4 thoughts on “What products do you want to see reviewed next?”

  1. Gadgeteer Comment Policy - Please read before commenting
  2. maybe more stuff that’s available worldwide instead of the US. I love some of the stuff you review but when i check it out for shipping to the UK, it makes it prohibitively expensive e.g. Brando gear, bought the card reader you discuss all the time and it cost me as much in P&P as it did to buy the thing.

  3. Bill:

    Are you a Ubuntu user, or are you looking to be one? I sometimes get the notion that I’d like to switch from OSX to Linux…


    I’ll try to accommodate your suggestion :o)

  4. Julie,

    I’ve been using Ubuntu 8.04 for the past month on a laptop with limited resources. So far, so good. However, one needs to be somewhat of a techie to make it work, even a dinosaur techie like me 🙂 ( I used to code in PAL using papertape as the output device)


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