Health and fitness

News, reviews and articles about health, fitness and sports products and accessories.

Nutrisense real-time glucose analysis system review

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REVIEW – Frequently indulging in a diet full of candy bars, chips, pizza, cake, cookies, etc. will obviously impact your waistline, but have you ever wondered how foods impact other areas of your health, like your blood sugar? I’m sure you’ve heard of diabetes, and how it can wreak havoc on your organs. For many […]

Nutrisense real-time glucose analysis system review Read More

HEYCHY Cute X Mini Massage Gun review – palm-sized percussor pounds pain points pleasantly

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REVIEW – Way back in 2019, I reviewed the Theragun G3Pro percussive massager.  Since then, it has become a regular part of my ache and pain relief process.  I still use it regularly and am glad I have it.  Since we are retired, we travel a lot.  The Theragun never comes with because it is

HEYCHY Cute X Mini Massage Gun review – palm-sized percussor pounds pain points pleasantly Read More

EarBuddy is designed to replace your single use cotton swabs

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CROWDFUNDING NEWS – Do you use cotton swabs to clean accumulated wax or dry the water from your ears after a swim or shower? Instead of buying box after box of disposable cotton swabs, an alternative solution is the EarBuddy. This small reusable ear cleaner is a safe way to remove wax, water, and dirt

EarBuddy is designed to replace your single use cotton swabs Read More

Withings Body Composition Scale review – This scale knows your body better than you do!

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REVIEW – I have been using Withings scales every day to track my weight since I reviewed their first WiFi Body Scale back in 2010 and more recently, the Withings Body Cardio Scale that I reviewed in 2016. I find their scales to be excellent as far as reliability and ease of use. Can I

Withings Body Composition Scale review – This scale knows your body better than you do! Read More

Washwow Cup2 Electrolyzed Water generator cup review – rinse and spit with science

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CROWDFUNDING REVIEW – It’s time to get all science-y folks as today, we’re going to explore the mysteries of electrolyzed water.  Per Wikipedia: Electrolysed water (electrolyzed water, EOW, ECA, electrolyzed oxidizing water, electro-activated water, or electro-chemically activated water solution) is produced by the electrolysis of ordinary tap water containing dissolved sodium chloride. The electrolysis of

Washwow Cup2 Electrolyzed Water generator cup review – rinse and spit with science Read More

The Fitbench Free has all your basic needs covered for a great weight-training workout

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NEWS – The Fitbench Free is a unique workout bench. It allows you to store four sets of dumbells and other equipment right on (or in) the bench. The bench has a soft-closing cushioned top and can be elevated to six different positions to tailor to your workout needs. It also has five steel anchor

The Fitbench Free has all your basic needs covered for a great weight-training workout Read More

freebeat Boom Exercise Bike review – enjoy the ride to better health

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REVIEW – As many of you already know, I am on a bike riding/fitness quest and I have been really committing to riding in the nature preserve near my home whenever I can. However, I quickly realized that I need more exercise and I need to somehow incorporate bike riding into my evenings after I

freebeat Boom Exercise Bike review – enjoy the ride to better health Read More

iReliev Far Infrared Heating Pad review – pain relief by getting “stoned”?

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REVIEW – Getting old sucks.  Everything hurts and you learn to appreciate soft things and warm things much more than you ever realized you would.  Heat is one of those therapies that seem to help with a variety of aches and pains.  That explains why heating pads exist.  Today, we’re going to look at the

iReliev Far Infrared Heating Pad review – pain relief by getting “stoned”? Read More

Lusper Adjustable Weight Bench review – Add to your home gym without breaking the bank

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REVIEW – I’ve had a gym membership in the past, but I’d rather work out in the comfort and privacy of my own home. So I have accumulated a variety of workout gear that includes a Sole Fitness treadmill, a low-end Total Gym, and a collection of hand weights, resistance bands, etc. And now I

Lusper Adjustable Weight Bench review – Add to your home gym without breaking the bank Read More

Bestqool Pro100 red light therapy device review

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REVIEW – I’ve reviewed several red light therapy devices from a laser helmet that claimed to restore thinning hair (it didn’t for me) to an infrared wrap that claimed to help with sore joints (again, it didn’t really help me). So with that track record in mind, why did I agree to review the Bestqool

Bestqool Pro100 red light therapy device review Read More

Calm persistent nausea for nearly 15 continuous days with Reliefband Flex

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NEWS – Let’s face it, nausea sucks.  The feeling in your stomach where you feel like you’re on the verge of vomiting can be debilitating.  According to a recent Reliefband study, nausea in the United States is reaching epidemic proportions.  73% of respondents reported that they experience nausea regularly and for 75% of those people,

Calm persistent nausea for nearly 15 continuous days with Reliefband Flex Read More

SOOCAS Neos 2-in-1 electric toothbrush and electric water flosser review

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CROWDFUNDING REVIEW – Even though I brush my teeth twice a day and floss regularly, I still have problems with build-up behind my lower front teeth due to how they are crowded. This is my trouble spot and where the hygienist always spends the most time torturing, I mean cleaning. That is until I switched

SOOCAS Neos 2-in-1 electric toothbrush and electric water flosser review Read More

Bitvae Water Flosser review – No parsley between YOUR teeth!


REVIEW – Just prior to the The Bitvae Water Flosser coming up for review my dentist told me to start water flossing. What timing! The concept brings back my memories of the original boxy, water flosser my Mom bought. It sat on a wall mount because there were no countertops in our house, just standalone

Bitvae Water Flosser review – No parsley between YOUR teeth! Read More

Merach 950 dual resistance wood rowing machine review – row row row your butt

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REVIEW – I had a cheap rowing machine a few years ago that I really enjoyed – not so much for the product but just because I liked the workout. A few months into using it though, the elastic-based strap snapped while I was rowing, throwing me backward. It was unpleasant, to say the least.

Merach 950 dual resistance wood rowing machine review – row row row your butt Read More

Oclean X Pro Digital Smart Sonic Toothbrush review

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REVIEW – Dental hygiene is an area that I’ve always strived to improve in as an adult so I’m always on the lookout for new gadgets that will assist me with that. That is why the Oclean X Pro Digital Smart Sonic Toothbrush caught my eye. The built-in brush zone tracking really drew me in

Oclean X Pro Digital Smart Sonic Toothbrush review Read More

CardioMood Performance and Health Tracker review – work out when you’re ready!

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REVIEW – Fitness wearables are all the rage, and the accuracy of and amount of data they provide is ever-increasing.  Most of these wearables come in the form of a watch, like those by Apple or Garmin.  But what if you don’t want a big clunky watch on your wrist?  Or, what if you want

CardioMood Performance and Health Tracker review – work out when you’re ready! Read More

Drive away those pesky mosquitos with this $17 ultrasonic wrist band

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NEWS – Spring is almost here, and that means it’s time to start gearing up for all your favorite outdoor hobbies. Whether you’re packing a bag for hiking season or looking over your tackle box before a big fishing trip, make sure to plan for a certain unwelcome guest on all your adventures.  Once the

Drive away those pesky mosquitos with this $17 ultrasonic wrist band Read More

Mindlax sleeping mat review – Catch some high tech ZZZs!

REVIEW – I’ve decided this is the year of wellness and balance. I’m really trying to pull it all together and carve out time for all the stuff I’m supposed to be doing besides raising a kid and making a living, like eating well and getting enough rest. Results have been mixed, but I did

Mindlax sleeping mat review – Catch some high tech ZZZs! Read More