Almeda Time Multiple Vibrating Alarm Watch

Some of our readers might recall that in late 2002, my husband Steve was diagnosed with appendiceal carcinoma, a rare cancer that affects the appendix. The last few months of 2002 and the first months of 2003 involved various rounds of chemotherapy followed by radiation treatments. As a complete novice to the world of cancer, one of the first things that I learned about chemotherapy was that it didn’t just occur in the hours Steve spent hooked to an IV. There were also subsequent chemotherapy and anti-nausea medications that had to be administered at the correct times on particular days. One of Steve’s anti-nausea medications had to be taken every six hours around the clock and without fail, or he would get sick. Since our bedroom’s clock only had two alarm settings, we had to rely upon my PDA’s Calendar alarms to keep up with dosage times. This wasn’t always practical but we made it work, and we eventually got past that stage of his treatment.

Almeda Time Multiple Vibrating Alarm Watch Read More

Macally FM Cup

I am going to sound like a broken record when I say (yet again)
that the thing I enjoy most about iPod ownership is that so many
accessories are custom made to fit this digital music player.
Granted, I bought my 4th generation model right before the latest
incarnation, the iPod Video was introduced, but there are still
plenty of accessory manufacturers making goodies that will fit my
particular iPod. Today I am going to tell you about an iPod
accessory that has quickly become a personal favorite, the Macally
FM Cup.

Macally FM Cup Read More

ColdHeat Freestyle Cordless Glue Gun

Ok, this is going to be one of those reviews that will probably not to appeal to regular ole Joe Geek. Unless Joe Geek also happens to have a crafty side. Today I’m going to tell you about a glue gun. Wait, don’t go away yet! It’s cordless! Yeah, I knew that get you interested… The Freestyle cordless glue gun from ColdHeat is just what you need for those marathon refrigerator magnet making parties.

ColdHeat Freestyle Cordless Glue Gun Read More

Saitek Audio A-350 Wireless Headphones

I have become rather spoiled by the number of wireless headphone
reviews I’ve been doing lately, as not having a cable connecting my
headset to my iPod is definitely a convenience I have learned to
enjoy. Just like every other new convenience there are good and bad
points to explore however, and whether or not this type solution
will appeal to everyone remains to be seen…

Saitek Audio A-350 Wireless Headphones Read More

Mvix MV-5000U Multimedia Player w/ FM

I’m a TV junkie. Even worse is the fact that I’m addicted to reality TV shows.
I don’t like to miss any episodes of such cerebral classics as Survivor, Amazing Race,
American Next Top Model, The Apprentice and way too many others… When I happen to miss
an episode due to a Tivo glitch, power outage or whatever, I have to resort to finding
the missing episode on the net. Once I locate and download the episode, I have to figure out
a way to get it to my 65″ RPTV in the living room.

Mvix MV-5000U Multimedia Player w/ FM Read More

Pimp Pleasure Seeker Watch

It’s such a cliché, but lately it does seem like time is just flying by. 2006
is already half gone, so it has been almost two years since I reviewed the

Pimp Star Performer Watch
, the timepiece from the company with the NSFW*
name. The Star Performer was notable for its flashy LED display extravaganza;
but true LED aficionados probably felt that having numbers and symbols on the
watch’s face was sacrilegious.

Pimp Pleasure Seeker Watch Read More


Are you one of those types of people that obsesses about your weight? Are you always counting calories and reading the nutritional content on the foods you eat, before you take a bite? I’ll admit that I share some of those traits. I don’t obsess about my weight, but I religiously check labels before buying food. I was diagnosed as being pre-diabetic over a year ago. As a result, I’m very conscience about the carb / sugar content in my food.

BioTrainer Read More

EB Cases eNOVO PPC6700 for the HTC Apache / PPC-6700

I think that many HTC Apache owners would agree that they use their PDA Phone without a headset more often than not. Even though the 6700 is a little brick, it can comfortably be held to the face when talking without making its owner look like a complete tool. For that reason alone, I think

EB Cases eNOVO PPC6700 for the HTC Apache / PPC-6700 Read More