ iMac arrives 3 days early – Lucky Friday the 13th

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I stayed home from work today because I was feeling blah and while I was chatting with Dave, I happened to look over at the wireless LCD of the Brickhouse Security Wi-Spi EX30 and noticed that a FedEx truck had pulled into my driveway. Since I still had on my PJs, I wasn’t planning to

My 27″ iMac arrives 3 days early – Lucky Friday the 13th Read More

NaNoWriMo Tools?

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Is it weird that I don’t consider myself a writer even though I’ve written thousands, if not a million words in the 12 years that The Gadgeteer has been in existence? To me a writer is someone who writes stories and books. I don’t fit that criteria, but would like to. That’s why I’ve decided

NaNoWriMo Tools? Read More

New iMacs with a whopping 27″ display – Out comes my credit card

Today Apple announced new hardware and the most exciting part for me was the new ginormous 27β€³ iMacs. I’ve been dealing with a sick 3yr old iMac for several months now and recently wrestled with the decision to buy a laptop or another desktop. After today’s revelations, I’m definitely going to continue to use a

New iMacs with a whopping 27″ display – Out comes my credit card Read More

First came books, then came eBooks and now Vooks?

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We’re swiftly coming into the golden age of eBooks. For those of us that have been reading them on our PDAs and smartphones for years, it seems like it’s taken quite awhile to get to this point. All of a sudden, eReaders are popping up all over the place, with the Kindle 2, Sony’s eReader

First came books, then came eBooks and now Vooks? Read More

10 reasons why I’m upgrading to another desktop instead of a laptop

I recently posted a short article talking about my problem with trying to decide between buying a desktop or laptop as an upgrade my currently failing 24β€³ iMac. A lot of you offered me many convincing comments to that post that advised me to go with a laptop (thanks to everyone that shared their opinions).

10 reasons why I’m upgrading to another desktop instead of a laptop Read More