audio glasses

Wicue Smart Bluetooth Audio Polarized Auto Dimming IP66 Waterproof sunglasses review – surprisingly smart and stealthy sunglasses

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REVIEW – Have you ever been wearing your boring old sunglasses and thought “I wish these would auto dim in this bright light, or be less shaded in this shady area”? And also thought “ooh and they should let me take phone calls and play my music and podcasts too”? If so, you’ve come to

Wicue Smart Bluetooth Audio Polarized Auto Dimming IP66 Waterproof sunglasses review – surprisingly smart and stealthy sunglasses Read More

Fauna Spiro Transparent Brown Audio Glasses Review

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REVIEW – I’ve owned a few pairs of high-quality sunglasses, but over the years, they’ve either gotten scratched or lost. When the Fauna Audio Glasses review offer came along, I figured that it would be an excellent time to upgrade. What is it? The Fauna Spiro Transparent Brown Audio Glasses are a revolutionary pair of

Fauna Spiro Transparent Brown Audio Glasses Review Read More

Mutrics Stylish Smart Sunglasses with Surround Sound review

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REVIEW – Recently, I have been seeing one company after another advertising sunshades with built-in Bluetooth audio and phone functions. The Mutrics Stylish Smart Sunglasses with Surround Sound is another addition to devices of this type. What is it? The Mutrics Stylish Smart Sunglasses with Surround Sound offers protection from the sun along with the

Mutrics Stylish Smart Sunglasses with Surround Sound review Read More

The MusicLens Audio Glasses – sight and sound all in one!

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Whenever I am out and about setting up for a photography or videography gig, I love to listen to music and “block” the world out as I focus on the task at hand. I also do the same when traveling by plane or by railroad. As an Audiophile, listening to music under any convenient circumstances

The MusicLens Audio Glasses – sight and sound all in one! Read More

Oakley O ROKR Sunglasses

Wifi and Bluetooth-capable devices and peripherals are everywhere nowadays, and “going wireless”, or having a “wireless lifestyle” seems to be on a lot of our minds. It is not uncommon to see people on the commute, or people in their cars going hands-free throughout the day wearing their Bluetooth headsets being tethered invisibly/almost magically to their cellphones. Whatever your reason for needing Bluetooth in your daily life, Oakley brings you a full dose of it in their $249 O ROKR sunglasses.

Oakley O ROKR Sunglasses Read More