Judie Stanford

Battery Xtender Alkaline Battery Recharger

Alkaline battery technology was introduced in the 1950s, and it quickly became a major part of everyday life. According to a 2004 online report, approximately three billion household batteries are sold annually in the United States, “averaging about 32 per family or ten per person.” As stated in this same report, in the year 1992

Battery Xtender Alkaline Battery Recharger Read More

Judie’s Gear Diary – 2005-09-03

We have approximately 200 Gulf State Refugees arriving in San Angelo over this weekend, possibly more. I am really proud of Texas and other nearby states for graciously welcoming significant amounts of people evacuating from Louisiana, Mississippi & Alabama – whether for a little while or for the rest of their lives. “Compassion is not

Judie’s Gear Diary – 2005-09-03 Read More