Spotlight Gadget: Pogo Sketch

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Remember the review I wrote recently of the Pogo Stylus for the iPhone? Ten One Design’s latest creation is the Pogo Sketch. It appears to be longer than their stylus and is being marketed for use for both the iPhone and multi-touch Macbooks. You can use the Sketch to…ummm… sketch things on the Macbook trackpad.

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SplashData’s SplashWallet – Palm OS Utility Review

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[Memo to self: Next year, review good software for the holidays before the holidays.] SplashData’s SplashWallet makes a great gift AND a great tool for the holidays… which would have been a more useful realization if I had it about a month earlier! Check out part 1 of my 2 part review… SHARE ON TwitterFacebookPin

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ShowerPets Starfish Water and Temperature Monitor Review

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Like several gadgets that I have reviewed, I am often attracted to products originally designed for children. Many children’s gadgets are brightly colored and are simply designed which makes them visually appealing. The ShowerPets Starfish Water and Temperature monitor naturally fits into these categories, Plus… SHARE ON TwitterFacebookPin It

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