
The Nintendo Switch isn’t nearly as cool as this Game Boy lunchbox

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You’ll be the envy of every nerd and gaming geek in the cafeteria when you come strolling in with the Game Box Lunchbox from Mustard. That’s Mustard the company who makes this bento-style lunchbox, and not the condiment. The Game Box lunchbox features a classic Nintendo Game Boy style shape and graphics that take you

The Nintendo Switch isn’t nearly as cool as this Game Boy lunchbox Read More

Unitensil is an all in one fork, knife and spoon that folds flat and weighs less than a nickel

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Buying take-out food is convenient until you don’t have utensils to eat it. The reusable Unitensil from FolditFlat is minimalist’s version of a Spork, but this one has amazing origami skills that let you fold it flat for easy storage and EDC (every day carry).

Unitensil is an all in one fork, knife and spoon that folds flat and weighs less than a nickel Read More

Iron levels low? Put this fish in your cup of tea or pot of soup

lucky iron fish

Low iron levels in your blood can make you feel dizzy, fatigued, and lightheaded, not to mention causing a fast heart rate, shortness of breath and other unpleasant side effects. One way to increase your levels is to take an iron supplement. But if you aren’t a fan of adding more pills to your diet,

Iron levels low? Put this fish in your cup of tea or pot of soup Read More

Roast a perfect marshmallow with this fishing pole

fishing pole campfire roaster

You’d never know it with this heat wave we’re having in the south this week, but it’s autumn now and time for sitting around a campfire or the fire pit in the backyard.  You’ll be able to roast hot dogs or marshmallows without having to hunt for the perfect stick, and without worrying about splinters

Roast a perfect marshmallow with this fishing pole Read More

The KA-BAR Tactical Spork is field practical

KA BAR Spork

Over the years of reading and writing for The Gadgeteer, I have seen a fair amount of combo eating utensils. While most of these have a spork like configuration, only a few have had a knife or cutting blade. KA-BAR (known worldwide for their Marine fighting knife) has come up with their version of a

The KA-BAR Tactical Spork is field practical Read More

Print your breakfast with PancakeBot

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These days you can 3D print just about any material fathomable: plastic, metals, wood, carbon fiber, wax, silk… and now pancake batter. Consisting of a two-axis computer-controlled batter dispenser and a griddle, PancakeBot allows you to print your own fluffy breakfast creation. Pre-made designs are available online, or you can make your own by tracing

Print your breakfast with PancakeBot Read More

Prepd helps you plan and organize your packed meals

Prepd Pack

Lunchtime at work can be a tricky proposition. You rarely have the luxury of many options, and as menus rotate, lunch becomes a daily hit-or-miss ordeal.  Packing your own meal has the potential to be more cost-effective, nutritious, and consistently delicious; it also has the potential to be time-consuming and more hassle than it’s worth.

Prepd helps you plan and organize your packed meals Read More

Eat your face every morning with the Selfie Toaster

selfie toaster

What’s better than a piece of hot bread browned to perfection and then slathered with butter, jelly or peanut butter? A piece of toast with your face burned into it of course! Say hello to the Selfie Toaster, the next big thing in bread branding gadgets. That’s not a thing? Well, now it is. You’re

Eat your face every morning with the Selfie Toaster Read More

The Hive: Farming insects to feed the future part 2

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Remember the Gadgeteer news post about Farm 432? You know, the device you can use to raise your own black soldier fly larvae as a source of alternative protein to feed your family? Well, the same company that came up with that device (which is not available to the public), LivinStudio, now has a device called the

The Hive: Farming insects to feed the future part 2 Read More

Farm 432: Farming insects for food to feed the future

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Entomophagy is “the human consumption of insects and arachnids as food” according to Now don’t get squeamish, but this may very well be the future for feeding the world. Did you know that there are an estimated 10 quintillion (10,000,000,000,000,000,000) insects (about 900,000 species) on the planet according to Smithsonian Information? That seems like

Farm 432: Farming insects for food to feed the future Read More

Back to school lunches made easy with Bentgo Kids

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If you’re concerned about the environment and making sure your kids are eating nutritious foods that they like while at school or day care, you really need to check this out.  This bento-style lunch box will encourage your kids to eat healthy, the food stays separate and it’s leakproof!  No more using baggies that add

Back to school lunches made easy with Bentgo Kids Read More

Tell at a glance which cutting board to use for meat

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Do you dedicate one cutting board for meat and another for veggies so you don’t have to worry about cross-contamination?  I do, but since both my boards look alike except for a small color ring, I have to take a second look to be sure I’m grabbing the correct one.  With the Color-Coded Cutting Mats,

Tell at a glance which cutting board to use for meat Read More

Celebrate International Sushi Day, you will!

international sushi day

Were you aware of International Sushi Day?  Yeah, me neither.  But it’s coming up on June 18th, and you’ll need the proper gear to celebrate in style.  We’ve already told you about the fabulously beautiful Star Trek U.S.S. Enterprise Sushi Set, a ThinkGeek exclusive for $34.99, that would be perfect for serving your sushi.  You serve

Celebrate International Sushi Day, you will! Read More

Make your own refreshing frozen treats this summer!

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We’ve told you about several Zoku frozen treat makers in the past, like the Quick Pop Maker, the Slush and Shake Maker, and the Iced Coffee Maker.  It seems that Zoku expands their line each year, and they are now offering some new Pop Molds in sizes for adults and small children.  Both sizes convert

Make your own refreshing frozen treats this summer! Read More

ThinkGeek gives you the tools to make your own dragon

dragon cake pan thinkgeek

While not an electronic device, this kitchen item will appeal to the dragon-loving gadgeteers.  The Dragon Cake Pan holds just a little less than 2 boxes of cake mix or a bundt cake mix.  It’s molded to look like a scaly dragon curled around three eggs.  The pan is made of heavy aluminum alloy, is

ThinkGeek gives you the tools to make your own dragon Read More

Carry your picnic – plus a picnic table – in this rolling cooler

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Summer’s nearly here, and it’s almost time to start planning picnics.  If you don’t like sitting on the ground with the dirt and insects, you probably prefer going to places with picnic tables available, but with the Multi Function Rolling Cooler with Table and 2 Chairs, you can go anywhere and still enjoy using a

Carry your picnic – plus a picnic table – in this rolling cooler Read More

Keep your food fresher longer and your fridge sanitized with the BerryBreeze


If you put the battery-powered BerryBreeze on the top shelf of your refrigerator, the manufacturer promises that it will keep your stored foods fresher for up to 2-3 times longer than normal.  The BerryBreeze “filters and cleans the air in your fridge. Using newly-patented technology, BerryBreeze fills your refrigerator with activated oxygen to neutralize bacteria,

Keep your food fresher longer and your fridge sanitized with the BerryBreeze Read More