The Cuttlelola Dotspen lets you stipple without wrist strain

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I bet you clicked through just to find out what stippling is didn’t you? If you’re not an artist, you probably haven’t heard of the term. Stippling is an art technique that is achieved by drawing dots. LOTS of dots. Thousands of dots. Maybe millions of dots. You get the idea. Using an ordinary pen

The Cuttlelola Dotspen lets you stipple without wrist strain Read More

Pocket Hose Top Brass Bullet expanding garden hose review

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I’ve reviewed and used two Pocket Hoses in the past few years and have liked how they are lightweight, don’t take up that much space, and are so much easier to move from place to place compared to traditional rubber garden hoses. The only problem with the Pocket Hoses that I’ve used in the past

Pocket Hose Top Brass Bullet expanding garden hose review Read More

Video sunglasses, 3D video camera, virtual drum kit for your phone, and more – Notable crowdfunding campaigns


This week we have six picks for for my notable crowdfunding campaigns list that include magnetic speakers, a wireless camera controller, construction set, and more. Click through to see this week’s list of notable crowdfunding campaigns. SHARE ON TwitterFacebookPin It

Video sunglasses, 3D video camera, virtual drum kit for your phone, and more – Notable crowdfunding campaigns Read More

TP-Link Deco M5 Whole Home Mesh WiFi System review

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Here at Bob’s house, we’re awash in technology. Between computers and gadgets, we probably have 15-20 different Wi-Fi enabled devices. But I’m not a gearhead. I don’t like spending hours tinkering with network settings to keep everything up and running. When our current Wi-Fi router started to drag, I was offered an opportunity to test

TP-Link Deco M5 Whole Home Mesh WiFi System review Read More

Here’s a 2 ounce rechargeable lantern for your minimalist lighting needs

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Maybe you’re a camping enthusiast who makes sure everything that you put in your backpack is as lightweight as possible, or maybe you’re an EDC fanatic who is looking for a portable lighting solution. The Goal Zero Lighthouse Micro is a lantern that can also be used as a flashlight and is recharged via USB.

Here’s a 2 ounce rechargeable lantern for your minimalist lighting needs Read More

iPhone case, iPhone car mount, MacBook skin, and more – Review updates


Today we have 5 quick review updates from one of our newest writers, Bob Patterson. We regularly like to update our reviews days, weeks, months, and even years later to let you know how the product stands up long after the initial review. Click through to view the list of updated reviews and then scroll to

iPhone case, iPhone car mount, MacBook skin, and more – Review updates Read More

Photolemur photo editing software review

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We are in the middle of a popular photo explosion, in case you’ve been hiding under a rock for the past decade. Not since the introduction of the Brownie camera in 1900 has there been such interest in photography by the general public. For $1 (about $30 in today’s money), normal everyday people could make

Photolemur photo editing software review Read More

Petmate’s Calmz is a drug-free way to reduce your dog’s stress levels

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When man’s best friend gets scared due to thunderstorms, fireworks, car rides, etc. you can’t just tell them to calm down and deal with it. For one thing, they don’t understand English and for another thing, refer to the first thing. Seriously though, it makes us just as nervous when our pets are nervous and

Petmate’s Calmz is a drug-free way to reduce your dog’s stress levels Read More

Victorinox SwissTool BS comes in every guy’s favorite color

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I don’t want to stereotype an entire gender, but I feel like it’s safe to say that when given a choice of colors for gadgets and tools, a typical male will almost always choose black. If you’re one of those typical males and are looking for a new multi-tool, look no further than the Victorinox

Victorinox SwissTool BS comes in every guy’s favorite color Read More