
Posts about a variety of topics which are not news and are not reviews.

How to: ES File Explorer for Android – Cloud Management Heaven

ES File Explorer

One of the best file managers on Android is ES File Explorer. Most people probably only use it to handle local files and maybe LAN shares, but if used properly, ES File Explorer handles so much more than that.  With the proliferation of cloud-based storage such as Sugarsync, Dropbox, your 50GB Box account,  and sync-enabled […]

How to: ES File Explorer for Android – Cloud Management Heaven Read More

Julie’s Gadget Diary 05-02-12

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When you live in Southern Indiana like I do, seeing a celebrity is a rare event. Lucky for me, I work for Cummins Inc. and our Cummins Turbo Diesel engine just happens to power the Tornado Intercept Vehicle 2 (TIV 2), featured on the Discovery Channel television shows “Storm Chasers” and “Mythbusters”. This vehicle has been designed to

Julie’s Gadget Diary 05-02-12 Read More

Amazon Kindle 3 3G International Coverage – US vs International model

Kindle 3 3G Intl Vietnam

In my article Amazon Kindle 3G-The Perfect Travel Companion, I talked about how useful I found my 3G Kindle while travelling overseas.  One of the comments left on that article pointed to a blog that said that Vietnam was one of the only places that the author couldn’t get any 3G signal.  This confused the heck

Amazon Kindle 3 3G International Coverage – US vs International model Read More

How To: Getting Personal Documents on Your Kindle


I love my Kindle, and I love the Amazon ecosystem for the purchase and reading of novels but did you know that  you can extend  the functionality of your Kindle way beyond that? The Kindles supports more than just Amazon’s .AZW book format (basically a .MOBI with Digital Rights Management-DRM).  From the web site the Kindle

How To: Getting Personal Documents on Your Kindle Read More

Starting a New Journal – Which Format Do you Use, Digital or Analog?

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It’s the beginning of a new year, which for a lot of people, means that it is time to start a new journal or diary. I’ve been wrestling with the decision of whether to stay traditional and keep my journal in a Moleskine, Rhodia or similar notebook, or go digital and use a diary app

Starting a New Journal – Which Format Do you Use, Digital or Analog? Read More