Maxpedition Proteus Versipack

I have eyed this bag with great interest for the last year or so, and I got one to review from Maxpedition. It is a durable bag with ENORMOUS zippers and not a stitch of Velcro in the whole bag. It can be carried in two ways… by the carry handle on the top or with a waist belt that tucks into a pocket in the back of the bag. The waist belt is difficult to adjust (or maybe because the material is still very stiff from newness), but it’s two inches wide and reasonably comfortable. There is no padding anywhere to be found, and the material is a very stiff, thick-weave ballistic nylon which appears indestructible. I would not put electronics into this bag without putting it into a padded case first. This bag seems best suited for gear to be used in the field… first aid kit, flashlights, multi-tool, or it could make a good pack for someone looking for a toolkit belt-pack. I would not use it for my travel gadget bag due to the lack of padding, but as a geocaching or hiking bag, it would serve quite nicely, as long as you are not carrying too much with you.

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Are you the type of person that prides themselves as always being prepared for any situation? You know the type, they pack 5 pairs of socks and underwear for an overnight trip. They carry a first aid kit in their car, stow extra house keys at work, etc. Well, if you fall into this category, then I think you will be very interested in the FlareSafe flashlight from FlareBrands Limited. What’s that? You say you already carry a flashlight with you? Ok, I knew that… But does your flashlight double as a smoke detector and a distress alarm? I didn’t think so!

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Coast LED Lenser V6 Stainless Steel 6 Chip

I’m really starting to develop a ‘thing’ for flashlights. Not just any old flashlights do it for me though. They have to be both bright and unique. Lucky for me, that Discount LED Lights and Knives sent me several really nice Coast flashlights to review. The one I’m going to introduce to you today is the Coast LED Lenser V6 Stainless Steel 6 Chip (model: LL7732).

Coast LED Lenser V6 Stainless Steel 6 Chip Read More


If you are like me, and victim to the snooze button, then you
should definitely get your hands on a Clocky!
If you haven’t heard
of him, he’s the alarm clock that jumps from your night-stand and
runs around your room, making funny/cute sounds along the way, as
if desperate to get you up. Kind of like a pet. Because you don’t
know where he’ll be, you have to search for him to turn him off and
viola! you wake up in the process.

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Crafty Geeks

One of our readers sent in this picture of a cute handmade iPod Nano cover that their sister-in-law had made. It got me wondering, how many of you out there have created similar covers, cases, etc for your gadgets? I recall back in the early days of PDAs, I had a PSION 3a that I

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