Health and fitness

News, reviews and articles about health, fitness and sports products and accessories. + Coca-Cola + Misfit = EKOCYCLE Field Band


Misfit has just announced the EKOCYCLE Field Band, the result of a partnership with the Coca-Cola Company and, for a new accessory for their popular Misfit Shine activity tracker. These wrist straps are made from 100% recycled PET plastic bottles and features a snap in mount for the Misfit tracker and an adjustable strap. The EKOCYCLE Field […] + Coca-Cola + Misfit = EKOCYCLE Field Band Read More

This little low-tech device helps people with physical disabilities get their socks on

eva medical sock puller

We’ve talked about various electronic gadgets to help our elders stay in touch without overwhelming them with technology, but we haven’t really discussed other ways to make their lives easier.  The Sock Aid with Foam Grip is a device to help people with arthritis of the hips or knees, back pain, or other physical limitations

This little low-tech device helps people with physical disabilities get their socks on Read More

Mio Alpha 2 Heart Rate Sport Watch review

Mio Alpha2 1

I love trying out the latest in heart rate monitors, especially those that do not require straps. I currently use a Polar M400 (which Dave Rees reviewed in February of this year) with the Polar H7 Bluetooth heart sensor chest strap and they work really well, but it would be nice not to have to use

Mio Alpha 2 Heart Rate Sport Watch review Read More

Tame your hair with this Ionic Hairbrush

ionic hairbrush

I know some people have a lot of trouble with frizzy, static-y hair.  Despite my limp, fine hair, even I have trouble with static in the winter.  Hammacher Schlemmer has a hairbrush they say will reduce frizzy and flyaway hair.  The Anti-Static Ionic Hairbrush “emits negative ions that counteract the causes of static and frizz

Tame your hair with this Ionic Hairbrush Read More

Wirelessly monitor your ecig habit with the Smokio vaporizer


I’m not a smoker and have never been a smoker, but I do know that it’s an extremely unhealthy and risky habit. It’s a habit that is very hard to kick without the help of drugs or strong will power. The new fad is to switch from regular cigarettes to electronic cigarettes also know as

Wirelessly monitor your ecig habit with the Smokio vaporizer Read More

Runtastic Libra Bluetooth Smart Scale and Body Analyzer review

Runtastic Libra 13

I’ve been using a Tanita BC554 Ironman InnerScan Body Composition scale for over a decade and love it. It has been my accountability partner in trying to stay healthy. The only thing I have longed for is either a WiFi or Bluetooth feature that would automatically sync all the data to an app to keep

Runtastic Libra Bluetooth Smart Scale and Body Analyzer review Read More

This fitness tracker from Lumo helps you improve your posture, too

lumolift posture fitness tracker 2

The Lumo Lift Posture and Activity Coach does things that normal fitness trackers do, like count your steps, distance, and calories.  The Lift has an extra benefit, though.  You wear the Lift on your shoulder, and it monitors your posture and gives you feedback to help you improve your posture.  When you sit, stand, walk,

This fitness tracker from Lumo helps you improve your posture, too Read More

Misfit announces the Misfit Minute fitness coaching app for Apple Watch

misfit minute fitness coach app apple watch

As you may have heard, the Apple Watch starts being delivered tomorrow.  As the delivery time approached, more and more apps were being announced for the Watch, and one of the latest announcements is the Misfit Minute fitness coaching app.  Yes, it’s from the makers of the Misfit trackers, so it should be a welcome

Misfit announces the Misfit Minute fitness coaching app for Apple Watch Read More

Fitbit Aria WiFi Smart Scale review

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Whether you call it the IOT (Internet of Things), being plugged in, or something else, I really enjoy using connected devices. Some people will say, who needs a thermometer that saves your readings or a fitness tracker that tells you how many steps you’ve walked each day. I say why not! I don’t have the world’s

Fitbit Aria WiFi Smart Scale review Read More

Now you can be Master Chief Petty Officer John-117 while riding your motorcycle

Master Chief motorcycle helmet 1

It’s spring! Time to set aside your games of Halo and enjoy the outdoors by taking a ride on your motorcycle. But you don’t have to leave Halo behind completely – now you can be Master Chief Petty Officer John-117 while you ride around town with this Spartan motorcycle helmet from There have been other Halo

Now you can be Master Chief Petty Officer John-117 while riding your motorcycle Read More

You don’t need to join the Navy to use the SUB Sports Utility Bag

SUB Sports Utility Bag

We are a multitasking society and with that we expect the items we use on a daily basis to be the same. But when it comes to gym bags, they seem to have fallen behind in this trend. Living in the time crunched world we do today we often find ourselves heading from a workout

You don’t need to join the Navy to use the SUB Sports Utility Bag Read More

Griffin accessories for fitness trackers

griffin wearables accessories

You like getting the information your fitness tracker provides, but do you ever get tired of the way you have to wear it?  If you’d like a change from the rubber wrist band or the plastic clip-on case, check out the fitness tracker accessories that Griffin has for you.  Griffin says their wearable accessories line

Griffin accessories for fitness trackers Read More

UV light sanitizer for facial and skin-cleaning brushes

facial brush uv sanitizer

Do you use a Clarisonic or similar facial and skin-cleaning system?  Do you ever wonder what’s growing on your brushes after a few uses?  Replacement brushes are expensive, so you can use them once and toss them, so you need a good way to disinfect them.  The Facial Cleansing Brush Germ Eliminator uses ultraviolet light to

UV light sanitizer for facial and skin-cleaning brushes Read More

Fitbit Surge activity tracker review

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The Fitbit Surge is Fitbit’s most advanced activity tracker yet. It tracks all the same things as their other trackers, but also includes advanced features like GPS and basic smartwatch features along with an always on large touch screen display. I recently reviewed the Fitbit Charge HR which quickly became my new favorite fitness tracker replacing the Withings Pulse.

Fitbit Surge activity tracker review Read More

Another bracelet choice for the Fitbit and other trackers

jeanene fitbit flex bracelet etsy

Apparently, jewelry for your fitness tracker is the new thing.  I found a seller on Etsy that offers metal bracelets, necklaces, and even a little purse for Fitbit trackers; they also have some accessories for the Jawbone Up and the Garmin Vivofit.  The Jeanene is an example of a bracelet for the Fitbit Flex.  The

Another bracelet choice for the Fitbit and other trackers Read More

Fitbit Charge HR activity tracker review

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Two years ago Fibit introduced the Fitbit Force wrist worn activity tracker. It was really popular until people started complaining about irritations and rashes while wearing the device on their wrist. The Force ended up being taken off the market when Fitbit conducted a voluntary recall in February 2014. Now one year later, the most

Fitbit Charge HR activity tracker review Read More