Spotlight Gadgets

Spotlight gadgets from the-gadgeteer v2

Zoku Quick Pop Maker

zoku quick pop maker

Do you like those frozen fruit-flavored popsicles but wish you could find different flavors or a healthier version with some actual fruit juice in them?    Now you can make your own frozen pop treats using Williams-Sonoma’s Zoku Quick Pop Maker.  According to a video on the retailer’s website, you can make pops from fruit juice, […]

Zoku Quick Pop Maker Read More

Levenger Soho Leather Electronics Pouch

levenger soho electronics pouch

Guys have it easier when they want to carry around their gear.  Their clothing tends to have more – and more useable – pockets.  They most always wear belts, and they can wear cases clipped to the belt for their phones, iPods, and other small gear.  Women don’t always have belts, nor do most women

Levenger Soho Leather Electronics Pouch Read More

Speed Radar devices shrink – Pocket Radar

The Pocket Radar device is the world’s first pocket-sized personal speed tracking radar unit that delivers accurate real-time speed measurements with the touch of a button. I wonder if the police will start using these soon? I couldn’t help but groan when I saw the info about this new product, because it reminded me of

Speed Radar devices shrink – Pocket Radar Read More

Loop in-air wireless mouse for your living room PC

The Loop pointer from Hillcrest Labs is an in-air mouse that can be used to control a PC, Mac or PS3 connected to a TV with natural hand movements. A small RF Transceiver USB dongle that uses 2.4 GHz (2401 MHz to 2482 MHz) connects to the computer or PS3. You can buy one for

Loop in-air wireless mouse for your living room PC Read More

Do you care about HD radio for your iPhone?

Gigaware hopes you do as they have released an in-line controller that provides HD Radio for your iPhone or iPod touch. It attaches to the dock connector to allow you to receive HD radio signals that offer CD-quality sound. Song information, such as title and artist, appears on your iPod’s display, iTunes Tagging saves artist

Do you care about HD radio for your iPhone? Read More

Luke, I am your… USB Drive

tyme machines

Tyme Machines, makers of licensed USB drives, has just announced the release of its Series 1 sculpted 3D Star Wars character USB thumb drives.  The drives are sculpted replicas of Darth Vader, Boba Fett, Storm Trooper and Yoda.  They are available now at and range in price from 4GB to 16GB for $29.99 to

Luke, I am your… USB Drive Read More

Professor Kobre’s Lightscoop Review

kobre lightscoop 1

Earlier in October, Julie posted an article about an accessory for some 35 mm and digital SLR cameras called Professor Kobre’s Lightscoop.  The Lightscoop works with cameras that have a pop-up flash, and it is designed to  re-direct the harsh, direct light to the ceiling (or to a light-colored wall when the camera is rotated

Professor Kobre’s Lightscoop Review Read More

The Yeti is no longer just a big hairy missing link

Continuing their tradition of snow theme product names, Blue Microphones is announcing today the Yeti, the world’s first THX certified mic, USB for studio-quality recording at home. I still like and use the Blue Mic Snowflake microphone and can vouch for the fact that they make great quality gear. The Yeti will be priced at

The Yeti is no longer just a big hairy missing link Read More

Use your iPhone or iPod Nano to become the next Spielberg

Do you shoot movies with your iPhone or the latest iPod Nano, but end up deleting them because they look like they were filmed by someone with extremely shaky hands? The iSteady comes to your rescue. It’s a folding metal holder that will hold either device and stabilize it to create much smoother video capture.

Use your iPhone or iPod Nano to become the next Spielberg Read More

Reusable water bottles that look stylish and benefit causes – KOR ONE

KOR ONE water bottles are BPA free 25 ounce bottles with flip top lids, threadless spouts and are dishwasher safe. An added benefit is the fact that a portion of the sales from each bottle are donated to select water related causes such as the Wetlands Initiative, Marine Research Foundation, Container Recycling Institute and Blue

Reusable water bottles that look stylish and benefit causes – KOR ONE Read More

Everyone wants on the eReader bandwagon – Cyberus Smart Info Engine

The Sungale Cyberus ID700WTA “Smart Info Engine” claims to be the 1st and only universal portable media player device that offers a large 7″ (800 x 480) LCD color screen and a user friendly touch-screen interface that allows instant one-touch access to read eBooks, watch movies and streaming video, upload, view and manipulate digital photos,

Everyone wants on the eReader bandwagon – Cyberus Smart Info Engine Read More

An instrument for the terminally tuneless – LaunchPad

If your previous attempts at learning to play an instrument ended in failure, the Novation Launchpad might be your ticket to musical bliss. This device is an audio controller that you can use with your computer. It consists of an 8-by-8 panel of buttons. Each button is used to launch an audio event – a

An instrument for the terminally tuneless – LaunchPad Read More

iPhone case that holds a folded Bluetooth headset – MoGo Talk

Remember the MoGo Mouse from Newton Peripherals? It was a Bluetooth mouse that could fit entirely into a PC Card slot. Now the same company has just announced the release of a series of Bluetooth headsets that are stored and recharged within plastic cases for cellular handsets. They remind me of the LG Decoy phone.

iPhone case that holds a folded Bluetooth headset – MoGo Talk Read More

Another wall organizer – Light Switch Rack

Yay! Another nifty wall organizer. I love this stuff. First we posted the EZ Mount and then last week it was the Gadget Pocket. Today I want to show you the Paul Koh Light Switch Rack. It’s a powder coated aluminum switch plate cover that converts your light switch into a key holder and a

Another wall organizer – Light Switch Rack Read More

Wirelessly stream video with a Vue Personal Video Network

I enjoyed reviewing the Wi-Spi EX30 security camera from Brickhouse Security, it is missing one important feature – remote viewing from the internet. I think I may have found a better solution for those times when I would like to see what’s going on in my home while I’m at work. It’s the Avaak Vue

Wirelessly stream video with a Vue Personal Video Network Read More

Planon introduces DocuPen Xtreme X-Series line of scanning pens

Planon has updated their DocuPen scanners with the new X-Series line, which improves upon the DocuPen RC800 scanner that I reviewed 2 years ago. They are now able to support image resolutions of up to 600 dpi (up to 1,200 dpi for the X50) and feature a 200 MHz internal processor and 64MB Fast SDRAM

Planon introduces DocuPen Xtreme X-Series line of scanning pens Read More

Talk to your clock – Moshi Voice Control Travel Alarm Clock

moshi travel

I want one of these for my next trip. I always seem to get a hotel room that has the world’s crummiest and / or hardest to set alarm clock. The Voice Control Travel Alarm Clock from Moshi listens to your commands and sets the time and alarm time accordingly. You just press a button,

Talk to your clock – Moshi Voice Control Travel Alarm Clock Read More

Touchscreen WiFi Digital Frame – eStarling

Today PF Digital Inc., the inventor of the e-mail and social media empowered eStarling Wi-Fi digital photo frame, announced their newest product – the world’s first 802.11n Touchscreen Connected Picture Frame. This 10.2 inch (16:9 800X480) digital frame uses 802.11n technology giving it faster speeds and longer Wi-Fi ranges. It also has the ability to

Touchscreen WiFi Digital Frame – eStarling Read More