Joe Porletto

Joe became a Maker at the age of ten after piecing together a Sinclair ZX80 that his grandfather had given him. The bug bit him hard and he’s been tinkering, building, deconstructing and generally creating gadgetry mayhem ever since. Joe lives in Seattle with Addy, his rescue pitty, and Chino, his blind kitty.

DEENKEE Cordless Vacuum Cleaner Stick review

DEENKEE Cordless review 121901

REVIEW – As an industry leader and design innovator, Dyson, maker of vacuums, fans, and all things air-related, has always inspired other companies to emulate (read: rip off) their style and features. This is of great benefit to consumers who’d love to own a Dyson product but can’t quite afford the often ridiculous price tags. […]

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Mobile Edge Alienware Vindicator 2.0 Backpack and Neoprene Sleeve review

Alienware Backpack REV 155551

REVIEW – Buying a new laptop is a big deal for me, as it is for most people. I spend months doing research, reading reviews, and trying out laptops in stores. Once I finally settle on my choice, it’s a good bet that I’ve spent a lot of time AND money on that pick, so

Mobile Edge Alienware Vindicator 2.0 Backpack and Neoprene Sleeve review Read More

Tech Armor Wireless Charging Car Vent Mount review

TechArmor Charger Rev 142930

REVIEW – As I detailed in my recent review of the expensive and functional Naztech MagBuddy Wireless Charger, most newer cell phones are able to be charged wirelessly and there are a growing number of options on the accessory market these days. Following up with that review comes my experience using the slightly more affordable

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Naztech MagBuddy Wireless Chargers review

Naztech Chargers Rev 135008

REVIEW – With Google’s Pixel line finally joining the party, most of the latest cellphones now utilize wireless charging  This option can be both convenient and frustrating, but it has most certainly meant a boon for accessory makers. Dozens of new wireless charger options are now available and the list grows longer every day. Naztech

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Mohu AirWave Premium OTA Antenna review

Mohu Airwave Rev 115740

REVIEW – As cord-cutting becomes more popular and America’s TV viewing habits keep evolving, a number of innovative new products have come to market to fill the gaps created by the shortcomings of traditional media devices. Mohu has been at the forefront of this cord-cutting revolution with their now oft-copied Leaf indoor HDTV antennas. As

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New York Comic Con 2018: Get your geek on!

NYCC 2018 100140

ARTICLE – I recently attended the 2018 New York Comic Con, literally my most favorite place in the world. NYCC showcases everything I love; Comic books, Fantasy art, Superheroes, Pop culture, Science fiction shows, and so much more. Held since 2006 at New York City’s Jacob K. Javits Convention Center, the New York Comic Con packs

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Joe Porletto attends the 2018 New York Comic-Con (Day 2 & 3)

comic con 2018

ARTICLE – If you caught day 1 of my adventures at the 2018 New York Comic-Con, we’re back with more video footage from day 2 and 3. Enjoy! NY Comic-Con Day 2 Welcome NY Comic-Con Day 2 Autograph Area NY Comic-Con Day 2 Queue Hall NY Comic-Con Day 2 Wrap NY Comic-Con Day 3 Welcome

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Joe Porletto attends the 2018 New York Comic-Con (Day 1)

comic con 2018

ARTICLE – Joe and his videographer/photographer buddy John Battistini are attending the New York Comic Con this week. It’s a mecca for all things nerdy and geeky from comics, to figures, to toys, books, movies, and more. Joe has made a collection of clips for the first day, so enjoy and keep coming back to this post

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Vankyo LEISURE 3 2200 LUX LED Portable Projector review

Vankyo Projector Rev 135945

REVIEW – The Vankyo LEISURE 3 2200 LUX LED Portable Projector is a low-cost, easy-to-use, portable digital projector with a good amount of input options. At a price of $89.99, the Vankyo LEISURE 3 does what it’s supposed to do, but don’t expect too much from the viewing experience. The Vankyo is serviceable, but it

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Winegard Elite 7550 Long Range Outdoor HDTV Antenna review

Winegard Antenna Rev 171617

The Winegard Elite 7550 is a very powerful HDTV antenna that is able to pull in high-definition television signals from as far away as 70 miles. Reasonably priced at $149.99, it works exceptionally well despite a somewhat fragile build and a plastic roof mount that you’ll want to swap out for something a lot sturdier.

Winegard Elite 7550 Long Range Outdoor HDTV Antenna review Read More