
DwarfLab DWARF 3 smart telescope review – Astrophotography made easier

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REVIEW – I’ve always had a mild fascination with astronomy, but my interest grew significantly after last year’s total solar eclipse. Capturing images with my iPhone during the eclipse’s totality made me curious about what it would be like to use an actual telescope. Although I’ll have to wait for the total solar eclipse in […]

DwarfLab DWARF 3 smart telescope review – Astrophotography made easier Read More

Obsbot Tail Air review – A PTZ camera with no strings (cables) attached


REVIEW – So you’re sitting at your desk, prepping for a Zoom, tinkering with your PTZ webcam to get framed up properly, and you start thinking… What if you could control a camera like that… away from a desk, away from power, maybe even with more than one camera? Well as luck would have it,

Obsbot Tail Air review – A PTZ camera with no strings (cables) attached Read More

Teslong Thermal Imaging Camera for Android review – see the temperatures in your world in color

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REVIEW – Look around you.  Yes, right now.  Take a look all around you. Look at all the things you see.  Is what you see all there is?  The answer is no.  There’s an entire hidden world out there and that is the variety of temperatures all around you.  Teslong is offering a thermal camera

Teslong Thermal Imaging Camera for Android review – see the temperatures in your world in color Read More

Hover Camera X1 drone review – This flying selfie camera is awesome!

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REVIEW – It is currently the age of the selfie pic. Many people enjoy snapping pictures of themselves doing epic things so that they can post them on social media to make their friends envious. Hey, there’s nothing wrong with that, this gadget will let you take selfies to the next level. It’s the Hover

Hover Camera X1 drone review – This flying selfie camera is awesome! Read More

InfiRay Xinfrared T2S+ thermal camera review – ever wanted to see heat?

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REVIEW – Infrared cameras, or those that can “see” or image heat, are becoming more common and less expensive.  The InfiRay Xinfrared T2S+ thermal camera is tiny and just pops into the USB-C port of your phone.  When paired with the companion app, it lets you create thermal images of almost anything, as well as accurately

InfiRay Xinfrared T2S+ thermal camera review – ever wanted to see heat? Read More

TOPDON TC001 Thermal Camera review – heat vision made easy

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REVIEW – Have you ever needed (or wanted) to own your own infrared thermal camera? Until recently it was hard to find any options under $500, and even then many of them would have a vertical resolution of 100 pixels or less and less than stellar screens! The TOPDON TC001 Thermal Camera is an intriguing

TOPDON TC001 Thermal Camera review – heat vision made easy Read More

Paper Shoot is an eco-friendly camera that you assemble yourself

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NEWS – Most people already have a camera in their pocket all the time since cameras are built into our smartphones. But for those people who don’t want to use their phones for everything or just like cameras in general, the Paper Shoot digital camera is an interesting alternative to smartphone cameras. Paper Shoot cameras

Paper Shoot is an eco-friendly camera that you assemble yourself Read More

Canon Ivy Cliq+ 2 review – A camera and a photo printer in one device

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REVIEW – Now that everyone has a high-quality smartphone camera in their pocket all the time, we’re faced with the question: What do we do with all these photos? Sure you can text or post them. But there’s something special and unique about having a physical photo. That’s where the Cannon Ivy Cliq+ 2 comes

Canon Ivy Cliq+ 2 review – A camera and a photo printer in one device Read More

Polaroid Now+ focuses on creativity and connectivity

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NEWS – Everybody’s favorite instant camera brand is back with new features and accessories that give the photographer more control to create the image they want to see. In an update to last year’s Polaroid Now, this year’s model includes five clip-on filters: starburst & red vignette, along with orange, blue, and yellow color filters.

Polaroid Now+ focuses on creativity and connectivity Read More

Oiiwak 5MP wi-fi wireless endoscopic camera review

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REVIEW – Endoscopes are tools that let you peer into hidden spaces – down into pipes, through holes, around corners, and such.  Today, we’re looking at one from Oiiwak, specifically a new 5MP version that promises high-resolution images and video. What is it? An endoscope is a camera mounted on a cable.  This allows you

Oiiwak 5MP wi-fi wireless endoscopic camera review Read More

Mevo Start live streaming video camera review

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REVIEW – These days, everywhere you look, someone is live streaming something. Even the simplest smartphone can do the trick. As with everything else in technology, the more these types of devices are improved, the more demand there is for additional features and capability and in a stylish and compact form. The Mevo Start may

Mevo Start live streaming video camera review Read More

Jollylook is an instant camera that looks vintage and is made of cardboard


NEWS – Camera and photography buffs will find the Jollylook Mini Camera interesting if only for the way it looks and what it’s made of. It looks like an old-timey box camera from decades gone by, but it’s made of cardboard and it can be used with Fuji Instax mini film. Just load in the

Jollylook is an instant camera that looks vintage and is made of cardboard Read More