
Fujitsu ScanSnap S1100 Portable Color Scanner Review

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The ScanSnap Color Scanner from Fujitsu is one of those products that surprised me when I first used it. It surprised me because it works so well. The scanning was surprisingly fast and the scanned images were a perfect copy.  I had to stop myself from scanning any picture and document I could get my

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VuPoint Magic Wand Scanner Review

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I have an e-book reader I’m finding that I want to put everything that I have that is on paper into the device: books, magazine articles, users/owners manuals, cheat-sheets, blah, blah and blah.  But after spending several hours scanning an out-of-print book that was falling apart using my standard Epson desktop scanner a few weeks

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What a Difference 300 Years Make


If you’ve decided that your e-book reader is your new body part, you may have stumbled upon some of the DIY book-scanner forums or sites such as  While the designs presented on the internet are intriguing, they are not always practical for klutzes.  Ahem. So I was equally intrigued by this, the VuPoint Solutions

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Pandigital Photolink One-Touch Scans Your Snapshots


The Photolink One-Touch from Pandigital might be an easy way for people to quickly archive old family snapshots without needing a computer. It’s a 600 DPI scanner that can handle up to 5 x 7 inch images and saves the files to a memory card using its built-in 5-in-1 card reader. The price is nice

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Scanning Digital Picture Frame from Hammacher Schlemmer

scanning digital picture frame

The Scanning Digital Picture Frame from Hammacher Schlemmer offers a wealth of options for $199.95  It has an 8″ TFT LCD screen with 800 X 600 resolution, and it has 1 GB of internal storage to store up to 3000 images.  It has a 300 dpi scanner built-in to make adding pictures easy.  You can display pictures, play

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Planon introduces DocuPen Xtreme X-Series line of scanning pens

Planon has updated their DocuPen scanners with the new X-Series line, which improves upon the DocuPen RC800 scanner that I reviewed 2 years ago. They are now able to support image resolutions of up to 600 dpi (up to 1,200 dpi for the X50) and feature a 200 MHz internal processor and 64MB Fast SDRAM

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Epson WorkForce 610 Printer Review

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We’re a three laptop/one printer household.  Our printer/scanner/copier is several years old now, and it still works well – except for one thing.  It’s not wireless, and it’s stored in a cabinet with no desk space around it.  Printing requires connecting the laptop to the usb cable, balancing the laptop in one arm while getting

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Keyboard + Scanner = KeyScan


The KeyScan KS810-Plus Imaging Keyboard is a desktop keyboard with a built in scanner that can scan a full A4 size page in 5 seconds for grey scale or 15 seconds for color. It’s capable of scanning documents in sizes of 2×3” to 8.5×30”, including plastic cards and drivers licenses that are 3.5×2.5” up to

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Scan your old 35mm photo negatives to an SD card

imagelab scanner

I don’t have very many 35mm negatives, but I know that my Dad has a lot of them. I’d love to get copies of all the old family snapshots from my childhood. The ImageLab FS-5T12 12 MegaPixel slide and negative scanner looks like a great solution. It can scan up to 2575 x 1932 pixels

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