Julie’s Gear Diary – 2000-01-21
I’m wanting suggestions on how this website can be improved. What would you like to see? Specific reviews? Let me know. SHARE ON TwitterFacebookPin It
Julie’s Gear Diary – 2000-01-21 Read More
I’m wanting suggestions on how this website can be improved. What would you like to see? Specific reviews? Let me know. SHARE ON TwitterFacebookPin It
Julie’s Gear Diary – 2000-01-21 Read More
Device: Palm V or Palm Vx Connected Organizer What do you do if you’ve upgraded to a Palm V/Vx from a older Palm model and have tons of older accessories like the GoType! keyboard, older modem, hotsync cable, etc.? Well, you have several options. One option is to sell the older accessories and buy new
The onHand PC from Matsucom is a computer / PDA that you wear on your wrist like a watch. Hardware Specs: 16bit-CPU MN10200 128kB-SRAM/2MB-Flash Memory 102×64 pixel LCD display Internal speaker Powered by 2 CR2025 lithium batteries weight .155 lbs The onHand PC comes in two color styles. Clear and black. The plastic casing is
Product Requirements: Device: Handspring Visor, Visor Deluxe and Visor Platinum Let’s face it. The stock plastic cover that comes with the Handspring PDAs is just not for everyone. I don’t like the fact that it is loose when not in use. And it has a host of other problems. But if a loose screen cover
InnoPocket Smart Cover-review Read More
For almost 3 months now, I have been in love with my green Handspring Visor Deluxe! Note to my wife…I love you….also! 🙂 But if you have one of these new PDAs, you better think about replacing the stylus. Because the one that it comes with is not any better than the toothpick that came
PDA Panache Custom Visor Stylus Review Read More
Program Requirements: Device: PalmV/Vx 1.3M free RAM The OmniSky package is the first wireless modem designed for the Palm V and Palm Vx. Even though I’ve never been particularly fond of the III series form factor, nor the 2mb memory limit, I’ve been jealous of the wireless access afforded by the Palm VII. The OmniSky
Omnisky Wireless Modem Review Read More
The Convertible by RoadMate is a one piece protective screen cover with an integrated stand. It is compatible with both the PalmPilot (including 2meg upgrade with IR), and Palm III. It is made of a flexible injection molded plastic and comes in several solid colors including red, yellow, teal, blue, black. It also comes in
Program Requirements: Device: Most serial PDAs Desktop: Windows 98 or Macintosh computer with a USB port 1.9 Meg for Windows, 288k for Mac What’s the biggest hassle when it comes to electronic gizmos like PDAs? Trying to find a free COM port on your PC to hook it to! Keyspan has come to the rescue
Keyspan USB PDA Adapter Review Read More
The PDA Prop is a desk stand accessory for PDAs that are no more than 3.25″ wide. I tested the PDA Prop with a Palm V, Palm III, Visor and Casio E-100 for this review. The PDA Prop is made of plastic and comes in a several different finishes: Aluminum, Dark Burl, Light Burl, and
I hope everyone had a great Christmas and recieved all kinds of gadgets and gizmos! I got a 96mb CF card for my Casio E-100. Wowza, that’s a lot of storage space! Have a great New Years! SHARE ON TwitterFacebookPin It
Julie’s Gear Diary – 1999-12-29 Read More
Windows CE is a lite version of Windows 95/98. But the Windows interface (GUI) on a Palm-size PC just doesn’t work well. To start your programs, you have to navigate that annoying Start menu which is tedious and time consuming. Wouldn’t it be much quicker and easier if you could just tap on an icon?
Palm-size PC Desktop Replacement Comparison Review Read More
You’ve heard the saying, “If I were stranded on a desert island and could only have one book, I’d want it to be the Bible”. And what about when you travel and have to carry it with you? Bibles are heavy! Well, not any more. Thanks to Laridian Electronic Publishing, you can carry your Bible
Program Requirements: Device: Palm OS PDA 23 K free RAM Desktop: Windows 95/98 or NT I’m a couch potato and have never denied it. Ever since Couch Fire for the Newton came out, I wanted a version of it for my Palm OS PDA. Now there’s What’s On by Zookware. This is a nifty little
Windows CE is a lite version of Windows 95/98. But the Windows interface (GUI) on a Palm-size PC just doesn’t work well. To start your programs, you have to navigate that annoying Start menu which is tedious and time consuming. Wouldn’t it be much quicker and easier if you could just tap on an icon?
Palm-size PC Desktop Replacement Comparison Review Read More
The Slipper C100 case by E&B Cases is a leather play through case for the Casio E-100 / 105 Palm-size PC. It comes in both a belt clip and non-belt clip version. I’ll be reviewing the non-belt clip version. The case has a stiffened cover that has 2 card slots. One is longer and the
E&B Casio E-100/105 Slipper Case Review Read More
The Ondata Palm V case arrived on my doorstep direct from Italy. It came wrapped in blue fabric inside a gray box. The moment I saw it, all I could think of was “Wow”. You could tell this wasn’t an ordinary PDA case, this one came with a certificate of authenticity that was hand signed
Ondata Palm V Case Review Read More
Program Requirements: Device: Windows CE 2.0 or later for HPCs, Windows CE 2.11 or later for HPC/Pro or Palm-size PCs 300 K free RAM minimum – 1.5MB Maximum Desktop: Windows 95/98 or NT 4.0 Have you ever dreamed of writing programs for your Windows CE device but were afraid of the learning curve and expense
So you or a friend has just purchased the Handspring Visor, and now it’s time to look into Springboard modules. But, what do you do if you are on a low budget? Well, we at the Gadgeteer have just developed a line of handy and useful Springboard modules that are just for the new PDA
Low Budget Springboard Modules Review Read More
MarWare has a new line of Neoprene cases called the SportSuit. These cases are compatible with various PDAs and come in a variety of sizes and colors. SportSuit The SportSuit is a book style zippered case that can be used either as a play through case, slip case, or belt case. It comes in several
Marware SportSuit Cases Review Read More
With the holiday season upon us, look out for a quick flurry of reviews in the next week. They might help you with gift ideas for your favorite gadget freak! SHARE ON TwitterFacebookPin It
Julie’s Gear Diary – 1999-12-02 Read More