Air Filtration

Provirtec ClearBreathe Smart Air Purifier review

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REVIEW – Because indoor air is often dirtier than outdoor air, I’ve been searching for air purifiers for our home. The Gadgeteer was offered the Provirtec ClearBreathe Smart Air Purifier to review and I got the chance to do so. I have another air purifier I reviewed and like really well – it’s the Airthings […]

Provirtec ClearBreathe Smart Air Purifier review Read More

SwitchBot Air Cleaner Table review – Capable, clean, charger, colorful, cool!

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REVIEW –  The EPA states (here) that most home heating and cooling systems don’t mechanically provide ventilation from outside. In places where it’s impractical or downright foolish to keep windows open, a filter like SwitchBot’s Air Purifier Table is a breath of fresh air. Let’s have a closer look! What is it? The SwitchBot Air

SwitchBot Air Cleaner Table review – Capable, clean, charger, colorful, cool! Read More

AirGradient ONE air quality sensor review – I can breathe easier now!

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REVIEW – I own a small 3D printing business and run my printers 16 to 18 hours daily. I’ve wanted to get an air quality monitor for a while, but never got around to it. When the AirGradient ONE Air Quality Monitor review item came around, I knew this was the time to do it.

AirGradient ONE air quality sensor review – I can breathe easier now! Read More

Membrane Solutions MS601 Extra Large Room Air Purifier For Allergen Remover review

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REVIEW – I have suffered from severe allergies for years, and my kids seem to have inherited the condition from me. Over the years we have found that t a good air purifier can be beneficial to lessen our allergic reactions. The reactions are usually from uncontrollable environmental pollution and sometimes from the spices we

Membrane Solutions MS601 Extra Large Room Air Purifier For Allergen Remover review Read More

mosslab Moss Air humidifier air purifier review – air purification with actual moss?

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REVIEW – We’ve reviewed eleventy billion air purifiers and humidifiers here on The Gadgeteer, but we’ve never (until now) reviewed one that uses actual moss to make air cleaner. Yes, moss. The stuff that grows in the woods. Crazy? Let’s find out. What is it? The mosslab Moss Air is a small humidifier/air purifier that

mosslab Moss Air humidifier air purifier review – air purification with actual moss? Read More

PurO²xygen P500i HEPA Air Purifier review – Are you ready for summer smoke and pollen?

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REVIEW — In March 2023, northwesterly winds pushed Canadian wildfire smoke into my corner of the world. It was an eye-watering, cough-inducing house party reminiscent of the COVID quarantine days. It was no fun and downright dangerous for people with breathing and allergy issues. How can we stifle the smoke? Give the PurO²xygen P500i HEPA

PurO²xygen P500i HEPA Air Purifier review – Are you ready for summer smoke and pollen? Read More

AiDot WELOV P200 Pro air purifier review – A great way to clear the air

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REVIEW – Clearing the air is always a healthy thing to do, in this case quite literally. The AiDot WELOV P200 Air Purifier looked like a nice addition to my home, so let’s see how it did! What is it? The AiDot WELOV P200 Air Purifier is a Matter-certified air purifier. More on what it

AiDot WELOV P200 Pro air purifier review – A great way to clear the air Read More

Rabbit Air Artist Design Series air purifier review – a side of art with your purified air

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REVIEW – I’ve reviewed and purchased air filters for nearly every room in our house since we live in a place that has occasional spikes of horrendous air pollution (most of the year our mountain valley is fairly clear but in certain winter conditions air becomes trapped in an inversion and pollution concentrates to frightful

Rabbit Air Artist Design Series air purifier review – a side of art with your purified air Read More

LG’s new PuriCare air purifier does more than just clean the air

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NEWS – Air purifiers are great for keeping the air inside our homes healthy and fresh, but can we all agree that they are mostly unattractive and take up too much space? LG is changing this with its new PuriCare AeroFurniture line of air purifiers. These 360º HEPA filter air purifiers are designed to do

LG’s new PuriCare air purifier does more than just clean the air Read More

Iris Woozoo APF-45 Air Purifier with H13 True HEPA filter review –  Alleviates allergies and cleans crud from atmospheric ambient air

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REVIEW – With winter approaching, ‘tis, the season of closed windows, allergies, and recirculated air. The Iris USA Woozoo APF-45 Air Purifier cleans the crud out of the air so it doesn’t end up in your lungs. What is it? The Iris USA Woozoo APF-45 is a true HEPA system that draws air through a

Iris Woozoo APF-45 Air Purifier with H13 True HEPA filter review –  Alleviates allergies and cleans crud from atmospheric ambient air Read More

Morento HY4866 air purifier review – Remove that nasty stuff from the air before it gets into your lungs!

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REVIEW – If you live anywhere in the northeast, you probably experienced the eye-watering, cough-inducing, headache-causing wildfire smoke this summer. Some days were brutal, and even worse for people with health issues, like my brother-in-law. Hoping to help, I jumped at the opportunity to have a look at Morento’s HY4866 air purifier. What is it?

Morento HY4866 air purifier review – Remove that nasty stuff from the air before it gets into your lungs! Read More

WELOV P200s and P100 air purifiers review – Just what I’ve been looking for

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REVIEW – Between my wife’s asthma and my 3D printing and laser engraving, our house needs a fair amount of air filtration. WELOV offered to send me a couple of their air purifiers, so I gladly took them up on the offer. What is it? The WELOV P200s and P100 air purifiers are HEPA air

WELOV P200s and P100 air purifiers review – Just what I’ve been looking for Read More

Deal of the day – Save on my personal favorite brand of air purifiers!

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DEAL NEWS – Today I have deals for my personal favorite brand of air purifiers – Airdog. Right now, all of their air purifiers are discounted by up to 20% to help with the poor air quality conditions brought on by smoke from the current Canadian wildfires. But no matter where you are living right

Deal of the day – Save on my personal favorite brand of air purifiers! Read More

Brio air purifier review – Big air cleaning for big rooms

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REVIEW – We have air purifiers running in nearly every room in our house, but it’s not because we’re paranoid. Rather, we have several genuine reasons to use caution: We live in a state (Utah) that has some of the planet’s highest small-particle pollution in the winter (due to inversions where smog is trapped in

Brio air purifier review – Big air cleaning for big rooms Read More

Briiv Air Purifier review – Beautiful with a flawed app


REVIEW – Does air purifier conjure up images of white or beige rectangular appliances? For those of us dealing with allergies, the form takes a back seat to function. What if I told you that doesn’t have to be the case? Briiv may not be a name you recognize, but you’d be hard-pressed to forget what

Briiv Air Purifier review – Beautiful with a flawed app Read More

This $59 air purifier doesn’t need a filter to fight bad smells

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NEWS – Whether it’s your pet doing their morning business or the trash you forgot to take out, sometimes bad smells just happen. You could bust out the trusty air freshener, but that just covers up the problem, and it might even make your air quality worse. Instead, you could try an air purifier and

This $59 air purifier doesn’t need a filter to fight bad smells Read More