Personality Pack Palm m505 Screen Cover Review

Product Requirements: Device: Palm m505 Parallel Designs have a new version of their unique and popular flip cover Personality Pack. Originally for the Palm V/Vx, this new version has been created specially for the Palm m505 (sorry, it will not fit the m500) and comes in 6 color styles: Sapphire, Sapphire Ice, Diamond, Carbon, Graphite

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Krusell Handit PDA Cases Review

Product Requirements: Device: A variety of PDAs. Check their website. Swedish case manufacturer Krusell has been in existence since 1991. They’ve recently come out with their Handit line of PDA cases that include a unique belt-clip system called Multidapt. They have cases available for quite a few different PDAs including the Compaq iPAQ, Palm m500,

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It’s Like Being There – Video Phones Article

  Video phoning is the communication tool of the future. The opportunity to speak, listen and see the caller onscreen is right out of a science fiction movie. With the current models available, the future is here. Situation: You’re here, they (friends, family, business associates, etc) are out there. You can keep in touch by

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