Home and Kitchen

News, reviews and articles about home and kitchen products.

Buydeem 3-Quart Enameled Cast Iron Dutch Oven review

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REVIEW – Like most young couples, my wife and I started our marriage with a cheap set of pots and pans. They got the job done, but they didn’t last forever. As we began to look for better quality cookware, and we eventually discovered cast iron. Over the years we’ve purchased a handful of cast

Buydeem 3-Quart Enameled Cast Iron Dutch Oven review Read More

Amzchef 2 Burner Induction Cooktop review – Cooking with magnets!

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REVIEW – I grew up with a gas range and have installed them in almost every house I’ve lived in.  It was a selling point in our current house. It’s familiar and easy, and I like cooking with gas.  The heat is steady, instant-on and instant-off, and you can see what’s happening just by peeping

Amzchef 2 Burner Induction Cooktop review – Cooking with magnets! Read More

Paris-Rhône PE-FD001 Food Dehydrator review – Make your own GORP and fruit roll-ups!

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REVIEW – I love dried fruits and nuts. When the Paris-Rhône PE-FD001 Food Dehydrator came up for review, I thought it might be a chance to see if homemade really is better. I’ve been testing with various food items and am now ready to report my findings. What is it? The Paris-Rhône PE-FD001 Food Dehydrator

Paris-Rhône PE-FD001 Food Dehydrator review – Make your own GORP and fruit roll-ups! Read More

yeedi Vac 2 Pro Robotic Vacuum with Self-Empty Docking Station review – so many new features

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REVIEW – Robotic vacuum cleaners are one of those gadgets that you don’t realize how useful they are until you’ve had one for a while.  I live in a single-story house, and I have been using yeedi’s k700 for the last two years.  I really like this little robot, who I named Mopi when I

yeedi Vac 2 Pro Robotic Vacuum with Self-Empty Docking Station review – so many new features Read More

Vosteed Morgan Chef’s Knife review – a western knife with an eastern design

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REVIEW – The most important knife in any kitchen is the chef’s knife (aka the cook’s knife).  Described as “the workhorse of the kitchen,” it’s a versatile utility knife used for cutting and chopping, slicing and dicing, everything from vegetables to fruit to meat.  If you find yourself spending a lot of time doing prep

Vosteed Morgan Chef’s Knife review – a western knife with an eastern design Read More

Here’s a multi-tool for avocados! Wait, what?

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NEWS – Just when you thought you understood the world of multi-tools, you find out that you have a lot more to learn. Multi-tools aren’t just for opening boxes and tightening loose screws. There are multi-tools that can help you make your next batch of guacamole too! The Chef’n Avoquado 4-In-1 Tool is designed to

Here’s a multi-tool for avocados! Wait, what? Read More

The Pan Buddy helps you to GET A GRIP on heavy pans

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NEWS – I like to cook, so I’m always looking for unique and helpful kitchen gadgets. The Pan Buddy is one of those items I stumbled upon recently. This handy attachment slides over the handle of just about any type of pan. The design consists of an adjustable vertical handle and wrist support. The handle

The Pan Buddy helps you to GET A GRIP on heavy pans Read More

PARIS RHONE Space Heater review

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REVIEW – Winter is here!  Temperatures have been unseasonably cold this January, sometimes dropping into the 20’s overnight.  This means that my bathroom is inevitably much too cold in the mornings, and I need something to take the edge off.  In this review, I’ll be looking at the newest space heater from PARIS RHONE. What

PARIS RHONE Space Heater review Read More

Problems with clogged drains? Give Instant Drain Opener a try!

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NEWS – Every now and then, I get a clogged drain around the house and it always seems to be an ordeal dealing with it. I recently came across One Second Plumber’s Instant Drain Opener and it looked like a potentially easy way to tackle the problem without using chemicals. It comes with a handle,

Problems with clogged drains? Give Instant Drain Opener a try! Read More

Chilly Mama is here to to keep your fridge smelling fresh and odor free

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NEWS – There isn’t much worse than opening up the fridge or freezer and getting smacked in the face with bad food odors. Whether it’s garlic or, even worse, fish, it’s nasty and usually contaminates other innocent foods. Chilly Mama to the rescue. Chilly Mama is a fun and cute refrigerator refresher. Just fill with

Chilly Mama is here to to keep your fridge smelling fresh and odor free Read More

ChefWave Chefe review – a multicooker that uses steam

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REVIEW – A multicooker is an appliance that has many of the cooking capabilities of other appliances, which means it can perform a variety of functions, like boiling, frying, stewing, baking, and steaming.  This should allow someone with limited kitchen space to replace several single-function appliances, like a slow cooker, a steamer, an air fryer,

ChefWave Chefe review – a multicooker that uses steam Read More

Qualeben Nugget Ice Maker review – awesome margaritas every day!

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REVIEW – Even though it is wintertime, we are still getting days up into the upper 80s here in south Texas.  I have always been a fan of the nugget ice you can sometimes find in various restaurants.  It is super crunchy and easy to chew.  It also tends to make a nice almost slushy

Qualeben Nugget Ice Maker review – awesome margaritas every day! Read More

Your kitchen needs one of these awesome Coke themed refrigerators!

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NEWS – What do you get the home that has everything? The gift of cool Cokes (see what I did there?)! SMEG has partnered with Coca-Cola to launch two retro-themed refrigerators. One refrigerator has the classic red and white vintage Coca-Cola feel and the other one has a hippy vibe that celebrates the 50th anniversary of

Your kitchen needs one of these awesome Coke themed refrigerators! Read More