Home and Kitchen

News, reviews and articles about home and kitchen products.

Teastick Gems Loose Tea Infuser Review

I’ve been a tea drinker my whole life. No stinky coffee for me thank you very much! ;o) I was raised on cheap Lipton bagged tea. But as an adult, I discovered loose tea and am always trying new varieties of green, black and white teas. To fix a cup of loose tea, you need some type of infuser that will hold the leaves as they brew. Gamila Company’s Teastick Gem is just such an infuser. Let’s give it a try…

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Logitech WiLife Digital Video Security System Review

I’ve been on the look out for an easy to setup, web accessible video home security system for awhile now. When the folks at Logitech asked if I might be interested in reviewing thier new WiLife Digital Video Security system, I didn’t hesitate to say yes. Especially because this system doesn’t require you to know anything about networking and can to support up to 6 cameras, located both indoor and outdoors. Let’s set it up…

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DYMO DiscPainter Review

Do you save a lot of data to CDs and DVDs? Maybe you like to burn CDs with your own collection of favorite MP3’s for your car,
or archive your vacation pictures for safe keeping. Instead of using stick on labels or a sharpie marker to scribble information on the discs,
how would you like to customize your discs and jewel cases with your own graphics? You can do that with special CDs/DVDs and
the DiscPainter from DYMO. I’ve been a fan of DYMO printing products since my review of their
LabelWriter Twin Turbo stamp and label printer, so
I was very interested to see how well this product would perform. Let’s take a look…

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Garage Laser Parking System Review

I love anything that helps me maximize space in my house especially in those areas where space is somewhat limited, as is the situation in my garage. We essentially have a 2-1/2 car garage but with a full-size sedan and a mini-van plus my tools, kids’ toys and other miscellaneous items space can become sparse rather quickly.

Garage Laser Parking System Review Read More

Grindmaster OPOD Single Serve Hot Beverage Dispenser Review

I did not start drinking coffee until I was in the service and was 19 years old. After a 6-year stint, I’m able to drink anything resembling coffee and probably have drunk things I shouldn’t have. If it is burned at the bottom of steel pot and you add water and re-heat, is it still coffee?

Grindmaster OPOD Single Serve Hot Beverage Dispenser Review Read More

Vtech ip8300 infoPhone Review

Landline phones seem to be slowly going the way of the dinosaur now that people are using their mobile phones and VOIP in their place. Companies that manufacture and sell analog phones are adding new features to make their products more enticing and to bridge the analog to digital gap. The ip8300 infoPhone from Vtech is just such a product. It’s an analog phone with a twist. It connects to your Yahoo! account for instant messaging and more…

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Black & Decker VPX Starter Set Review

We live in a world of convenience and what is more convenient then wireless technology. Now power tools are probably not the first thing to pop into your head when you think of wireless technology, but if you have ever had to unravel an extension cord, navigate it around obstacles then coil it back up, all to complete a five minute job, no wires or cords sounds pretty nice.

Black & Decker VPX Starter Set Review Read More

aXbo Sleepphase Alarm Clock

A couple of years ago, I reviewed the Innovative Sleep Solutions Sleeptracker watch. This watch claimed to wake a person up at the optimal time in his or her sleep cycle, causing the person to awake refreshed and ready to face their day. Unfortunately, the watch didn’t work well for me and I have continued to bury my head under the covers every morning when my evil alarm clock rings. Since that review, I’ve kept an interest in these types of devices and was happy to try again when the folks at aXbo offered their Sleepphase alarm clock for review.

aXbo Sleepphase Alarm Clock Read More

iwave cube Portable Microwave

I don’t know about all of you, but the first thing I do after getting seated on a flight is to open the seat back pocket to find the latest issue of the Skymall catalog. I didn’t change that habit on my last trip when I went out to San Francisco for MacWorld Expo. One of the more interesting items that I saw in the catalog was the tiny iwave cube portable microwave from icube designs. Coincidently, a few days after returning from the trip, I was contacted asking if I might like to review this mini appliance. Of course I said yes. Let’s take a look…

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Ziszor Portable Handheld Paper Shredder

Are you worried about identity theft? Don’t want anyone reading your mail or papers after you’ve trashed them? Then a paper shredder is probably an appliance that you could benefit from owning. The shredder that is the subject of this review isn’t your typical trash can mounted device. This one is a battery operated handheld unit called the Ziszor.

Ziszor Portable Handheld Paper Shredder Read More

Zibra Open It! review

It’s probably no surprise when I tell you that I get a lot of products in the mail each week. With the receiving of these products, comes the task of opening the package that they were shipped in. More often than not, these products come encased in clear plastic sealed containers that defy easy opening. Today I want to show you an easy to use inexpensive tool that can help you open those #$@!@ plastic packages with ease. It’s the Zibra Open It!

Zibra Open It! review Read More

ReSource Power Station Organizer

My guess is your list of personal gadgets rival Julie’s. With your coveted collection, you probably have a charger for each item and an issue with storing the chargers. If you’re like me, you have a countertop full of phones and charges taking up much-needed counter space. Or, you have trouble remembering to charge your phone. Here to streamline the charging of your devices is the Power Station Organizer by ReSource. The nice folks at X-Treme Geek sent one to me to review.

ReSource Power Station Organizer Read More