Jetart Technology NP4000 Portable XCool Notebook Cooler Review

Product Requirements: Laptop computer with a USB port or a power outlet for charging As I have mentioned in previous reviews, laptop computers tend to get hot when they are left running for any amount of time. Not all laptops are built with sufficient cooling for their CPUs, especially when the laptop is always on

Jetart Technology NP4000 Portable XCool Notebook Cooler Review Read More

Extreme Limit Sony CLIE TH55 Body-Suit Review

Product Requirements: Device: Sony CLIE TH-55 Following closely on the heals of the Metal & Leather Suit from Extreme Limit of Japan, comes their Body-Suit case. Available in finely grained quality black Italian leather with matching black stitching, this book style case has plenty of storage and play-through access. Like most cases that are currently

Extreme Limit Sony CLIE TH55 Body-Suit Review Read More

Vaja #SO81 Sony CLIE TH-55 Custom Case Review

Product Requirements: Device: Sony CLIE TH-55 Even though Sony is bowing out of the PDA arena, that doesn’t mean accessory manufactures have to follow suit and abandon the CLIE line of PDAs. In fact, my favorite PDA case manufacturer Vaja has just released a new leather case for the newest and unfortunately last CLIE model:

Vaja #SO81 Sony CLIE TH-55 Custom Case Review Read More

WindChaser Portable Ice Maker Review

Product Requirements: Adequate countertop space, a 120v outlet and water Update added 03/10/05: Please read the comments section linked to this review. Many consumers are reporting that this item works well for the first couple of months, and then will die after approx. 90 days. Frontgate is one of the catalogs that I enjoy perusing.

WindChaser Portable Ice Maker Review Read More

Motorola V400/V500 Mobile Phone Review

I had a lot of trepidation regarding the Motorola V500, the first time I saw it. Maybe it was the darkening Singapore shopping mall around me, at half-past closing time. Maybe it was the pushy sales clerk who alternately badgered and begged me to hand over my money. Maybe it was because I’d never heard

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Brando Workshop Ultra Clear Protector Plus Screen Protector

Product Requirements: Any of the PDAs, Cell Phones or Digital Cameras listed here Most of you know by now that my favorite protectors are the ultra clear ones – the type that look and feel like a naked PDA’s screen when installed. One of Julie’s and my favorite vendors, Brando Workshop, has recently come out

Brando Workshop Ultra Clear Protector Plus Screen Protector Read More