Insignia NS-DVB4G Video MP3 Player

At the end of 2006, I had the opportunity to review 2 digital audio players from Best Buy’s house brand of products: Insignia. I really liked both of these players and was happy when I was asked if I was interested in taking a look at their latest version of the NS-DV video player. Let’s see what has changed…

Insignia NS-DVB4G Video MP3 Player Read More

Plantronics Pulsar 260 Stereo Bluetooth Headset

Does your mobile phone double as your audio player? If so, do you fumble to remove your stereo earbuds when a call comes in through your phone while you’re listening to music? A possible solution to that problem is the Pulsar 260 Stereo Bluetooth Headset from Plantronics. Let’s take a closer look.

Plantronics Pulsar 260 Stereo Bluetooth Headset Read More

Plug Your Guitar Into Your Computer With A Snake

In keeping with this week’s theme of music / audio related reviews, I wanted to tell you about a nifty product for geeky musicians. It’s SoundTech’s LightSnake. At first glance you might dismiss this $40 10ft long cable as a regular old 1/4 inch phono style guitar amplifier cord. Look a little closer and you

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Miranda S-250 Travel Guitar

From an early age, I wanted to learn to play the guitar. I took a few lessons here and there through the years, but for the most part taught myself from books and tapes. I never was a very good player, but that hasn’t stopped my love of the instrument and music. I’ve had several guitars, from electric to acoustic, to even a mini electric that I built myself using a kit. I even had a dial up BBS back in the day completely devoted to TAB (tablature files) that was named CrossRoads BBS.

Miranda S-250 Travel Guitar Read More

PhatWare’s Calligrapher v8.5 – Windows Mobile Utility

This software review is on PhatWare’s CalliGrapher which has to be on the “must-have” list of utilities for any serious PDA junkie’s collection. Setting aside the Casio B.O.S.S. I used only briefly, I consider my first handheld to be the Apple Newton MessagePad. What was the big attraction of the MessagePad device? It was its handwriting-to-text translation, the earliest ancestor of today’s CalliGrapher. The inventors of that software was not Apple but actually some creative Russian programmers and the company they eventually formed called Paragraph International.

PhatWare’s Calligrapher v8.5 – Windows Mobile Utility Read More

Five Ways to Carry Your Nano And Other Equally Exciting Info

I’ve decided (because I can…) that this week’s reviews (after tonight’s) will be music and/or audio and/or sound related. Yay, another theme week like the Bluetooth week ;o) Are we excited yet? And just to get things started on a musical note: If you can’t decide how you would like to carry your 2nd generation

Five Ways to Carry Your Nano And Other Equally Exciting Info Read More

BlackBerry Pearl 8100 Smartphone

It’s hard for me to believe that I’ve not reviewed a
BlackBerry device in over 6 years. The
last device that I reviewed was the
which was an email only device shaped like a pager. Back in 2001, BlackBerry
products did not have telephony capabilities. These devices were for one purpose and one
purpose only: email. Wow, times sure have changed, haven’t they? That’s especially evident with the BlackBerry Pearl 8100 series smartphone. This little beauty sports a quad band GSM radio, a wonderful display and an innovative trackball pointer. Will this phone cause me to put my
Treo 680
and 750
in my
drawer o’ phones
, or will it end up there itself? You will have to keep reading
to find the answer.

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Vaja Motorola Razr V3i i-Volution Leather Suit

For the longest time leather and leather type cases have been designed to protect and carry the phone for the average cell phone user. I’m sure you have seen them out there. The big baggy or clunky looking leather cases designed for cell phones. Those typically cost ~$19.00 and looked like crap. Well the case I’m reviewing today will put your mind at ease and make your Motorola Razr V3i mobile phone look even better with the stylish i-Volution case that Vaja has created.

Vaja Motorola Razr V3i i-Volution Leather Suit Read More

2 Chargers In 1

Whenever I travel, I make it a personal challenge to pack as little as possible, while still including all my most important gear. Usually the things that take up the most space in my carry-on bag are all of the AC adapters that are needed to keep my gadgets running while I’m away from home.

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