Health and fitness

News, reviews and articles about health, fitness and sports products and accessories.

Get more rest with a personal sleep coach – Zeo


The Zeo personal sleep coach is a device that can analyze your sleep patterns to help you determine habits and behaviors that may be helping or hindering your sleep cycle. It can also teach new ways that may help you get a better night’s rest. It consists of a bedside display module and a wireless […]

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Squeeze your way to lowered blood pressure – Zona Plus

The Zona Plus is a blood pressure reducing isometric exerciser that was developed from technology used by the U.S. Air Force to improve F-16 pilots’ blood circulation. This exercise device claims to reduce your blood pressure without medication and clinical research by cardiovascular specialists shows the device lowers blood pressure in 90% of users who

Squeeze your way to lowered blood pressure – Zona Plus Read More

Torture device or pain reliever?

arm massager

This device from Hammacher Schlemmer looks more like a something from the Spanish Inquisition than a product designed to relieve forearm pain. It replicates the Swedish arm massage technique to soothe the inflamed, stiff extensor and flexor muscles that cause forearm pain. Simply place your arm between the compression spring-loaded rollers, turn the dial to

Torture device or pain reliever? Read More

Polar Cardio Gx – Heart rate stats coming to a gym near you

Polar is taking their heart rate monitor experience and making it live, on-screen for health club group exercise classes, like spinning. Class members simply wear a Polar chest strap (no watch required), and their live heart rate data (% of max HR, target zones) is beamed onto a digital checkerboard screen. The data helps people

Polar Cardio Gx – Heart rate stats coming to a gym near you Read More

Lip enhancement gadget – AKA Brad Pitt bait

This is a the dumbest thing I’ve seen in awhile. This lip enhancement kit from SkyMall of all places, claims to make your lips fuller and sexier instantly. Ummmm… ok… Apparently you slather on the included Micro Collagen Plumping Balm and then use the squeezie thing to suction your lips. What I think is funny

Lip enhancement gadget – AKA Brad Pitt bait Read More

Bluetooth GPS for sports and geotagging


Here’s a tiny Bluetooth GPS module from Brando that you can wear on your keychain or your arm (with the included holder), to geotag your photos as you travel, or use with included software to record and analyze all your daily/weekly/monthly activities such as cycling, running, climbing, skiing, etc.

Bluetooth GPS for sports and geotagging Read More

Michael Phelps’ favorite watch (maybe)


It’s the Pool-Mate automatic lap and stroke counter watch from Swimovate. The watch has accurate motion sensors that can recognize each swim stroke and change of lap so you won’t need to count anymore. It displays Lap count, Time, Average Strokes per lap, Speed, Distance, Calories and Efficiency and stores the details in a large

Michael Phelps’ favorite watch (maybe) Read More

Get rid of your double chin for $19.99?


I’m on vacation this week and have been doing a lot of channel surfing on TV. I happened upon an infomercial earlier tonight that I just had to share it with all of you because it looks so….ummm…. deliciously lame. It’s the Neckline Slimmer exercise thingy. It claims to get rid of your double chin

Get rid of your double chin for $19.99? Read More

Aqua Pulse keeps you in the zone while swimming


I’m sure that you’re aware of the benefits of staying in your target heart rate zone while working out. Now you can stay in that zone even while swimming. The Aqua Pulse from Finis clips to your ear and uses bone conduction to audibly communicate your heart rate in a user determined frequency (20seconds, 30seconds,

Aqua Pulse keeps you in the zone while swimming Read More

Feel misty with your own personal humidifier

mini humidifier

I know it’s Spring time now and we all probably have enough humidity in our homes and offices, but if you happen to live in a dry area, this personal humifier from ThinkGeek looks pretty gadget worthy. At $60, it’s more expensive than one you can pick up at Walmart, but I can’t help but

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New version of the Sleeptracker Elite Watch


Over three years ago, I reviewed the original Sleeptracker watch which claimed to help a person wake more refreshed, by waking them at the perfect time during their sleep cycle. It didn’t work well for me, but there are a lot of people that swear by it. Those people will be happy to learn that

New version of the Sleeptracker Elite Watch Read More

Spotlight Gadget – Xtensor Gamer Hand Exerciser

I predict that the Xtensor Gamer Hand Exerciser from ThinkGeek will elicit one of two reactions. For the hardcore basement dwelling gamers it will be “Yesssssssssss!” and for the basement dwelling geeks it will be “Yessssssssssss!” Come on, who can resist this strange contraption that claims to “…perform with true biomechanical correctness, able to stimulate

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Spotlight Gadget – LifeSpan MyBeat Heart Rate Ring

heartrate ring

We’ve seen heart rate devices that you wear on your wrist, but how about one that you wear on your finger? LifeSpan’s MyBeat Heart Rate Ring claims to be convenient and automatic, providing a continuous reading of your heart rate. No chest straps are used, just put it on your finger and press start. I’d

Spotlight Gadget – LifeSpan MyBeat Heart Rate Ring Read More

SportBrain Personal Fitness Manager Review

Product Requirements: Desktop: Internet connection to view web page stats. Internet Explorer 4.0 or above, Netscape 4.0 or above, or AOL 5.0 or above. (The SportBrain Web site is not compatible with WebTV) How active are you? If  you are an average person like myself, you might be surprised at just how non-active you are. 

SportBrain Personal Fitness Manager Review Read More