Outdoor Gear

News, reviews and articles about outdoor gear and accessories.

Combar is an multi-tool axe for your outdoor adventures

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NEWS – When most people think of multi-tools, they think of pocket-sized Leatherman multi-tools that unfold into a pair of pliers with fold-out blades, files, etc in their handles. Those tools are great for small jobs, but when you’re outdoors camping or working, you might want a heavy duty multi-tool like the Combar axe multi-tool

Combar is an multi-tool axe for your outdoor adventures Read More

Gerber’s Doubledown looks like a butterfly knife, but it’s 15 inches long!

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NEWS – I know that you’ve seen butterfly-style pocket knives before, but I bet you haven’t seen one as big as this one. New for 2020, the Doubledown from Gerber is a unique spin on a machete-style knife. It features two folding handles and when fully opened, the Doubledown is 15.1 inches long and looks

Gerber’s Doubledown looks like a butterfly knife, but it’s 15 inches long! Read More

Greenworks Pro 60V 20-inch Cordless Electric Snow Blower review

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REVIEW – I’m one of those weird people that loves winter and snow. But, like everyone else, I hate shoveling the white stuff after it falls. In my youth, I looked at it as a good cardio workout, but as I’ve gotten older, it’s just become a literal pain in my back. So when I

Greenworks Pro 60V 20-inch Cordless Electric Snow Blower review Read More

This multi-tool won’t fit in your pocket but it may make your next hike more epic


NEWS – Multi-tools traditionally fit in your pocket, but the Zubin Axe Survival Stick is a little different. This multi-tool is modular and features 7 different tools that fit on the end of two-piece 52 inch aluminum walking stick. Made in the USA of the highest quality materials, the tools include an axe, compass, fishing

This multi-tool won’t fit in your pocket but it may make your next hike more epic Read More

Tools that will keep your yard tidy without using gasoline


NEWS – LiTHELi (pronounced līte-lē) offers a line of powerful, eco-friendly yard tools that are perfect for avid gardeners, homeowners, or handymen and women. LiTHELi’s selection of yard tools are cordless and gas-free which makes them easier and cleaner to use than traditional gasoline-powered tools. LiTHELi offers a full line of outdoor tools that include

Tools that will keep your yard tidy without using gasoline Read More

LIFESABER is a multi-tool for the outdoor Jedi


CROWDFUNDING NEWS – Can you believe that I’ve NEVER been camping – EVER? Well, there was that one time when I was probably 7-8yrs old and our neighbors put up a tent between our yards and invited us to sleep in it one night. My 5yr old sister started crying within 15mins and that was

LIFESABER is a multi-tool for the outdoor Jedi Read More

WORX 40V Hydroshot Power Share portable power cleaner review

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REVIEW – Have you ever needed to wash your car or the outside of your house but don’t have access to an outdoor water spigot? The WORX 40V Hydroshot Power Share portable power cleaner can solve that problem by letting you take a sprayer and water right to where you need it. Let’s take a

WORX 40V Hydroshot Power Share portable power cleaner review Read More

WORX 20″ 3-in-1 cordless lawnmower review

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REVIEW – The last couple of springs I’ve been researching cordless electric lawnmowers because my trusty gas-powered model seemed to be on its last legs. Well, this spring it finally died. As luck would have it, I received a review offer for the WORX 20″ cordless lawnmower. Needless to say, I was very excited to

WORX 20″ 3-in-1 cordless lawnmower review Read More

EGO 21″ Self-Propelled Peak Power electric lawn mower review

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REVIEW – Since EGO sent me their Power+ 530 CFM blower, I’ve become a fan of EGO and more importantly, an advocate for clean battery-powered lawn equipment. I’m no tree hugger, but I do appreciate the advantages of yard tools that use no gas, have no fumes and are even quieter! You don’t appreciate the

EGO 21″ Self-Propelled Peak Power electric lawn mower review Read More

This swimsuit will definitely get you noticed

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NEWS – If you’re tired of the same old bathing suit and want to turn some heads on your next beach visit, this one-piece women’s longsleeved swimsuit from Thenice will do the trick. Made of 89% polyester and 11% spandex, it features a realistic print of anatomically correct organs so it’s weird and educational at

This swimsuit will definitely get you noticed Read More