Andy Jacobs

Catholic, husband, father, engineer. Purdue Boilermaker. Dad of pugs. Collector of Star Wars. Practicioner of fitness. Drinker of beers.

Peak Design Slide, Clutch and Anchor Links camera accessories review

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Peak Design ha built a company by holding three successful crowd-funded Kickstarter campaigns for their innovative Capture and Capture V2 Camera Clip mounting systems and Leash & Cuff accessories. Having reviewed the Peak Design CapturePRO a while back, I found it to be well-engineered and well-built and I was impressed enough that I wanted to […]

Peak Design Slide, Clutch and Anchor Links camera accessories review Read More

SCOTTeVEST SeV Q.U.E.S.T. Vest for Men review

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SCOTTeVEST, or SeV for short, has been producing their patented TEC, or Technology Enabled Clothing, since 2000. Included in a now extensive product line, the Travel Vest (the original SCOTTeVEST), boasted 24 pockets designed to hold all sorts of items for travelers, hardcore technology users or anyone with gadgets to carry on their person. SCOTTeVEST has

SCOTTeVEST SeV Q.U.E.S.T. Vest for Men review Read More

Waterfield Designs Cycling Ride Pouch is a wallet and then some for your bike gear

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We’re fans of Waterfield Designs (AKA SFBags) around here at The Gadgeteer, and we’re also fans of wallets and pouches to hold our small personal items. Waterfield Designs teamed up with Australia-based ELEVEN vélo, a bicyling-focused design studio, to create this leather wallet sized to fit in your cycling jersey’s back pocket. While in some ways a bigger version of their

Waterfield Designs Cycling Ride Pouch is a wallet and then some for your bike gear Read More

Cargo Works MacBook Air + iPad Sleeve has slim tactical style

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I like things that are simple and rugged. Add a few strips of MOLLE webbing and all the better. The Cargo Works MacBook Air + iPad Sleeves fits these criteria. As the name cleverly implies, it holds a MacBook Air in a neoprene zipper pocket as well as an iPad in a front flap pocket

Cargo Works MacBook Air + iPad Sleeve has slim tactical style Read More

Tom Bihn launches Aeronaut 30 Carry-On Bag, Night Flight Travel Duffle and more

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Tom Bihn, maker of travel bags and accessories that are designed smart and built strong in the USA, recently released several new items. First, the Aeronaut 30 Carry-on Travel Bag ($270, upper image). This is the little brother to the original Aeronaut 45 (as it has been renamed), and the numbers indicate their approximate volume in liters.

Tom Bihn launches Aeronaut 30 Carry-On Bag, Night Flight Travel Duffle and more Read More

Bellroy Elements Range wallets are weather & water resistant

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I’ve been a big fan of Bellroy wallets ever since reviewing their Slim Sleeve Wallet a while back. Although I’ve tried several slim/minimalist wallets, lately I’ve been leaning toward wallets with a higher level of protection, like the Waterfield Designs Finn Wallet that I’m currently using. So I was quite happy to discover that Bellroy had

Bellroy Elements Range wallets are weather & water resistant Read More

Turn your sun visor tactical with the MOLLE Visor Panel from Zulu Nylon Gear

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Not enough spaces to organize and store the essentials in your urban (or rural) assault vehicle? Maybe you’d like to keep a glass breaker, seat belt cutter, small flashlight, pen or other tools within easy reach. Check out Zulu Nylon Gear’s MOLLE Visor Panel. Designed to wrap around and adjust to your car’s sun visor, it

Turn your sun visor tactical with the MOLLE Visor Panel from Zulu Nylon Gear Read More

Modern Industry Link backpack is simple & streamlined

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To me the best backpack designs are simple and streamlined, like the Link backpack from Modern Industry.  Its slim, rectangular shape allows vertical stacking of contents to keep the load close to the wearer’s body, while its lay-flat zipper design opens wide for easy loading and unloading of its 21 L capacity. (In fact, these

Modern Industry Link backpack is simple & streamlined Read More

Quick, easy, fruit-enfused water on the go with Define Bottle


Want a healthier alternative to those sugary fruit drinks and caffeine-loaded soft drinks that we’ve become hooked on?  The Define Bottle may be a better way. Created by 15-year-old Carter Kostler to help combat childhood obesity, the Define Bottle is an attractive, eco-friendly water bottle that lets you infuse water with fruit and take it

Quick, easy, fruit-enfused water on the go with Define Bottle Read More

QALO wedding bands for active spouses


How many of us find ourselves in this situation? You want to wear a wedding band to demonstrate your commitment to your spouse, yet your active lifestyle is not always compatible with wearing a traditional wedding band. Or perhaps you have an occupation like construction or factory worker or firefighter where rings on the job aren’t

QALO wedding bands for active spouses Read More

True Utility sciXors hang out on your keyring till it’s time to snip


Here at The Gadgeteer, we’re big fans of little tools. Especially keychain tools—we can’t seem to get enough of ’em. The True Utility sciXors are my latest find, a pair of teeny, tiny scissors for your keyring. Made from stainless steel with black rubber grips, they attach to your keyring with a small, quick-release pull clip.

True Utility sciXors hang out on your keyring till it’s time to snip Read More

Strong Like Bull Throw Magnets offer a fun fling at your fridge


Ever toss a magnet at something to watch it stick? Simple but fun, right? Until you scratch or gouge the surface where the magnet lands. Brian Conti wanted to capture the fun of tossing magnets and watching them stick to things while avoiding damage to the magnet or the surface, so he created the crowedfunded Kickstarter

Strong Like Bull Throw Magnets offer a fun fling at your fridge Read More

Dash 3.0 (AKA Trim) wallet review

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Minimalist wallets seem to be the rage on the crowdfunding site Kickstarter. You know, those uber-slim, ultra-small wallets that help you carry less in a smaller, lighter-weight package (and avoiding the dreaded Costanza Wallet syndrome). Steven Elliot is no stranger to slim wallet projects, having already successfully run two of them, and his latest Kickstarter campaign, the

Dash 3.0 (AKA Trim) wallet review Read More

Lapel Torch is a headlamp alternative

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Headlamps have become quite popular, and for good reason. They offer a hands-free light source that can be aimed anywhere you are looking. I recently stumbled upon this alternative to the headlamp, the Lapel Torch from Snow Peak. It consists of a light, cable and power supply. The light can be quickly mounted via two small

Lapel Torch is a headlamp alternative Read More

Satechi 4-Port USB 3.0 Premium Aluminum Hub review

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USB (Universal Serial Bus) has become the standard method of connecting just about anything to…well, just about anything else, but particularly desktop and laptop computers. Not only does a USB connection transfer data, it can also power a device. Many of us have so many USB-based devices that we frequently find ourselves needing more USB ports,

Satechi 4-Port USB 3.0 Premium Aluminum Hub review Read More

Kensington AbsolutePower 2.1 Fast Charge for Tablets with PowerWhiz review

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Personal mobile devices need power.  They crave it, like a politician craves…well, power.  Alright, maybe not quite like that, but it’s an inescapable fact.  And because of this, we have chargers tucked all over our homes, offices and vehicles to power up or top off when needed, which for many of us is quite often.

Kensington AbsolutePower 2.1 Fast Charge for Tablets with PowerWhiz review Read More

SCOTTeVEST debuts three new hoodies, including limited edition Knowmatic

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Hoodies are all the rage these days, a standard of casual clothing just about everywhere. SCOTTeVEST has its own spin on this wardrobe staple, recently debuting three new products: The Hoodie-Cotton, The Hoodie-Microfiber, and the limited-edition Knowmatic Hoodie (pictured here), a collaboration with designer jeffstaple. While SCOTTeVEST previously had its Ultimate Hoodie Microfleece, these three

SCOTTeVEST debuts three new hoodies, including limited edition Knowmatic Read More

Pack a Derringer Wallet Pen for writing emergencies


Anyone familiar with Old West movies will recall the Derringer, a small, single-shot pistol typically used only as a last resort. Behold its pen analog, the Derringer Wallet Pen. Made from stainless steel with a brushed finish, this 4-inch long, slim retractable pen is small enough to clip into your wallet for those situations where

Pack a Derringer Wallet Pen for writing emergencies Read More