Brando USB Super 16-Port Hub Review

Yesterday I reviewed the ShareCentral
1 USB sharing device from Kensington. I liked the simplicity of their product, but couldn’t help wanting more
from it. Today I want to show you the USB Super 16-Port Hub from Brando.
Yes, I said 16 ports! Yowza! I know this isn’t quite the same thing as the ShareCentral, but it’s close…

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Brando IP Security Camera Review

I’m a big fan of webcams. Once I figured out how to broadcast a webcam stream on a webpage,
I started broadcasting from work so that my mom and friends could see me. One idea I had related to this was setting up a little home
surveillance system with my two Logitech QuickCams and my eeePC 701’s integrated webcam. I’m mostly just curious to see what my cats do
all day while I’m at work. While setting up such a stream is pretty easy, it requires running a computer 24/7 and can be a little power and
bandwidth hungry.

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IPEVO PoV Webcam Review

I’m a bit of a webcam aficionado. I have several – my Dell XPS M1330 and eeePC 701 have integrated webcams, plus I have an older
VGA Logitech QuickCam and a new 2MP QuickCam Orbit AF. Video chatting can be a lot of fun when your friends live out-of-state – or on the
other side of the globe. Julie sent over a couple webcams for me to review – the
IPEVO PoV and a networked security camera from Brando.

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Electronic Arts Sudoku – iPhone Game Review

Sudoku is a hugely popular puzzle game that I’ve admittedly really never given much of a chance. When
Electronic Arts asked if I would like to review their new iPhone and iPod Touch Sudoku game, I knew that If I agreed, I’d finally have to try to get into this game in order to give the review a fair shot. Let’s see if this game has turned me into a Sudoku fan.

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CMoy Headphone Amp Review

Do you listen to your audio player through your car’s stereo? Then I would wager that you have probably run into the same problem with volume levels that I have. Quite often, in order to hear the music, I will have to turn the volume on the player all the way to maximum and then do the same with the car stereo. This in itself isn’t the real issue though… The problem is that after I disconnect my player from the car’s stereo, I’ll almost always forget that I left the volume turned to the max. Then later when I go to listen to the car stereo or player, I’ll be blasted with extremely loud music that makes me jump out of my skin. This happened to me three times last week, so I went looking for a solution and learned about CMoy headphone amps.

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Incase Neoprene Macbook Air Sleeve Review

I have been debating on buying a Macbook Air since they were announced. Fortunately I found a good deal on a barely used one that included the SuperDrive and two cases. One of these slipper cases was the Airmail by manilamac, which I was so impressed with I immediately gave it to my six year old. The other was the Neoprene Sleeve for the Macbook Air by Incase, which I was so taken aback by its simple perfection, in terms of form and function, I decided then and there I was going to do a review on it.

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