Alurtek USB Internet Radio Jukebox Review

When I was a kid, I had a portable multi-band radio. I can remember plugging an
earphone (this was before earbuds) into it at night and slowing scanning up and
down the frequencies, trying to tune in foreign stations. I would always get
excited when I would tune to a station and hear people talking in a language
that I didn’t understand. Multi-band radios are still being sold these days, but
I have an alternative for you… The USB Internet Radio Jukebox from Aluratek is
a plug and play ‘radio’ that claims to will quickly allow you to enjoy music and
news from all over the world. Let’s give it a try…

Alurtek USB Internet Radio Jukebox Review Read More

Mobile Edge Alienware Odyssey Messenger Bag Review

My Dell laptop backpack has seen better days. There are several places where the material has frayed and it seems like it gets worse with each passing day. That is why I jumped at the opportunity to review a new bag.

Mobile Edge has put together a line of Alienware branded bags. This review covers the Mobile Edge Alienware Odyssey Messenger Bag. Although my current bag is a backpack, I actually prefer the messenger style of bag in terms of look, accessibility and comfort.

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Plantronics Discovery 925 Bluetooth Headset Review

I have not done a bluetooth headset review for a while now. It was my own fault, I had reviewed too many earpieces in a relatively short amount of time. The tech-rush was definitely gone….. That being said, the Plantronics Discovery 925’s sleek & slim form factor drew me out of my bluetooth earpiece hiatus.

Plantronics Discovery 925 Bluetooth Headset Review Read More

Pogo Stylus for the iPhone or iPod Touch Review

The iPhone is the first touch screen device that I’ve felt comfortable using my finger to navigate with. After all, on the iPhone, that’s all you can use to control the device – right? Wrong, you can use a stylus. But not an ordinary stylus, it has to be one designed specially for the iPhone, like the Pogo Stylus from Ten One Design.

Pogo Stylus for the iPhone or iPod Touch Review Read More

LG Chocolate 3 V Cast Music Phone (LG-VX8560) Review

I’ve been an AT&T customer for several years now. The main reason being that I can easily switch SIM cards between the various mobile phones that I have the opportunity to review. This convenience has been great, but if I am honest, call quality and audio clarity on the AT&T network really isn’t the best… at least not in my area. Also, AT&T has not rolled out 3G here in little old Columbus, Indiana. Funny thing is that Verizon’s 3G (EVDO) network is already here. So, I’m going to try some Verizon phones and see if I might like to switch carriers. LG’s Chocolate 3 is my first Verizon feature phone to test. Let’s take a look.

LG Chocolate 3 V Cast Music Phone (LG-VX8560) Review Read More

Yikes, first Palm, now Windows Mobile?

A few days ago, Palm quietly announced that yet again that their next OS version release date would be slipping. Instead of early 2009, they are now claiming it won’t be available until the middle of next year: Hearing this news about Palm isn’t surprising as it seems they have been pushing back the

Yikes, first Palm, now Windows Mobile? Read More