Health and fitness

News, reviews and articles about health, fitness and sports products and accessories.

Sensate Meditation Device review

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REVIEW – What the heck is Bob up to? Finding his inner balance, that’s what! We’re testing the Sensate meditation device, which claims that it’s combination of proprietary “near infrasonic” technology and immersive soundscapes help reduce anxiety, improve physical well-being, and promote calm. Does it work? Let’s find out! What is it? Sensate is a […]

Sensate Meditation Device review Read More

Amazfit Powerbuds pair TWS sport earbuds with a heart rate monitor

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NEWS – There are a lot of true wireless workout earbuds on the market. Most of them offer standard features like water resistance, ear hooks, and gesture controls for music playback. What sets the Amazfit Powerbuds apart from other earbuds is that they have a PPG heart rate sensor on the right earbud that measures

Amazfit Powerbuds pair TWS sport earbuds with a heart rate monitor Read More

Arboleaf CS20A WiFi and Bluetooth smart body composition scale review

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REVIEW – Of course, we’ve all heard of COVID-19 by now.  To be clear, the “19” on the end is not supposed to be the number of pounds we each have gained by sitting in quarantine, eating Cheetos and Oreos. If that has happened to you, you need a tool to track that tonnage and

Arboleaf CS20A WiFi and Bluetooth smart body composition scale review Read More

This simple tool sucks away the pain and itch of insect bites

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NEWS – No one likes bug bites. They hurt, itch, and are downright annoying. There are a lot of home remedies to relieve the pain and itching of insect bites. My grandmother even had one that involved chopped up onions. It worked, but oh, the smell! The Bug Bite Thing Suction Tool promises to provide

This simple tool sucks away the pain and itch of insect bites Read More

BESTEK M-Care Sonic Electric Toothbrush (MRB402D) and Electric Toothbrush Disinfection Box (MRB402D-H) Combo review

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REVIEW – Several years ago, my dentist recommended that I should seriously consider using a high-frequency electric toothbrush to help fight the buildup of plaque and tartar on my lower teeth. I’ve tried several inexpensive models of the years, but have never broken down and purchased one of the high-end name-brand bushes on the market

BESTEK M-Care Sonic Electric Toothbrush (MRB402D) and Electric Toothbrush Disinfection Box (MRB402D-H) Combo review Read More

Olive Union Smart Ear review – Designed as a step before hearing aids

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REVIEW – As we all get older a lot of fun things start to happen to our bodies.  One of those fun things can be a loss of hearing.  Of course, a loss of hearing can really depend on how well you treated your ears when you were younger.  Loud musical concerts, loud machinery, close

Olive Union Smart Ear review – Designed as a step before hearing aids Read More

The Chrome app on AR compatible Android devices will help you determine correct social distancing

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NEWS – Have you been wondering how far you should be from someone in order to adhere to social distancing guidelines? Most people just estimate. However, using the Google Chrome app for Android devices that are augmented reality (AR) compatible will take the guesswork out of it. You will be able to get a visual

The Chrome app on AR compatible Android devices will help you determine correct social distancing Read More

NeoRhythm Neurostimulation Headband de-stress device review

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REVIEW – Over the past couple of years, I have been able to test and review a few types of devices that claim to enhance sleep quality, relaxation quality, etc, With the exception of one sleep device that I use, the rest, in my opinion, have been complete and utter failures and yet carry pretty

NeoRhythm Neurostimulation Headband de-stress device review Read More

These Blue Light glasses will make your screen time easier on your eyes

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NEWS – Did you know that the average person spends 7 hours a day in front of some kind of screen? And with the current pandemic situation, that number has probably gone up exponentially. Harsh blue light emitted by phones, computers, and tablets can cause eye strain, fatigue, and discomfort. To protect your eyes, Totallee

These Blue Light glasses will make your screen time easier on your eyes Read More

New device from Totallee makes sanitizing your phone easier than washing your hands

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NEWS – With the COVID-19 virus pandemic, sanitizing ourselves and the devices we use has become more important than ever. Washing our hands is easy, but it’s far more difficult to disinfect our phones. Totallee is looking to make that a lot easier with its new UV Phone Sanitizer. With it, you can sanitize your

New device from Totallee makes sanitizing your phone easier than washing your hands Read More

‘Thousands of Masks’ – Help Allett save lives by buying + donating masks


NEWS – Many companies have changed over their manufacturing lines to produce goods in support of fighting the COVID-19 virus pandemic.  Allett, whose products we have previously reviewed here, is one of those companies, as they have transformed from making ultra-slim wallets to making washable, non-surgical masks intended to help protect from the highly-transferrable COVID-19

‘Thousands of Masks’ – Help Allett save lives by buying + donating masks Read More

Crossrope Weighted Jump Ropes review

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(This post contains affiliate links. Please see my disclosure about affiliate links here.) REVIEW – Yup. That’s me… jumping rope for the first time in 30 years! The Crossrope is a jump rope system that combines excellent design, different levels of weighted ropes, and a fantastic app to satisfy experienced jumpers and newbies like me.

Crossrope Weighted Jump Ropes review Read More

Crowdfunding campaign to fund studies on whether far-UVC light can effectively inactivate the virus that causes COVID-19

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ARTICLE – I stumbled upon an interesting crowdfunding campaign while researching the germicidal effects of ultraviolet type-C light for my PhoneSoap Go review (review coming soon). The Center for Radiological Research (CRR) at Columbia University Irving Medical Center (CUIMC) is conducting a campaign to raise money to perform studies that will help determine how effective

Crowdfunding campaign to fund studies on whether far-UVC light can effectively inactivate the virus that causes COVID-19 Read More

CoPilot review – Workout at home with a trainer in your iPhone and Apple Watch

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REVIEW – I’ve been working out multiple times per week for years. I work out in the privacy of my own home with the equipment that I have on hand, which includes a Total Gym, a set of resistance bands, and some hand weights. A couple of years ago I signed up for Planet Fitness

CoPilot review – Workout at home with a trainer in your iPhone and Apple Watch Read More