Madsonline Lucille Apple Powerbook/iBook AC Adapter

Power adapters. These bulky bricks are a necessary evil for electronics, even more so for gadget lovers. My gear bag is daily weighed down by several power adapters and when I travel my bag contains at least 5-6 adapters.

Many devices are now able to be charged via USB or Firewire, but on a laptop ports can be a premium. Additionally, many laptops do not charge external devices while in sleep mode.

Madsonline Lucille Apple Powerbook/iBook AC Adapter Read More

Mobius Boston 2006 Trip Report

Updated with Day 2
This year, Microsoft changed things up and decided to hold two Mobius events back to back. The first one was held in Thailand, and the second one here in the US. Typically, the events here in the US have always been held in Seattle, WA., near Microsoft’s Redmond headquarters. But this year they opted for Boston, MA. Lucky for me, I was invited to the Boston event. This meant a short 2hr flight, instead of 4-5 hours to Seattle.

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MyKeyO Keyboard and Organizer

It never seems as if I have enough storage space for all of the
“stuff” that magically gravitates to the limited surface space of
my desk. I’m talking about the type things that I may not need
right now, but that I can’t misplace; things like extra earpieces
or jack adapters for a set of headphones, a stick of lip balm,
loose memory cards, or a pair of earrings I just removed and don’t
want to roll off the side of my desk and under the couch – or
worse, be eaten by my dog.. Since I have a desktop box that also
serves as the base for my monitor, it only seems natural that it
should also function as a catch-all for crap (errrr, things) that
need to be perched somewhere safe until needed. On any given day
there will be a small pile sitting there – the sight of which never
ceases to aggravate me because I really don’t like clutter.

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Judie’s Gear Diary – 2006-09-29

It wasn’t long ago that I took a look at one of the most entertaining Palm and Pocket PC games available, Astraware’s Broken Sword. Alison Barclay has just sent me the latest: “THE MIDLANDS, UK – September 28th, 2006 – Astraware and Revolution Software are excited to announce a special Broken Sword promotion to celebrate

Judie’s Gear Diary – 2006-09-29 Read More

TerraLUX WorkStar60 LED Work Light

Here’s a scenario…You are outside working on something important,
and the traditional hanging shop light which is hooked to your
workspace gets dislodged. It falls, and the hot light bulb inside
the metal protective cage shatters into a million pieces – leaving
you and your project in total darkness. Or perhaps that light
doesn’t get dislodged, but instead the bulb burns out at an
inconvenient time. Or okay, here’s another: what if you need the
light while working on a project in the middle of nowhere, but
there is no outlet anywhere nearby – perhaps not for miles. If you
can picture yourself in any of those situations, then you’ll
appreciate the product I’ll be talking about today, the TerraLUX
WorkStar60 LED Work Light.

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