Cardo Systems S-2 Bluetooth Stereo Headphones

Cardo Systems Inc. have long been known for their popular Scala line of Bluetooth headsets. I’ve reviewed both the scala-500 and scala-700 models and found them to be very capable. When the folks at Cardo contacted me about their S-2 Bluetooth Stereo Headphones, I was excited to try them as I’m always on the look out for a really good pair of wireless headphones.

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Wi-Gear iMuffs Wireless Headphones (MB210)

What’s better than listening to music on your iPod? How about listening to that music without the annoyance of earbud wires getting in your way? Or even better, how about listening to your iPod and having the music automatically pause whenever you get a call on your mobile phone so that you can answer the call without removing your headphones? Wi-Gear’s iMuff Wireless Headphones will give you both of these features for iPods (and iPhones) that have a universal dock connector.

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CallPod ChargePod Multidevice Charging System

The ChargePod
is a customizable system designed to charge up to six devices at one time. The
folks at CallPod have
done a good job of engineering a charging system for the tech-carrying road warrior.
I travel quite extensively for work and regularly forget a power cord or two. The ChargePod
system not only allows you to reduce cable clutter, but puts all your charging
needs in a small, lightweight, organized package.

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Sony Portable Reader System PRS-500

As an avid reader, I’ve long been a fan of e-books. Nothing is quite the same as a paper book, of course, but for convenience it is hard to beat carrying a small library in your pocket. While PDAs are probably the most common e-book reading platforms, there are also a few devices which are dedicated to them. The Sony Reader is one of them, and is the first dedicated e-book reader to appear in mainstream shops. It is also one of the first of a new generation of e-book readers that use “digital ink” displays which attempt to provide a more paper-like viewing experience. Does the Sony Reader do that? Read on to find out.

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Palm Foleo Cancelled!

I just received a shocking email from representatives of Palm. Ed Colligan has just posted to the Palm blog announcing that the company has decided to cancel the Foleo mobile companion in its current configuration: The full text of the blog is included below. “As many of you are aware, we are in the

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AIRcable Host XR Long-range Bluetooth Dongle

A typical Bluetooth device (mobile phone, headphones, keyboard, etc.) is supposed to have a range of approximately 10 meters between it and the computer that it is paired with. For those of us that aren’t into the joys of metric measurements, that’s around 30 feet. The thing is that I’m lucky if I can separate my Treo 680 from my iMac by as much as 15 feet before it is unable to connect. What if you could walk around your entire home with a pair of Bluetooth headphones and not have annoying static and lost connections? What if your Bluetooth range could be boosted from 10 meters to 1 kilometers? That’s 30 feet to .6 miles! Sound crazy? Well the folks at AIRcable claim that their Host XR Bluetooth USB transmitter dongle can do just that. Let’s find out.

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Saddleback Leather Company Briefcase Review

I love leather gear bags. Not the froo-froo kind though. I’m talking about the more rugged style of leather bags. The kind that Indiana Jones might appreciate if he was a real person. The kind of bag that might be able to tell stories if it could talk. The kind of bag that isn’t made on an assembly line, but in a more personal setting. Bags from the Saddleback Leather Company of Texas fit this criteria and according to owner Dave Munson, these are the kind of bags that your grandkids will fight over when you’re dead. Sounds good enough to me, let’s take a closer look…

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