Outdoor Gear

News, reviews and articles about outdoor gear and accessories.

Coleman Hot Water On Demand for Camping or Emergency Preparedness

coleman water heater

This on-demand water heater from Coleman is great for campers, remote cabins, or just emergency preparedness.  The Hot Water On Demand heater can heat water to over 100 degrees in less than five seconds.  There’s a rechargeable battery to pump the water that is charged with AC power or by a car power outlet.  The

Coleman Hot Water On Demand for Camping or Emergency Preparedness Read More

Coleman 10-Cup Portable Propane Coffee Maker with Stainless Steel Carafe

coleman propane coffee maker

For campers who like to rough it without giving up their coffee, Coleman offers the 10-Cup Portable Propane Coffee Maker with Stainless Steel Carafe.  The coffee maker uses a 16.4 oz propane cylinder;  you’ll get about 4.4 hours of brewing time from each cylinder.  It has an InstaStart auto-ignition button so you don’t have to

Coleman 10-Cup Portable Propane Coffee Maker with Stainless Steel Carafe Read More

Smith & Wesson Tactical Survival Pen can do more than write

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We’ve seen multi-tools before, but how about a multi-tool that happens to be in the form of a pen? The Smith & Wesson Tactical Survival Pen not only writes like a normal ink pen, but it can break glass and start fires. It’s made of Aircraft Aluminum with a screw off top that exposes a

Smith & Wesson Tactical Survival Pen can do more than write Read More

Build Your Own Multi-Tool with the CRKT ID Works Flux System


Apparently the CRKT ID Works Flux Multi Tool System is not a new product, but since it’s new to me, I thought I’d share it anyway. The Flux system allows you to construct your own multi-tool from a variety of options. Tools slide and snap on to a special dual rail holder that has carbiner

Build Your Own Multi-Tool with the CRKT ID Works Flux System Read More

sOccket: Play Soccer and Generate Electricity at the Same Time

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The sOccket is a soccer ball that captures and stores energy while being played. It was developed by four students from Harvard, as a project. They tried to connect two observations they had: (1) kids all over the world are playing soccer and (2) many kids in the undeveloped world don’t have electricity at home.

sOccket: Play Soccer and Generate Electricity at the Same Time Read More

Eton Raptor Solar Charger with All-Terrain Guidance Functions

eton raptor

Throw the Eton Raptor in your gear when you go camping or hiking and you’ll be able to do everything from guiding your way with a compass, to listening to NOAA weather broadcasts, even to charging your cell phone.  The Raptor Solar Charger with All-Terrain Guidance Functions replaces the hand crank with a monocrystal solar

Eton Raptor Solar Charger with All-Terrain Guidance Functions Read More

Vanquish Hotdogs and Marshmallows with the BBQ Sword

bbq sword

I’m not sure if it’s due to the fact that I’ve been watching Game of Thrones on HBO, but I couldn’t help but smile when I saw the Swashbuckling BBQ Sword on ThinkGeek. This cleverly shaped cooking skewer will be the envy of your buddies at your next cookout. It’s 19″ long, made of heavy

Vanquish Hotdogs and Marshmallows with the BBQ Sword Read More

Shark!! – Nope, Just Junior in a Sea Squirts Life Jacket from Opa Cove

opa cove sea squirts life jackets

It’s summer, and a lot of us will be spending time at pools, lakes, and the ocean.  Life jackets are a requirement for many activities, especially for little kids.  Why not make wearing them fun for the kids – and for us, too.  With the Sea Squirts life vests and swim assist vests from Opa

Shark!! – Nope, Just Junior in a Sea Squirts Life Jacket from Opa Cove Read More

Exotac Titanium Water Bottle Review

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If it’s possible to describe a water bottle as awesome….this is it. Exotac’s titanium water bottle is honestly the coolest container (of this type) I have ever seen. Similar to Exotac’s nanoSTRIKER and MATCHCAP Firestarter I reviewed last year, the TiBottle is just as simply effective and efficient at getting the job done as they

Exotac Titanium Water Bottle Review Read More

Black and Decker’s PlantSmart PCS10 Plant Sensor Review: The Gardener’s Fish Finder

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Fish Finders, to those who don’t know, are these electronic mechanisms that either assist greatly in not having to stop by the fish shop on the way home or are a blasphemy on the sacrosanct sport of fishing. Depends on who you talk to. Electronic gardening equipment quite possibly could be seen in the same

Black and Decker’s PlantSmart PCS10 Plant Sensor Review: The Gardener’s Fish Finder Read More