Griffin Technology iTalk iPod Voice Recorder Review

Product Requirements: Device: 3rd Generation iPod with Dock connector Apple’s super popular iPod is the only digital music player on the market that I know of, that has spawned not only a huge fan base, but also a profusion of accessories. As a person that has owned a 3rd generation 30gb unit for over a […]

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Judie’s Gear Diary – 2004-06-05

Games like this make me almost wish that I had a Pocket PC again…PDAMill has released their alpha version 0.2 demo for Flux Challenge, their upcoming 3D racing game. According to their site: “This unique racer revolves around a world of magnetic-levitation tunnels. While originally designed for mass transportation, it soon spawned many underground ship-racing

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PCTEL WiFi Seeker Review

About a year ago, I reviewed the first of the stand-alone WiFi detection devices to hit the market, the Kensington WiFi Finder, a neat little (3” long) product whose main drawback was that it didn’t work.  Subsequently, I found (on, of course!) the Smart ID WiFi Detector, a somewhat larger (4”x2.25”x.625”) and clunkier (1.82

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Innopocket O2-XDA II Metal Deluxe Case Review

Product Requirements: Device: O2-XDA II, Qtek 2020, Orange M100 How does one reconcile a technolust for the top gadgets (often the most fragile and expensive) with an active lifestyle in rugged conditions?  Innopocket hopes to provide the answer to this thorny question.  I tend to embody the worst of the two in the above dilemma. 

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