Alex Birch

Uno Drum is IK Multimedia’s new beat creation station

ikc L 1 UNODrum top

NEWS – IK Multimedia is now taking preorders on a brand new drum machine called UNO Drum. It’s a result of another partnership with Sound Machines out of Italy with whom they developed the acclaimed UNO Synth, so expect big things out of this little unit. UNO Drum is built to integrate into any live,

Uno Drum is IK Multimedia’s new beat creation station Read More

Roland’s BTM-1 speaker lets your phone and guitar take center stage

Speaker Aerial Shot

NEWS – When Roland releases a new product, it’s always worth checking out. Just announced is their BTM-1 speaker, tuned for Bluetooth playback from your phone and direct guitar input. Roland takes their audio quality seriously so we’re looking forward to hearing this in action. Controls on the top look to be; Power, Bluetooth and

Roland’s BTM-1 speaker lets your phone and guitar take center stage Read More

Fender American Acoustasonic™ Telecaster®

American Acoustasonic Telecaster Sunburst 1

NEWS – NAMM (National Association of Music Merchants) takes over Anaheim January 24-27th and Fender has wasted no time in announcing a brand new guitar that appears to be breaking some preconceptions about what an acoustic guitar can be. The features list almost reads like a fight for what can stand out the most. Ten

Fender American Acoustasonic™ Telecaster® Read More

Monowear Contemporary Leather Apple Watch Cuff and Travel Fold Up review

Monowear CLCTFU 01

REVIEW – Monowear makes great accessories for the Apple watch and I personally reviewed two of their bands not all that long ago and wear them frequently. Today’s review is for their Contemporary Leather Cuff as well as a travel organizer. What are they? The Contemporary Leather Cuff is a clean take on a watch

Monowear Contemporary Leather Apple Watch Cuff and Travel Fold Up review Read More

Mission Workshop’s Rhake VX levels up

Rhake VX

NEWS – The Gadgeteer has reviewed a fair number of Mission Workshop items including the original Rhake backpack which Bob reviewed last April. Well, Mission Workshop just announced the new Rhake VX which uses VX-21 diamond ripstop fabric to increase weatherproofing as well as abrasion and tear resistance while reducing weight. They’ve also spec’ed Fidlock® magnetic

Mission Workshop’s Rhake VX levels up Read More

Audeara A-01 Wireless Headphones review

A01 09

REVIEW – Over-ear headphones have always been my favorite go to for immersive listening. Audeara reached out about reviewing their A-01 headphones and since I’ve been traveling quite a bit for my day job, the timing turned out perfect. A good set of noise-cancelling headphones are a must-have for long flights to help reduce fatigue

Audeara A-01 Wireless Headphones review Read More